A Hopeful Escape

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Alexa POV

We all froze, the figure before us was Bex, looking exhausted and beaten. There was a long gash down from the right side of her forehead to the side of her lip, the blood had dried over. Her clothes were in tatters, the socks she had on were caked in dried blood and ripped, her blazer was missing, and the was a rip down the seam under her left arm. In her shaky hand she held a gun, not one of ours, one of the Circles.

"Bex." Cammie went to hug her friend but she pushed her away.

"Liz and the others, remember." Bex's face showed no emotion.

"She's right Cammie." I said when Cammie looked wounded. She blinked and snapped out of it, pushing through the door.

"How are we going to do this?" She asked Bex.

"I say shoot on sight." Said Seth. I angrily shook my head.

"No, if we have to, aim for the arms, the legs, NOTHING fatal. You go that?" Zach ordered us. No one objected, not even Seth.

"Alexa, Cammie, stick together." Macey said as we passed the lamp post that I made the mistake of letting that man go, the van was just insight, everything looked normal.

"Why?" Bex whispered, we were whispering now, as we got closer.

"The Circle wants them both for some reason." Macey replied, staring dead ahead. I was alert, noticing every sound, every footstep we took, I could even hear people breathing. Seth moved closer to me.

"I'll cover you." He said, like I needed it, but I nodded anyway, there was no time for an argument.

Zach motioned that he would head to the van first, check it was safe. He was bait basically, we were all quiet, so Cammie couldn't object, but she looked like she wanted to.

Zach made his way soundlessly to the van, his gun gripped tight in his hand. I held my breath. Seconds ticked by, nothing.

Then a gun shot sounded and Seth pulled me behind him. Almost 10 people dived out of the bushes, dressed in black and wearing masks so we couldn't see there faces. Seth drew his gun and so did I, we all did.

I hated fighting. Zach got in the van and I could tell by his face in the dim street light that the others weren't in there. It was all for nothing.

"Zach!" I yelled, he ducked just in time, the man yelped back from where he punched the van door. I took my chance and shot him in the left leg twice. Another guy knocked Bex to the floor and was wrestling her, I aimed and shot, but the gun just made a hollow clicking sound. Damn it! I turned to a man that was charging for Cammie and threw it at his head before running to help Bex, not looking to see if it hit it's target.

"Your dead girl." I could hear him hiss at Bex. I ran slower, reaching to grab his shirt collar, once I'd got hold of it I rolled to the floor, falling on top of him. He lashed at my with a knife. I felt it go into the flesh of my upper arm. I pulled the knife out and drove it down into his shoulder, then his thigh, that must hurt.

"Alexa!" It was Cammie, she pulled me to my feet and went slightly pale at the sight of my upper arm, my vision was going blurry.

"There's to many." I looked around, we were loosing. "Till we can regroup with the rest of the school we have to go back, find a safe house or something-" She put her finger to her lips.

"Hold that thought." Turn, bang, bang, 2 men fell to the floor in pain, none of them were women. "Okay." She seemed out of breath.

"Do you know a safe house?" I asked. It was Bex that answered, she joined with us, cursing at her gun.

"Joe's house, that probably where the others will have gone. Townsend must have known how risky it would be to try and take the van." She said, shaking her gun.

"How much you got left?" I asked, worried.

"2 bullets, why?" She said, I took the gun and ran to the van.

The other 2 followed, confused. "We have to go." I said, looking to Seth, Macey and Zach, getting beaten out there.

"I'll get them." Bex offered. Cammie and I exchanged glances.

"We'll get the van warm." Cammie agreed, checking her own gun. "I've got 3."

"That makes 4." I said.

"4?" They asked.

I turned and shot the man who was attacking Macey. "4." I repeated. Bex ran to get the other 3. There was blood on the floor around us, and bodies, I didn't have time to see if any were dead. I got in the van with Cammie and she took the wheel. I then checked my arm, it hadn't gone all the way through, just partly, enough the expose the bone and various other parts like the muscle. Cammie tore her shirt and tightened it around my arm without another word. We could hear people piling in the back of the van. No one moved.

"Drive damn it!" Seth pounded on the part between us. Cammie started the engines just as the van's back door shut. At this rate we would be home free, if we could avoid anymore accidents along the way.

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