Life Is Hard

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Seth POV

Stupid. It was all just stupid. I couldn't believe how bad my luck was, first, Alexa takes us to see her old boyfriend, scrawny little so and so. And then, oh and then, I get caught breaking into his house and I have to run away. Typical.

It reminded me of my time when I first arrived in Blackthorne, if you saw me then I'd be unrecognisable, I was small and boney and I hadn't really ground into myself yet, but I was quick. One day a couple of the older boys decided it would be fun to break into a house a few miles away from the school and dump my stuff in there just to see if I could go get them back without being caught.

I got them back at least, but I got caught climbing into the top floor window, the daughters bedroom and I was in so much trouble. They had hidden my belongings under the bed and not told me it was a girls room, and then of course I spend a few days without food and was worked extra hard on the field running laps whatever the weather and doing push ups elbow deep in mud, which dried on my arms and was a nightmare to get off.

I thought about that as I jogged to the other side of town to find the god damn storage unit. Stopping for a quick breath and to check my tail I leaned back again the nearest garden fence. I looked down at my hands, bloody from climbing down that tree so fast, I only just managed to grab hold of a middle branch to slow my fall, but it was quite thin so it bent and I slid down it. With a sigh I attempted to pull bits of branch out of my cuts, I winced in pain as I removed a couple. This was pointless and time consuming, I had to make sure the police didn't drive by and see me.

There was a small petrol station about a road or two away I noticed, I could ask for directions there. I checked one more to see if I had a tail, which I didn't, unless a large angry looking black cat counted, it hissed at me as I turned away and began to walk away, cramming my hands into my pockets.

The walk was quick and I arrived about a minute later. Entering the shop through the automatic door I quickly skimmed the shelves for bandages or plasters, there was a couple of bandages so I grabbed both of them before heading to the till.

There was one other person in there, a man, maybe about 34 with dark blonde hair and deep eyes, he stared at me as I went to the counter. The person at the till was a thin woman, her died purple hair tied tightly back and he blue eyes looked alert.

"Can I help you?" She asked in an Australian accent, I could see the gum in her mouth as she talked.

"These please." I put the bandages on the counter and pulled a five dollar bill out of my jacket pocket, hoping she wouldn't notice the blood.

She cashed them in and I paid her, putting the bandages into my pockets. "Anything else?" She sounded bored, too bored, like it was an act.

"Can you point me in the direction of the storage unit, I seem to be lost?" It was worth a shot, even if she was working for the Circle. The other guy in the shop walked behind me in the queue, not good. I tensed and readied for a fight as he tapped me on the shoulder.

"It's down the end of the road, if you turn right you'll see a pharmacy, turn left the road straight after that and carry on down, you shouldn't miss it, that's the quickest route." He said, walking past me to pay for the coke and sandwiches he was holding. I smiled.

"Thanks." I waved and walked quickly out, laughing at myself for being so paranoid and stupid. When I was just at the end of the petrol tanks I heard a gun shot from in the shop and a man cry out. I didn't look back as I ran as fast as I could.

The storage unit was in my sights, right where I needed to go. But also right where the Circle of Cavan would expect, so I turned right at the pharmacy instead, hoping for a long way around like the man in the shop hinted to. Thinking about him made me feel guilty, I should have gone back to see if he was okay. I guess I would have gone back if I was with the others, I always felt like I had to some how prove myself, despite all I've done so far, especially to Alexa. It was crazy really, that I was so selfish on my own, but I couldn't help it, hearing that gunshot brought back too many memories...

There was an empty park the way I headed, all the children were at school. So I jumped over the fence, not bothering to find the gate, and jogged to the old tire tunnel on the far side, it would provide a place to hide at least.

Sitting down at an awkward angle to make sure I didn't hit my head I pulled the bandages out of my pockets and put one on each hand, trying to mask my pain and then realising I was alone.

The cut on my left hand was quite deep and was almost definitely scar, just one more to add to my collection.

I didn't know how long I'd have to wait here, but judging by the position of the sun in the sky, I'd have guessed school was out in two or three hours, it would be a long wait.

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