Revenge Is Coming

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Weeks Passed ,The Boys Decided To Do Home school to help there mom out. Nolen havent told his mom about what he recieved in the mail but he was watching his Brothers & making sure they were safe. Jasmine is now 3 months pregnant Chresanto is helping her out through the pregnancy, him & pai are together. Dominick & Cierra are happy together too even though he is being home schooled he still plays football his big game is coming soon. There mom started to loose her hair lil by lil she is in a wheel chair now.

@ Home , Nolens P.O.V

"Mom i gotta tell you something"

"What is it baby"- she sed

"This" i grabbed the letter from inbetween the couch & gave it to her "its dad"...

She was shocked .. "how he found us" - she asked

"Idk mom ... his coming out soon though"

"Omg i can just imagen wat he could do to us" she sed while crying

"Dont worry mom that nigga is not going to touch nun of us at all ill kill him fr this time , roc didnt kill him but i would"

"Baby dont say thay please"she rubbed my face cleaning my tears

"I have to mom if he touches any one of my brother istg im killing him"

John's P.O.V ~ The dad

"Im finally free, time to go get my girl & my boy" smirkibg evily

I went to my old house seeing it was abandded i broke in to see patches of dry blood on the floor


"Chresanto is not your son his my son"- Joseph sed to me while coughing up blood

"Oh really?"- i loaded the gun pointing at him "any last words brother"

"Fuck you" boom shot to the head

Maria is going regret it , i walked out the house throwing the gun at him & spitting on him idgaf if they get me or not i walked to the car & drove to my house i walked in & Maria was in the kitchen feeding the boy i went & yanked her by her hair dragging her to the living

"WHY DID YOU DO IT!!!!"- i yelled

"Did wat"- she sed crying


I started beating her she yelled & cried begging me to stop but i didnt her nose started to bleed i felt lil hands hitting me i turned & seen it was Nolen i started beating him to Lucas yelled at me i blanked out grabbed him by his ear & began to beat him too , Maria jumped on my back hitting me telling me to stop beating her babies i dragged her off & started beating her again after seconds Chresanto took dominick & ran to the basement i pulled out my pocket knife & was cutting Maria up her arms & legs. Nolen layed there out cold then lucas jumped in & i started cutting him too. Maria hitted me with a bass & i slapped her once last time before going to the basement. I walked to the basement to see Chresanto there waiting for me i yelled at him asking him where is Dominick he sed he didnt kno so he sed "beat me" , "no ur not my son" i sed to him & i seen the boxes moving i walked towards them & grabbed dominick he was fighting back i stabbed him in his left hip he fell there crying & holding his hip Chres & maria jumped on me cause me to drop the knife maria pushed chresanto off & started hitting me with all her strength i began beating her again than i felt sharp pains in my back i looks to see Chres had stabbed me multible times in my back i fell than i seen maria take Chres & dominick upstairs , after a couple seconds the cops came & took me in

*flashback over*

"Thats lil nigga ruined my life"i sed while smirking "chresanto you havent seen the last of me" ..

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