Chapter 13: Battle of the Werewolves

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The previous chapter, Amy met Damon's parents. Jonathan texted her about the Solaris's plan to ambush her pack. So yeah... 


Chapter 13: Battle of the Werewolves

  Amy drove to the pack house in a hurry. She stopped her car as soon as she saw a huge gray wolf staring at her. She got out of the car and approached the wolf.

‘What are the latest reports?’ She spoke through their mind telepathy.

‘The tracker said that they’ll be here in a matter of five minutes. There are lots of them, but I’m sure we can take them. If you kill their Alpha and somehow try to negotiate with the successor, then all will be well. The women were all taken to the pack house’s underground basement. We’ve sent two of our best fighters to protect them.’ He replied.

Amy wasted no time. She shifted right there. Her yellow, almost golden fur shone brightly against the sun. Her piercing teal eyes started to scan the area. She sniffed the air and growled.

‘They’re here! Watch your backs. Remember never to make the first move. Wait and then strike!’ She ordered her pack members.

More growls made their way into the clearing. With one loud yelp and the sound of bones breaking, the battle started.

All kinds of different wolves surrounded them. Amy breathed deeply. There was no sign of their Alpha whatsoever. A wolf lunged for her, more like tried to lunge at her. At the very last second, she stepped sideways. The wolf ended up colliding with another.

‘Next time, watch where you side step Alpha.’ Caleb grunted.

‘Oops, my bad. Sorry.’ She apologized as she sunk her teeth into a red wolf’s neck.

Amy looked around, still no sign of him! She growled loudly, making all the other wolves yelp and whimper. She gathered up all her anger and killed as much wolves as she can. She felt her wolf take over her body.

‘Amy! Calm down!’ Her uncle shouted.

‘Must avenge John!’ Her wolf growled back.

Many of the Solaris retreated. They did not want to mess with someone who let their wolf get the best of them. In Amy’s case, it was the worst situation anyone would want to be in. She was an Alpha and she let her wolf control her!

Three wolves stood their ground. Amy and her beta started to circle around them. She growled fiercely, making them all flinch.

‘SHIFT!’ She ordered them.

Just then, all three of them shifted. One had brown hair and green eyes. The other two looked alike. Both had blond hair and chocolate brown eyes. Amy guessed that they were twins.

‘Where is your Alpha?’ She demanded. ‘Tell him that he should fight in his own battles too!’

“How are you doing this?” The brown haired one questioned.

“Yeah, how did you get into our minds?” The blond asked.

Amy rolled her eyes and growled louder.  ‘I will count to ten. If your Alpha doesn’t come out of his hiding place, then you will all die. One.’ Amy took a step forward. ‘Two… Three… Four… Five…’ With each count, she took a step toward the boys. ‘Six… Seven… Eight…Nine…’ She growled out the numbers. ‘Ten!’ She used her werewolf speed and lunged for all three of them. Her paws dug into their skin.

“Well, well. If it isn’t the Luna’s new Alpha. It’s so nice to finally see you up close and personal.” A deep voice boomed across the field. Amy whipped her head into his direction and made her way towards him.

‘You’re lucky he came.’ She looked back at the three. They were on the ground, coughing and whimpering in pain. ‘Boys, take care of them.’ She ordered Jonathan and the others.

Jonathan and two other wolves set each of the three who shifted, on their backs and made their way into the forest. 

'Ugh, why can't we just kill them?' one of the boys complained.

'She's the Alpha. Follow her orders!' Jonathan hissed.

‘Uncle and Caleb, please follow them. I want them to be safe.’ Amy stated as she had her stare down with her nemesis.

‘Okay. Be careful, sweetheart.’ Her uncle responded.

She stepped closer and took a good look at him. His dusty brown hair and dull blue eyes bored through hers.

‘Come on now! Let’s get this over with!’ She spoke through her mind. She heard him laugh, a menacing laugh.  Alphas can talk to other Alphas through their minds too.

“Don’t you want to know what happened to your beloved coach? Jaden, is it?” He smirked as she felt her wolf wanting to take over again. She pushed her wolf aside.

‘Where is he?’

“Hand over the some land and I’ll return him to you.” He offered.

‘Hell. No!’ She growled.

“Have it your way.” He growled back as he shifted. He was a brown wolf. There were many scars that covered his body.

‘It’s a shame that he has to die. I mean, he is such a great coach.’ He taunted her.

‘Shut. Up!’ Letting her anger get the best of her, she lunged at him.

‘Uh-uh! Bad Alpha. You should always wait for your enemy to strike.’ He bit her leg.

Numb, that is what she felt. This man killed her John. Suddenly, she felt cold and numb again. The way she felt weeks after John’s death.

‘You will pay for killing him!’ She growled loudly as she allowed her wolf to take over.

Amy lunged for him, her head hit his stomach. She heard many bones crack. Satisfaction washed over her body, but that was not enough!

He shot up immediately and kicked her stomach. Being caught off guard, Amy stumbled down.

 ‘Now, prepare to join that pathetic cousin of yours.’ Those were the last words Amy heard as she felt pain shoot out from her neck.

--------------------------------------------END OF CHAPTER 13--------------------------------------

Cliff hanger! Hahaha, sorry. :P

Anywhooo, I really hope Amy survives this battle. x] It all depends on my mood tomorrow. If I'm in a crappy  mood.... then you should know what happens.. 

Just kidding! But seriously, I'm going to flip a coin. It'd be so different if the main character dies... or maybe she can come back to life as a werewolf zombie! OOOOO~

Gosh, me and my rants. I will upload the next chapter as soon as I can. Tell me what you think. 


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