Chapter 15: Solaris's New Alpha

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Chapter 15: Solaris’s New Alpha

 “We didn’t come here to fight…” Amy’s uncle yelled as he showed the defeated Alpha in his arms.

“We just came to return his body to you.” Jonathan added.

“Just leave his body there. We will get it ourselves.” Ben, the Alpha’s Beta, replied. “Blaze! You need to inform the pack that Alpha Calvin is gone.” With a loud grunt, he picked up his lifeless Alpha.

“Hello Aaden, Jonathan and Ben.” A voice spoke out, making them all freeze in their tracks. It was Jade! One of the elders.

“Nice to see you again, Jade.” Aaden smiled politely. “We’ve got to go and clean up the mess.” He and Jonathan excused themselves.

“Why are you leaving so soon?” Matthew asked, followed by Abraham.

“We’ve got a whole lot of things to fix up. Also, the pack will be worried if we stay here for too long.” Aaden reasoned, making Abraham nod.

“Hope to see you Lunas again.” Abraham smiled. Jonathan and Aaden made their way back to their pack house.

“Now, you shall take us to your pack headquarters, Ben. We’ve got things to discuss.” Jade commanded.

“That is?” Ben questioned as he started to lead them back into the pack house.

“There’s a rumor going around that your pack mistreats the women. Also, we’ve got to discuss who will take over Calvin’s position.” Matthew interrupted. “Just take us there and we’ll talk about it.”

“Though Calvin has always been cruel to his mate, they managed to have one son.” Ben stated.

“Take us to him.” Abraham ordered.

“Okay. I think the Solaris will be in great hands, if he was to take the position. He has strong Alpha genes and is soft hearted. He treats women with respect. He and his father were never really in good terms. They’d often fight, which caused him to move out of the pack house. He lives deeper in the woods.”

“Fine. Take your Alpha back to the pack house. Then you can lead us to his son’s home.”

Ben did just as what the Elders told him to do. Many howls erupted from the pack house; it wasn’t the howls of sorrow- more like happiness and peace.

“He is very stubborn. We are a couple of feet away from his home.” Ben stated as he led them to the Alpha’s son’s home.

“It’s alright. Being stubborn is one of the great qualities of an Alpha.” Abraham retorted. They came to a clearing and saw a small cottage. It looked small but cozy.

“Let’s go.” Ben stepped in front of the door and knocked loudly. “Carson, are you there?”

“What is it?” A voice hissed from the other side of the door.

“We came here to deliver the news of your father’s death.” Jade replied, pushing through the door. Carson quickly stepped aside, making his black hair sweep sideways.

“Good riddance.”  He crossed his arms over his chest.

“You are the only son of the Alpha, am I right?” Matthew questioned.

“Yes.” Carson replied hesitantly.

“Your pack’s fate is now in your hands.” Jade said, irritated. She didn’t like Carson’s attitude.

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