Chapter 18: Could've Been Better

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Chapter 18: Could've Been Better 

Carson ran back to the pack house in a hurry. He couldn’t wait to see Amy again. He could stare into golden eyes forever.

He stumbled into the clearing, in the front of the pack house. Wolves gathered around with murderous looks in their eyes. They growled at Carson.

‘What’s going on?’ Carson asked Blaze through their mind link.

‘I have no idea.’ Blaze huffed.

Suddenly, a more distraught and angry looking Amy appeared through the doors. She ran over to where Carson stood.

“SHIFT!” she ordered. The authority in her voice made Carson angry. No one can tell him what to do. He is not a part of her pack. He just stood there, growling and showing his canines. “I said shift. Damn it!” She growled, making Carson’s wolf whimper.

Amy quickly grabbed Carson’s neck and threw him down. Being the Beta, Blaze lunged for Amy. The wolves stood in shock. She step aside and backhanded Blaze within two seconds! It was all happening too fast.  Amy still had Carson’s neck in her hands. “I’m not going to tell you this again, okay? SHIFT or I will kill you right here.” Her golden eyes held nothing but rage. By the way her body shook, Carson knew that her wolf wanted to come out.

Carson shifted, giving in on his mate’s order. “What is it that you want?” His voice croaked. Her firm grip made it hard for him to talk.

“Listen to me, dog. I don’t care if we’re mates or not. I told you that if any of you mess with my pack members, you will get hell. One of my great trackers was beaten, raped and killed. Want to know what’s the worst part about it? She was one month pregnant! This meeting was just some sort of distraction wasn’t it? Well you’ve got what you wanted! Now leave! The treaty is broken.” She threw Carson across the floor.

He took a deep breath and began, “I do not know anything about this! We didn’t plan on this, believe me. I’m far different from the other Alphas of the Solaris. I’m trying to change my pack for the better.”

“LIES! You’re exactly like your father. Ruthless, conniving, and a liar! You knew exactly what was going on. Damn it! I knew I shouldn’t have let you in here.  But nonetheless, you are no longer welcomed in here. If any of the Solaris try to cross the border, I will not hesitate to kill them. Now shoo. We’ve got a funeral to arrange.” Amy spat out, feeling the sting in her eyes.

“How do you even know it’s one of my pack members? Why must you always assume without trying to find proof?” Carson stood and growled. His wolf did not like the way Amy talked to him.

“I am not stupid! Her body reeked of the Solaris and she was found in your territory! I do not assume. I state the fact. The fact is that one of my best trackers was killed by one or maybe even a group of your members! Just leave before Jonathan comes and tries to kill you himself.” Her voice held so much anger, it made Carson flinch.

“What does your Beta have to do with this?” Blaze asked.

“Everything! Because, that tracker that was brutally raped and killed, is his mate! He blames himself for it too. So are you happy now? My Beta is finally distracted… Leaving me to do the work by myself! Get out of here before I kill you myself. Blaze, you know I love you but I can’t tolerate any of this. You are welcomed here still. Just please, don’t let your pathetic Alpha brainwash you into becoming one of them.” It felt as if she tabbed Carson multiple times. “Go on now. Don’t want to be late for your victory party!”

Carson clenched his fists and turned on his heel. He needed to get out of there, before he goes wolf. He doesn’t want to hurt his mate.

“Oh and Carson?” Amy called to him. Her voice sounded so sweet, it made his knees weak.

“Yes?” He faintly smiled as he whipped his head around.

“I will accept you as my mate…” Her voice was soft. As soon as those words were spoken, gasps and growls made their way into the clearing again.

“Really?” He grinned. He was happy that his mate accepted him! He walked over to her, studying her face. She faintly smiled and touched his cheek. She traced circles over it.

“Yup, that is, when hell freezes over twice, when pigs fly, and when Blaze finally decides to join my pack.” She smirked as her hand flew across his face.

Carson began to shake. No one has ever slapped him before. She had no reason to. He knew nothing about her accusations.

“CARSON! Calm down. Let’s leave.” Blaze broke him away from his thoughts. “Come on.” He pulled Carson towards the forest.

They both shifted and ran back to the pack house.

‘What now, Alpha?’ Blaze questioned.

‘I will get to the bottom of all of this. I will find them and kill them myself.’ He howled loudly, making Blaze stop in his tracks.

'Whoever killed that girl ruined the chance of the Luna and Solaris working together. It also ruined his chances with Amy. A slow and painful death, that’s what they’ll get.' Carson's wolf spoke to his human self.

‘Calm down dude. Your wolf is taking over.’ He said, staring into Carson’s midnight black eyes.

‘I won’t stop until I find the person who’s responsible for all of this. I won’t give up.’ Carson said, full of determination.

‘This is all a misunderstanding. Let her cool off first.’ They stopped right in front of the pack house and shifted.

“Oh gosh! Put some clothes on, will you?” Carson’s mother threw clothes at them. “How was the meeting?” She asked, merrily.

“It was… interesting.” Blaze smirked.

“Could’ve been better.” Carson glared at Blaze. 

---------------------------------------END OF CHAPTER 18--------------------------------------






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