Chapter 1

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Shawn's POV:
Laughing. That's all I hear as Ricky punches me in the gut. His gang thinks it's hilarious, but I know that if Stella ever found out she would freak.
That's the thing about her she cares about everyone. It's what drew me to her and why I'm so deeply in love with her. But she'll never know.......she can't. She may react the same way Ricky did. Disgusted.
I never should've fallen for her. If I didn't then I wouldn't be getting this beating. My stomach wouldn't be littered with purple bruises, but you can't help who you fall for. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Ricky who throws me on the floor and kicks me in my family jewels.
"You're a disgusting excuse for a human," he spits. Thankfully he walks away leaving me to cower in fetal position. "Disgusting " echoes through my brain. Maybe he's right. Maybe I am a disgusting excuse for a human.
I look around and notice that Ricky and his weasels are nowhere around so I get up trying to ignore the stinging in my abdomen. "Are you okay?" A concerned voice asks and I can recognized that voice anywhere. Stella. "Here let me help you."
"No," I squeak. "I'm fine."
"No you're not," she insists. I can feel two arms wrapping around my waist. "Let's get you to the nurse." As we walk down the hall I stare at the ground so I don't have to see her beautiful brown eyes and her soft black hair. "I'm Stella by the way."
"Shawn," I mumble. As we turn the corner my Hogwarts pen falls out of my pocket. Quickly I pick it up, but Stella notices it.
"No way you like Harry Potter!" She exclaims. "I love Harry Potter."
"Really?" I ask cautiously. She eagerly nods her head and gets something out of her bag. I recognize the item as Hermione's Wand. "No way," I say shocked. "I have Harry and Ron's wands but I need Hermione to have a complete set."
"You can have mine," she says. I shake my head no but she hands me the wand anyways. "It's ok I have another one besides you need it more."

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
I walk out of school and notice Stella waving at me. I wave back but notice a glare from Ricky, so I put my hand down. I scurry to to my grandpa's car and set my stuff down. "Shawn," he frowns.
"Hi sir," I say with my head down.
"What's wrong?" He asks in a concerned tone.
"I got a beat up," I sigh.
"Well dammit boy!" He shouts. "Maybe if you put your stupid guitar down and pick up some weights you wouldn't be beaten up." Instead of replying I just whimper which leads to me being back handed. "Shut the fuck up boy." I nod my head at him and stare at the window silently.
"Get out," he says as the car stops. I follow his directions and get out of the car. When the door shuts grandpa speeds away.

Third Person POV:
As Shawn walks to his grandparents house he passes over a bridge which reminds him of the note he had written the day before.

Dear person who finds this,
I'm severely depressed and am having suicidal thoughts. I have decided that in 14 days I will commit suicide and nobody can stop me unless they prove in these next 14 days that I'm needed.

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