Chapter 4

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Shawn's POV:
   I'm in the hospital. Yay. Apparently I've been knocked out for two days. Doctors are saying that I was robbed, but I know what happened and so does Ariel. She tried to defend me, but was thrown against the cement and knocked out on impact. It's obvious that it was Ricky.
  Unfortunately for me I know that he's going to beat me up for not showing up to school today and he's promised to continue the beating when I slowly slipped unconscious.

  Ariel and I are walking out of school
She's telling me about a cool website called and how you can be a student at Hogwarts. I'm glad she told me because I would kill to be on Gryffindor. As we walk off school property I'm grabbed by my collar and yanked backwards.
  "SHAWN!" Ariel gasps. I look up to see Ricky gripping my shirt.
  "Hey Mendes I heard that you and fish breath were being rude to my girl," he growls. "And I don't appreciate that." Before I can speak Ricky's fist makes contact with my nose causing a sickening crack. I can feel the blood gushing as another punch is landed in the same place. My nose is surely broken by now.
Another punch lands in the same place and sends me to the floor. Before Ricky could land another hit Ariel stands over me. "Stop!" She exclaims. Ricky chuckled before picking her up and slamming her to the ground, knocking her out. I look at her worriedly, but I see that she's breathing and I relax. But I don't relax for long because Ricky punches me in my stomach.
  I become numb to all the punches and kicks when he does something unexpected. He grabs me by the hair and slams my head into the cement. I see can see two of everything and a bunch of black spots. "We'll continue this later," he sneers. He punches me one last time and I slowly pass out.
   ~End Flashback~
  I know that Ricky did this to me, but every time I try to tell the doctor he only laughs and says I dreamt it. How would he know?!?!?!?!?! I hate when people tell me what I saw and what I know. I just can't wait to get out if this horrible place.

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