Chapter Eight Make Damn Sure

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Mika and I are in his room. Our lips connected. His hands snaking up my dress. I can feel his warm breath in my mouth. "Whoa! Dude! Remember what we have to talk about?" Cole asks Mika, interupting our kiss

Mika pulls away and glares at Cole. He sighs, grabs my hand and leads me down the stairs. 'god damn it! I don't want to fucking do this! She's going to hate me after this!' Mika's thoughts hit me out of no where

I have a horrible feeling once we enter the living room. They're all sitting down. None of them seem too excited. "Is something wrong?" I ask them sitting down with Mika

"Well I heard about you biological mother-" Stephen starts, but I cut him off

"Mika had no right to tell you that." I tell him, a little ticked off

"Mika didn't tell me."

"Then who did?"

"My father, Alistair told me."

"How would he know?"

"My father raped my mother. She was on a date with him, he walked her home, she let him in and he raped her. He held her down and raped her. The next time she saw Alistair was two months after. She had just found out she was pregnant with me. She refused to tell anyone she was raped. He had told her if she went to confess to anyone he would kill the baby once it left the womb. 

The next time my mother, Kristen saw Alistair was six years later. Alistair took one look at me and was extatic. Especially once he saw my eyes."

"Why was that?" I ask him

He then pokes at his eyes and pulls out a brown contact. Revealing his true eye color. Yellow. I gasp and was about to ask a million different questions, but he continues with the story "Alistair tried to take me with him. My mother wouldn't have it. She faught back with everything she had. Alistair hated that so he killed her.  He took me with him. Raising me to become his "Perfect Weapon"." He tells me pain flickering in his eyes

"That's horrible, but what does any of that have to do with me?" I ask him, not really understanding this whole thing

"When I finally opened my eyes and saw what my father was doing I decided to leave, taking Mika with me. Alistair felt as if I betrayed him. So he raped someone else, hoping she would bare his second son. One that wouldn't turn their back on him. But when he came back nine months later to find his new son he was shocked to find he had a daughter. One that wore the eyes of a wolf, but one that didn't shift. It is rare, but it does happen." Stephen explains to me

"So you're saying that I'm that child? That this-this Alistair is my biological mother's rapest? And that I'm like half werewolf?! Wow all of you are fucking rediculous! I can't believe you'd try to play me like that MIka!" I shout at him

"I'm not trying to play you Lucinda! I Swear!" He tells me

I get up and begin to walk to the door furiously. Stephen throws himself infront of the door, blocking me from leaving. "Lucinda I swear I didn't know until just now that Alistair had another child. I would have gone and looked for you long ago. I know what it's like to be in your shoes. I know that you're far from being any normal human." his thoughts take me off gaurd, I stumble back and gasp

"How did you know?" I ask him

"I could read minds once too." He tells me

"When did it stop?"

"It stopped once I first shifted."

""Bloody hell. She can read minds." Emmett gasps

"Nah I thought she could fly!" Mika says sarcastically, smaking Emmett on the head

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