4. The Treaty

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Hey, that's Robbie Amell as Robin D. Montes. He is so hot, I couldn't help myself.


Ps. Please follow.


The short run was an ease, but when Abby and I entered the kitchen where Vincent was, "Werewolves exist."Abby said bluntly. 'Surely there's no need for sugar coating it.' She thought meekly.

"What?" Sara said as she rushed down the stairs.

I cursed under my breath, damn it Abigail."Long story short, we might have to make a treaty with werewolves. " I said.

Vincent took a second to process it, taking it all in before his curiosity took over, "What type?"

"From what I have seen, Shifting werewolves, able to turn at will," I said.

"Will?" Abby asked.

"They are able to phase into their wolf form at will, no moon needed. They are immortal until they stop phasing, get the image? "

"Yup." She said.

"Werewolves in Woodson," Vincent said in amazement. "Did the pack approach you at school?"

I nod, "It's a fairly young pack," I say. "All the wolves are teens. The alpha is very young for a Shifting Wolf."

"Is that strange?" Sara asked.

"Most of the records we've discovered about shifting wolves say that the pack is led by a strong alpha. Most have to defeat their father in combat to receive the mantel. If the alpha is young like Jane is saying, there must be something going on. Alphas wouldn't hand over the mantle to a kid."

"He seemed well informed about us," Abby said and looked at me.

"Of course you would bring it up, Abigail." I hissed.

"Why shouldn't I?"

"I didn't think much about it when I met him," I admitted.

"How much did you actually tell him?," she said, irritated at me.

"I didn't think he would be a problem. We've been all over the world and this is the first time I've seen a werewolf."

"Still you should have told us!"

"I don't have to tell you all I experience Abigail."

"When it involves your family, this coven, you do, Jane," Sara told me with a disappointed gaze.

I bit the inside of my cheek, it hurt a bit but they were right. I should have told them. And the fact that I disappointed Vincent and especially Sara made me feel strange. I was a scolded child once more.

My car ripped through the driveway and Kenneth rushed to us after he cut the engine, tossing me my car keys while Robin stepped out in a daze.

"You drive like a maniac," Robin complained as he walked into the house.

Kenneth smirked his I-really-dont-give-a-damn smirk, "Thanks, now speak."

"Kenneth, I just came here to ask you if you could come to my pack's house to create a treaty. I mean no harm to you or your family."

"Who are you boy?" Sara asked as she stepped around Vincent's protective stance.

"My name is Robin Montes, Alpha of the Red Crescent Pack." He said easily.

"He came to talk to you, Vincent, since you are our leader," Abby told our father.

"I understand that. It just all seems so sudden." He said and looked over at Kenneth and Abby, they were the strongest in the coven. Abby with her magic, Kenneth with his strength. But then he looked at me, he and I were the brains, Sara may be more rational than the rest of us, but we knew what had to be done. "We will accept the treaty, as long as we are allowed to hunt and live in this area," Vincent said.

"I'll try my best to convince my pack, but -"

"The beta and delta. I assume." Vincent guessed, cutting off the stranger.

Robin smiled, "You know about wolves?"

"Since the beginning of the legends," I said.

"Why do you want us to stay?" Abby asked skeptically.

"You hunt animals, you don't hurt people. As long as it stays that way, I 'll allow your stay. " Robin said.

Vincent rose an eyebrow, surprised Robin knew about our hunting styles, "You're oddly well informed." Vincent said.

"I am," Robin said, his gaze fixed on me. Vincent nodded, understanding what he'd meant.'She him about our hunting styles."

"We settled here first though, this is unnecessary," Abby argued childishly after she looked at me suspiciously.

"The more we argue, the more complicated this will get." I pointed out," Better get this over and done with than begin a conflict that will, most probably, end in bloodshed."

"Glad that\'s clear, now, if you could follow me, I'll take to to the pack house." He said and turned to the door and walked out.

I followed easily, while they hesitated, I just rolled my eyes. As soon as we were all out, Robin's chest was bare and he began to glow. Then, his body changed into a raven black wolf. My entire family stared in awe. He was around five feet high and stood like a shadow, dark but mysterious. His dark coat of fur was so black it sparkled glimpses of blue. He barked and pulled them out of their daze and he began running.

"Let's go," I said and began following him.

We ran around twenty miles until we reached a large two-story building in the middle of the woods. Robin stopped in front of Luke who seemed to have been waiting. Around the house, there were a few kids playing in a swing set and a campfire on the far left of the clearing where the house stood. Robin walked inside the house.

"I'm Luke, the Beta. That's Quill, the Delta. " Luke greeted as Quill appeared on his side with a girl.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there supposed to be a Luna?" Vincent asked curiously. We knew about the power structure within packs, and when he said that my mind went back to that day in the forest.

"Who do you think I am?" The blonde girl who came with Quill said.

"Your crush towards the Alpha used to be cute, now it's just pathetic, Linsey. " Luke laughed.

"Once I come of age, you'll see," Linsey said in a somewhat bitter tone.

"Doubt it." Robin said as he came out of the house with an old woman following him, "This is our last Elder, she'll help with the treaty."

"Why can't they just move?" Linsey suggested bitterly.

"Because they were here first." The elder spoke as she eyed me.

"How do you know?"Quill asked.

"They helped build this town. I was still a girl, but I will always remember the angel who saved my life."

At that moment a flashback hit me. I was hunting near the construction of the house we now live in. The ground was wet from days of rain and the mixed scent of mud and evergreen was making hunting harder. That's when I heard a cry, high pitched and human. I ran, rushing to the find its source. When I got there, there was a little girl at the edge of the cliff, hanging from a weak arm. The ground was prone to a mudslide, so swiftly I lifted her up and cradled her as she shook in fear, "Are you okay?"I asked the girl.

She nodded, her skinned clothing damp in mud and grass, "Thank you. . . Who are you? A guardian angel ?" She chirped.

"No, I'm Janeane. Call me Jane, little one. Where are your parents?"

"My name is Sakota, M-my parents are in the village." She told me as she began to calm down. Her bright eyes wide as she began to calm down. I took her to the town in our carriage, where new large groups of settlers were looking frantically for someone. Sakota quickly jumped out of my arms and ran to a woman who quickly scooped her up. I hid away from the people as Sakota began yapping about an angel who saved her life.

"Sakota?" I gasped at the Elder. She smiled and nodded.

"Good to see you again, Jane." She said and walked over slowly to me, but she received warning growls from an overprotective pack, "Oh, shut it!" she scolded.

"Sakota, she isn't safe to go near them," Quill growled.

"There wouldn't be an elder here if it wasn't for this girl," Sakota said kindly and she hugged me.

"Is she the angel my father said protected this land? " Robin said as he walked towards me.

"Yes," Sakota answered.

"Well, then the treaty will be no problem." He lead us to the fireplace, his fellow pack members following him. Robin picked up a pouch near the fireplace, inside it held a potent smelling herb.

"I'll state what we want as a pack and then you will one the fire starts Them the Elder will configure the best agreement," Robin explained and he dropped the herb and someone passed him a match.

"May I?" Abby suggested. Robin nodded unsure and confused about what she meant, "Flamaro Incendia." She chanted and a ball of fire erupted from her palm, causing a series of gasps to begin, "Projecilatom." She chanted and the flame jumped to the fireplace.

There were gaps and sounds of awe as the fire illuminated the darkening area. Vincent stood on the opposite of Robin as the rest of his pack flanked him, his Beta and Delta on his sides. Vincent had Sarah and Kenneth on his right while Abby was on his left. I sat on a log next to her.

"I, Robin Damien Montes, Alpha of the Red Crescent Pack, want a safe area for my wolves to run and for no harm to come to any of us or any human. If done unintentionally there shall be no punishment. It is done purposely, we will intervene and be allowed to attack."

"I, Vincent William Dale, Leader of the Gold Coven, want to live in peace with my family. We will need an area to hunt for animals and we'll agree with the rest of your terms. "

"Elder Sakota?" Robin asked.

"Your treaty is set. None of your requests go against the other. As long as no harm comes to one another or a human, the treaty will remain and no dispute will come between us. If done unintentionally there shall be no punishment, is not unintended, we will be allowed to attack. An area of ten miles radius will be your territory, we will have a ten-mile radius as well. "She murmured a chant and the flame rose and then settled normally.

"Thanks," Vincent said as he shook hands with Robin.

"Our pleasure. We should get to know each other better. After all, we aren't such natural enemies ." Robin jokes.

"I would like to hear more about the girl with fire powers." Sakota added curiously, "And there is something about you, Jane, that seems-"

"Odd?" A cold accent said from the shadows of the forest. A shiver ran down my spine based a bitter memory failed to scratch the surface, giving me a painful headache. My family and I spun around quickly, facing the dark shadows of the forest. Though there was something familiar. . .

Robin walked to stand next to me while his pack growled, "Who are you?"

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