part 17

17 1 5

Krista :Oh my god!!!
Are those  puppies *_* i love theeeeeeem ...
They went inside of my neighbor's apartment!  They are soo cute♡♡♡

I wake up early that morning  ..i have a lot to do.. i have my solo concert  today and a lot  of programs  to shoot. .. busy schedule. .. well i have to get ready fast ..
Ayyysh i remember. . I didn't apologize to that  girl.. well i will tell my manger to go for me .. i want to stay out of problems. .
Let's  go... what should  i wear?
Ahaa this green shirt with black jeans would  be fine ...

Kris :
What a great morning! ! The weather is so nice ! Ayysh i remember ! I have to go to yonghwa's concert  at noon. .. i should  get ready!  ..let me have a brunch first ..
I love playing  music while i eat i played  a costume Playlist of classic oldies i love like steve wonder James Brown. . Louis Armstrong ..etta...frank Sinatra.... exc. .  It started with louis Armstrong  what a wonderful world  *_* i just love that song .. i louded the sound  coz i love dancing to it *_* .. i went out to get the garbage out ..then i camed  back ..i forgot to  shut the door.. and i was dancing  wearing  just a white shirt.. like the movies lol .. i love wearing  men's clothing. .and i tied my hair  as a cupcake. . And i was wearing  glasses  and black socks. .lol i looked funny as hell
I was just going out.. when i heard
Louis Armstrong  song..  i love classic songs.. what a great mood to have  in the morning. .. i was looking  where the song  was playing. .it camed out from that new girl apartment. . Wow she got a great taste in music...
The door was slightly open. . I didn't want to sneak peek but she was gorgeous  dancing in that white shirts with that cupcake hair and there was a lovely  smell  came out of her apartment .. while she was making  eggs and tea.. she had her back on me so i couldn't see her face  and she was dancing  hahaha.. but my heart was beating  so fast.. stop it you moron. . You shouldn't do this.. you still love krista..  but this girl ..there was something  so attractive about her i just can't  look away on her ..
My phone ringed she looked towards the door!. . Ayshh i walked away fast ! I could have caught and then she will think I'm  a pervert. ..
It was my manger...he was saying  i was late and i have to go fast...
So i went down quickly!
What was that!!
I'm  sure i heard  a phone ringing. . Was it the neighbor walking  by?
Oh i should  have closed  the door ...
Someone will think I'm crazy if he saw me like this :"3
Let's Get ready for the concert  yayyy
What should i wear?
A little sexy dress?
Or shorts?
Or short skirts ?
Oh yes i will wear this pink skirt with this white t-shirt. ..
And i will lay my hair down and  i will get going  to the concert yayyy !!
We were practicing for the concert
We were practicing on blind love .. and my single one fine day.. i dedicated it to her .. maybe she could listen to it and be back to me :(
The members always been there for me .. they always courage me .. and we always pray for her to be back

It's the concert time ..
We started with blind love..
I remembered our days and how happy we were...
I remember waking up next to you ...
I remember our sweet moments together. ..
I wish that i wake up with amnesia and forget about the stupid little things. ..
Coz I'm not fine at all..
Tell me this is all dream..
But again  i miss u .. i just want to see u again. ..
Kris : I was so happy to be at their concert .. but i was in back rows.. i tried to come a little closer  to see if there is empty places. . As i got closer ... i standed right in front of him only the barriers and the stage was between us.. there was a lot of girls whom were screaming and crying  but ..but i stayed there just watching you performing and you were closing your eyes every once and while you didn't notice me ..that's ok.. i know I'm not that obvious too ... but i couldn't believe how close i was ..i could almost smell your perfume... i closed my eyes for this moment to stay for ever ...but  heart started to hurts and my tears failed me down ! I couldn't breathe i couldn't stand there anymore  .. i went out .. and i took a taxi and went home  ..i couldn't stay....
Yonghwa : i was performing  on stage.. and i always like to close my eyes when i do .. to imagine her with me .. i swear at one moment  i felt like she is just in front of me.. i opened  my eyes .. i saw one girl running!  I saw her back she was familiar. . She looked  like kris somehow! I screamed out her name ! Kris!!!
She couldn't hear me.. i went out after her ..yes i ran out of the concert for a girl might or not be krista.. but i hope so! .. i went out .. i searched everywhere  .. but no one was there .. i started screaming her name like crazy! Kristaaaa where the hell are u .. come back! !! My tears ran down. .. i was crying  ㅠㅠ .. until my members and manger camed out fast and took me away from the crowd...

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