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The next day
I wake up to the sun shining in my face, I normally wake up before Jack, so thinking he was asleep, I climbed out my window.
"Where are you going?" I hear him ask.
"Why do you care?" I grumble as I continue to climb out.
"Get back here, now," Jack orders.
"Why, Jack? Your not my father why should I listen to you?"

He doesn't answer, but instead, grabs me by the hips and pulls me back inside.
"You are under my custody you got that? My rules," He says.
"Get in the car, we're going to be late," Jack sighs before leaving.
If he thinks I'm going to go inside a vehicle with him, then he needs to go get his brain checked out because I don't want to be anywhere near him.
When I make sure he is in the living room, I climb out of my window, and sneak away from here.

(Insert girl meets world music)

I knock on the window and Riley opens it up.
"Hey Maddie, what are you doing here?" Maya asks from Riley's bed.
"Need to get away...Jack thinks I'm actually going to be nice to him," I sigh.
"Hey, at least you know who your real dad is now," Riley says.
"Riley, Maya," I hear Mr.Matthew call.
"Crap," I say.
"He's going to call either Jack or Shawn and I don't want to see either of them," I groan.
I end up hiding underneath Riley's bed.
"Girls," Mr. Matthews says, opening the brown door, "Maddie's missing, have you seen her?" He asks.
"Nope haven't seen Maddie at all," Riley says to her dad.
"I think I saw her walking to the big park with all of the flowers, I know she likes flowers, she might be there," Maya says.
"Ooh! Or the dance studio downtown, Jack told me that she really likes dance too," Riley says.
How do they know me so well?
"Great," Mr.Matthews says before leaving.

I wait a few seconds before climbing out from under the bed.
"How do you girls know me so well?" I ask, blank expression on my face.
"We pay attention when you talk," Riley says.
I give a tight smile, "It won't last very long," I say, I climb out the window, and disappear into the city.


Maya's POV
"Did you hear what she said?" I ask Riley a few moments after Maddie left.
"No I didn't, Maya, we have to get to school were already late," Riley says.
"I feel like something bad is going to happen," I mumble, Riley doesn't seem to hear me as she walks out of her bedroom.
I follow my good hearted friend out into the family room of the Matthews residence.

"I can't find her!" Shawn barges into the apartment.
A few moments later, Jack and Eric walk in saying the same thing.

"I know her, she could get into big trouble, we need to find her before it happens," Jack tells his best friend and brother.

"We saw her!" Riley blurts out.
"You what?" Shawn asks.

"We saw her, she told us to keep quiet, she took off down the road," Riley answers her uncle Shawn.
"If you weren't to stupid Jack, she wouldn't hate you, and she would have probably grown up happier," Shawn growls before heading out the door.

"Jack?" Maya asks, "Yes Maya?" Jack answers me.
"What kind of bad things did Maddie do?"
Jacks face goes sad and he looks down.
"Uh, Maddie tried a lot of different things, she'll tell you what she wants to tell you, don't need her hating me anymore," Jack sighs before leaving.

The day I found out who I really was (G.M.W fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now