Arriving in New York

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-The next day, Sunday

We had unpacked a lot of the boxes yesterday when we got to the apartment, Riley and Maya even stopped in to help, but then Riley had to go home, so I got to know Maya a bit.

She is a lot like me actually, Always alone, takes risks, isn't afraid of getting in trouble, wild, and we both have dark sides.

I was sitting on my black comforter on my bed just looking around my bedroom.
I have my dresser set up, boxes here and there, some posters hanging up.
But my window was the best part.
Every morning I can see the sun rise, and the sky turn pink, I can sit an watch the sky change and the clouds moving, but I could also see the city, the beautiful city, the parts where all the rich and fancy people live, the place I'll never be.

"Yip yippee!" My dad jumps for joy as he enters my bedroom.
"Knock please, next time," I say, turning my head so I'm facing my father.

"Okay, Princess," He says.
I smile at him but then change my face back to my normal self.

"I'm going to check out the middle school today, you should come to, get your schedule and stuff meet your teachers-."
I cut my father off.
"I am not meeting my teachers, but I'll come with," I say.

Dad nods.
"We're leaving at one o'clock so get ready," My dad says, before skipping out of my room.
I chuckle at him.
My dad is a good hearted man, he just thinks he can take on more than he can handle, and he gets really self centred sometimes.

I checked the time on my clock.

Twelve fourteen.

I decided to change out of my pyjamas now and into something more presentable.

I walk to my dresser, I grab a pair of black leggings, blue jean shorts, a black shirt with mesh sleeves, a black crop top with a tongue on it, and then beside my dresser I grab my black combat boots.

I brush my long hair and put it in a high ponytail.
"This looks terrible," I grumble to myself.
I take my hair down and out it in a side braid.
"Soooo not me," I chuckle in the mirror.
I end up keeping my long hair down and natural.
I walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth.
I apply a little bit of mascara but not to much since I'm only 14.

When I am finally happy with the way I look, my father calls me, telling me it's time to leave.

We shut off all of the lights and walk out of our apartment, then I run into Maya again.
"Hey stranger," I say with a smile.
"Where ya headed?" She asks me, looking at my outfit.
"The school, my dad is meeting everyone and such and I am being dragged along," I groan, even though I had a choice to come or go.
"Well, I could come with, I'm sure Mr. Matthews would want to meet you," Maya says with a giggle.
I laugh, "No I'm not meeting the teachers."
She nods.
"But you can, come. Follow me."

Maya and I race to the end of the hall where my father is starting to go down the stairs.
Once we get outside of the building, my father claims in the drivers seat, while Maya and I sit in the back.

Father starts driving and soon enough, we are at the front of John Quincy Adams Middle School.

We all walk inside.
This school is full of colour, like it makes it feel like people actually belong.
"Wow," I say, looking around.
"Yeah, it's always been like this," Maya tells me.
We sit on a bench next to the restrooms and just talk up a storm until my father gets back.


The next day, Monday

I was just arriving at school, I had walked on my own because Maya always goes with Riley.
I walk through the doors to see tons and tons of students.

This place looks a lot different with students.
I look around trying to find Riley and Maya but no luck.
Because I didn't know anyone, I just decided to sit outside and wait for the bell.

When the bell rang, I rushed inside to see I was going to be late.
I saw my class in the classroom sitting all politely listening.
I take out my ID card and walk inside, all eyes are on me.

"Hi there, and you are," the fuzzy headed teacher asks.

"Maddie Hunter," I say, slamming my card on his desk.
"Alright Maddie, you can sit behind Mr. Minkus," The teacher says.

The kid, Mr. Minkus, waves and I sit behind him.
I notice the teachers name, Mr. Matthews, on his desk.
That's Riley's dad.
I saw Maya and Riley sitting in the front row just talking away.
I wasn't really paying attention in class, but I did notice how only the 4 people in front of me spoke, and they all seemed to be friends.

Once the bell rang, meaning it was 15 minute break, I quietly got out of my seat and exited the classroom.
I saw again the 4 people all hanging out, Maya, Riley, Mr. Minkus and some guy who looks like a cowboy.

"Hey Mads! C'mere!" Maya calls me.
My mind zooms back to reality as I walk over to Maya's little Group.

I awkwardly sit down next to Riley.
"Guys this is Maddie, Maddie this is Lucas and Farkle," Maya points to them.
Cowboys kinda cute..
"What about you guys, shouldn't Maddie know who you are?" Lucas asks.
"We met already," Riley says.
"Ooooh I have 3 ladies now Farkle says in a...special voice.
"Um what?" I laugh, pointing to the kid.
"Oh he does that a lot, you should get used to it," Lucas laughs.
I smile.
We started talking until the bell rang, telling us to get to my fathers class.
Let's see how this goes..

The day I found out who I really was (G.M.W fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now