\\ Chapter 1 //

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Song for this chapter - New Americana- Halsey :)

It all started on a sunny Saturday, not just any ordinary sunny Saturday, the first day of summer. Yay, I thought as I stepped outside, inhaling the fresh air and letting the hot air caress my body, instantly making me warm. I decided to go for a walk, just to clear my head as tomorrow was the first day of my last year at high school. I can finally do what I love and have utter and complete freedom. I was walking to my favourite spot, just to relax and be rid of all the stress I had for tomorrow. It took me a good 10 minutes to get there on foot. It was all worth it though I thought. I turned the corner to find my secret opening open and some bushes broken off. Wait, that's not right! Nobody has come here for years, I've been coming here since I was 5 and no one has ever entered. I waited outside, hesitant because whoever was in there could have been a murderer and I was about to fall into the trap and become a victim. But curiosity got the best of me and I quietly and carefully crept through the hole, keeping myself low and out of view. The sight in front of me couldn't possibly get any worse. My school bully and his girlfriend were making out, in my quiet place. You have got to be kidding me! When I said it couldn't get any worse, it did. They got further into what they were doing, making me almost throw up. I felt the bile rising up in my throat. Great, I can't come here any more, they will probably always be here now doing god knows what! I exited out, quietly again. I could then here something that would haunt me forever. I walked away, deciding on getting an ice cream as it was one of the only other ways to clear my head. It was a really cute ice cream shop on the corner of a street. I walked in, instantly being hit with music and sweet smells. I loved this place, I came here all the time with my dad. It had and 80's feel to it. They also had the best ice cream flavours in the world. I was always changing flavours as they had that many. This time I decided to go with cookie dough. Call me crazy but yes, I haven't had it before but I've heard great things about it. I paid for it and sat down on a bench out the front. I was on my phone, not looking around so when I felt the presence of someone across from me. I looked up startled because I had no friends, except for one as he has been my friend since I was little, he is super nice and really cute but we don't have feelings for each other. I have always been able to turn to him as he was like a big brother for me. "Hey Ash!" I said cheerily as I smiled up at him. "Hey little miss rocker, how you doing?" I laughed at his new nickname for me. He has recently been teaching me drums as I want to be in a band, but with limited friends, that isn't really possible. "I have been practicing every night and every day, the neighbours are sick of me. But I don't care because they are angry people any way" I said, laughing. He laughed along with me. I love Ashton's presence. It makes me happy and that's what I love about him. "So, how's school? Nobody's picking on my best friend/little sister are they?" I laughed, yet again, from his names. "Well, you know how it is Ash, people just don't like me, it's not my fault. What did I even do wrong?" I sighed. Ashton looked at me, sympathetically. "I'm sad that I'm not there anymore to bash 'em up for ya. Just remember what I told you and you'll be fine, or tell 'em I'll bash them up, okay?" I laughed at him and nodded. "Well, I better get going, I got to get back to work, see ya later babe, remember what I've taught you." he smiled. "Okay, bye Ashy" I laughed as he poked my side, causing me to jerk away from him and laugh. "Bye shorty" He waved and walked away. He is the only person on this planet that makes me happy. I'm glad I have him. I decided to walk back home as it was almost lunch time and I was hungry. When I got home, my house was empty as usual. I moved out last year as my parents were getting a divorce and I couldn't possibly choose between them, they are both the best parents, they just didn't get along. I decided to make a toasted cheese sandwich. I sat down on my lounge, turned on the T.V and decided to watch something, I don't know what, there isn't much on but I'll find something. After flicking through a few channels that were utterly boring, I decided to go back out and possibly try to catch Ashton on his way out of work. It was about 2:30 so he should be just about ready to leave by the time I get there.
I arrived there at around 2:50, Ashton would be off in 7 minutes. I walked in and found my self standing in complete silence. Well that took a massive turn, Ashton is normally here, cleaning up. I walked around the side and found him, crying. Well it looked like he had been crying. I knocked, making my presence known so I wouldn't scare him. He looked up at me withe a tear stained face and sparkly, red eyes. He had defiantly been crying, I've only seen him cry once, that was when his dad passed away. "Ash" I said softly. He looked so sad and vulnerable, what happened to him? "Are you okay?" I asked. He shook his head and broke down again. "Hey, hey what's wrong? You can tell me Ash, I won't judge." I said, smiling sadly at him as it broke my heart knowing he was like this for some unknown reason. I gave him a hug, him hugging me straight back, soaking my shirt with his tears. "Mu-mum, she w-was in a c-car a-accident, s-she, she didn't make it" He said in-between sobs, finding it hard to understand him but I could only just make out his words. "Oh Ash, I am so, so, so, so sorry" I said, tearing up myself, Anne was like a second mother too me. When I first had no where to go I moved there for a little bit, she helped give me a job to support myself so I could buy my own house. She was the most nicest person I have ever known. I was full on hysterics by the time I finished thinking. Ashton hugged me tighter, crying harder now. What was gonna happen to his brother and sister, Harry and Lauren, Harry is 12 and Lauren is 14. Ashton doesn't have nearly enough money to pay the bills for his house, plus he is only 19 years old.
"Hey Ash?" I said softly after we had stopped crying and were just hugging each other and enjoying each other's comfort. "Yea?" He asked, voice croaky and nose all stuffy since he had been crying. "Do you wanna come to my place for a bit? You can stay with me a few days, with Harry and Lauren, I can help you look after them, I can help pay bills? Anything, just please let me help you?" I said, giving a gentle smile, enough to make hims smile a little. "Thank you so much, you don't even know how much this means to me right now, you are the besets person I have ever met. I'm sure mum would have left some money behind, you don't have to help pay anything, oh and with Harry and Lauren, we can look after them together. You can move into my place as it's bigger but only if we are allowed in your house for a few days?" He asked. I nodded and gave him another big hug.
The ride to Ashton's house was quite until I spoke up with a question that has been lingering in my mind this whole trip home. "What about your grandparents?" As soon as I said that Ashton's face fell. "Um, we don't talk to them anymore after they moved to Melbourne" He said with a sad expression. Oh, was all I could muster up. "Oh" Was all I replied with as I realised I hadn't answered in a bit. The rest of the way was as quiet as before. No conversation was made but it didn't matter any way as we arrived home 9 minutes after. We both got out and walked up to the front door. I have been here so many times it was like a second home. "Harry, Lauren?" Ashton called out. We soon heard the patter of feet down the stair case and saw 2 distraught children, they both shared the same gloomy and depressed faces. I feel so sorry for them right now. "Why is she here?" Harry asked. "Well my dear friend here is going to look after us and make sure we are okay, we are going to be living with her for a little while and then we can move back home. Sound good?" Ashton asked the two children. "Yea, I love her!" Lauren smiled, a genuine smile which seemed to be the only smile she has smiled today. Harry nodded. "Okay well run upstairs and pack a suitcase and some stuff to take with us and well be on our way in about 1 hour?" Ashton asked, looking at me for approval. I nodded and they all ran upstairs. I decided to look around as there are so many memories in here of Anne, on every wall there are photos of her and Ashton, Harry and Lauren. They were so happy. I didn't realise that an hour had already gone by because I soon heard a few footsteps come down the stairs. I turned around and gave them a small smile and we were soon on our way. "So is your house big?" Lauren asked me. I nodded. It was an average sized house. Ashton could sleep in my room as it's a king sized bed. I had two other rooms that were big enough to fit a king bed in each, as well as a large wardrobe. Was I rich? No, no I wasn't. I was just living in an old house and I built majority of the stuff in my house. There was one big bathroom, my room had an ensuite. There was a big kitchen, and an average sized lounge room/dining room. Overall it was cozy and big enough for an guests if I got any. Lucky in this situation. I showed the kids their rooms, they got straight to unpacking and I showed Ashton to our room. "Wow, I didn't know you had any of this, I have never really payed much attention. So where are you gonna sleep?" He asked. "Well we can just share a bed cause it's big enough and we have enough room to stay spread apart, so yea. If that's alright with you..." I was cut off mid sentence as Ashton gave me a massive hug. "Thank you so much, I don't know how I could possibly repay you" He said, whispering. I smiled and shook my head. "You don't have to pay me back. I am perfectly capable of receiving no payment, it doesn't bother me Ash." I smiled.
I left Ashton to unpack and sort out all his stuff. I walked past the kids rooms and saw Harry setting up his Xbox One which he managed to fit in his suitcase. I then walked past Lauren's room and found her sitting on her bed. I knocked softly, letting her know that I want to come in instead of barging in rudely. "Come in" She called out softly. I walked in, a small smile plastered on my face. "You alright?" I asked kindly, sitting next to her. "No, I, I need help, I haven't had my period yet, my mum promised as her only daughter to help me with all that stuff, she didn't even get to see me and Harry grow up, she always spoke about how, h-how on my first date she would help me out, she aways talked about how when I'm older she would help me out at my wedding, help me out with my children. She never broke her promises. I just I c-can't believe she isn't h-her and she won't see me g-grow u-up" She said starting to cry, I wrapped my arms around her, myself tearing up at watch she said as I was utterly hear broken. "If it makes you feel any better, I'm a girl and I'm like an older sister to you, I can teach you about all you need to know, I can protect you from all those douche bag guys, I can dress you up and help you on your first date, all your dates, I will help you with your wedding, children. I will alas be there for you Lauren. I am always open no matter what. If you ever need anything you can come to me. Okay?" I smiled sadly at her. "Okay, thank you so much, my brother is lucky to have met you. I don't know what we would have done" She smiled up at me sadly. I nodded and we just sat there for a while, in each other's embrace. I looked at the time and realised it was almost dinner time. "Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?" I asked Lauren. "Sure. Anything to create a happy ending to this horrible day." I smiled. "Okay well get ready then, we will leave in an hour. Dress in something fancy-ish." We both laughed. Lauren nodded and I left, closing her door and letting her get dressed and ready. I walked to Harry's room and found him paying his now set up Xbox One. "Harry bro, how's it going? I see you already got your Xbox set up." I laughed. "Yea, wanna play? I shook my head. "We are gonna go out for dinner so get in something decent enough, no shorts or singlet tops, not even any thongs okay?" I laughed and he laughed too. "Okay" "We leave in an hour so get ready. He nodded and I exited to leave him to get ready. I walked in Ashton and I's room. He was laying on my bed, looking at the ceiling. "You know that's my side right?" I laughed, causing him to jump and laugh along too. "Dang, you scared me. Oh do you want me to move?" He asked. "Yes because we are going out for dinner! get ready Ashy." He laughed at me. "How fancy do I dress?" "Like your going out to a club or restaurant, like I said to Harry, now singlets, shorts or thongs, k?" I laughed. "Sir yes Sir" He saluted and laughed along too. Ashton got dressed, he wore black skinny jeans and a dressy short sleeve top, it was dark blue with white spots on it. He put his black converse on to give it a sort of dressy look, he's a boy and doesn't care so I didn't tell him to change. I got in a white dress that had lace at the back, it came to mid thigh. It had a shallow neck, it pulled tight in all the right places, out lining my curves and making them pop out but not too much. It was a zip up so I had to get Ashton to help me. He just laughed at me but finally did up the zipper. I straightened my hair and added mascara and eyeliner as I hated makeup. I wore simple white heels that went nicely with the dress. I hated dressing up as my normal attire was black skinny jeans, band tees, flannels and converse. We walked out and found Harry ready and just about to walk out. He looked so cute in his beige jeans and white button up, he also wore white converse. We then went over to Lauren's room. "Lauren, are you ready?" I asked, knocking. "I need help!" She called out. I walked in and saw her in a beautiful black dress that came up just above her knees. It was tight and made her look really skinny and perfect. It had zig zag straps at the back and simple straps. She wore wedge heels, not too high as she wouldn't be able to walk if they were too high. "What do you need help with?" I asked. "I need help with my hair and my makeup." She complained. I smiled and walked over. 10 minutes later we were done. I lightly curled her hair, making it look natural. I added a small wing of eyeliner, light mascara, a shade darker than her skin eye shadow and a little blush. She looked gorgeous. She looked at her self and started to tear up. "Hey, don't you dare cry, we are having a fun night tonight, no crying, you might also ruin your make up that I worked so hard on." I winged. She laughed and dabbed her eyes with a tissue. We walked out, Harry smiled and walked down the stairs, obviously hungry and waiting to get to dinner, Ashton eyed Lauren and smiled. "You look beautiful Lauren." He smiled. Lauren smiled back and walked down the stairs too. "I think I might need to stay here longer. Gosh your the best" Ashton said hugging me. "Thank you Ash, it's really no problem. Now let's go, I think we have two hungry children on our hands" I laughed, Ashton joining in too, we walked down the stairs and out the door. We got in the care, me driving while the others were in the passenger seats.
It was 10:00pm when we got back. The kids went straight to bed as well as Ashton and I as we were tired and I had to unfortunately go to school tomorrow. At least I only get 2 and a half terms as the school doesn't like keeping us there. They believe in freedom. Thank god for that.
We got into our pyjamas and went straight to bed. Ashton refused to sleep so far away so we slept close together until we were a few centimetres away. "Goodnight Ash, I'll take Harry and Lauren to school tomorrow, you can stay here" I smiled, even though he couldn't really see me. "It's okay, goodnight shorty" He giggled softly. I soon after fell asleep, before I could fall officially into a deep sleep I felt two arms wrap around my waist and and warm body was pressed up against me, snuggling into me. I smiled and fell asleep. I am so sorry Ashton, were my last thoughts before I fell into the world of dreams.
Today was hectic, I hope tomorrow isn't as bad as today.

New story hope you enjoy it! I'm Katie one of the authors of this book! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it! We will try to update as often as we can! Sorry for any mind blows or tears shed over this story. Thanks for reading! xx

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