\\ Chapter 2 //

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I woke up to the sound of an alarm and groaning. I opened my eyes and came faced to face with a sleepy Ashton who's face was scrunched up and he looked annoyed. "What, why is there an alarm? I don't do this early, what is it like 3 am?" He spoke in his deep morning voice. I laughed at him. I just then noticed his arm was around my waist and hi was snuggled into my side. His eyes were also puffy like he had been crying all night. "Well, I'm not sure if you remember but it's my first day of year 12 and I need to get up and take Harry to his first day of year 7 and Lauren to school. So get up sleepy head." I laughed.  He groaned again. "Good morning" He smiled softly. I smiled, "Good morning" I whispered. I then got up, forgetting about Ashton's hands around my waist. I accidentally started t pull him out with me. "Hey, stop, your pulling me! I don't deserve this!" He said in a baby voice. "Hahahahaha, oops?" I laughed. He unwrapped his arms from around my waist and started to get up slowly. I changed into my uniform as we had to wear a uniform for the first term then we could wear whatever we wanted. Our uniform consisted of a white button up shirt, a blue and black skirt that was plaid, black school shoes and a blue jumper. It was pretty basic and boring but nice enough for me. I didn't put my jumper on as it was summer so I didn't need it. I left my hair out as we didn't need to put it up, our school, like I said before, is all about freedom. I brushed my curly hair, only a little bit as it gets really hard to brush. I walked out as Ashton went to collect the kids and make breakfast. As soon as I stepped outside of my room I was hit with a sweet smell. I walked around the corner and saw Ashton, he had on a pair of shorts, a black singlet. His muscles showing, I need to stop, he is my best friend, nothing will happen. I walked up to him and poked his side, causing him to jump. "I made breakfast" He laughed. I laughed along with him. "Thank you" I smiled, "No, thank you, I am so thankful to be best friends with someone as beautiful and amazing as you" He said, smiling softly. I blushed and nodded, hiding my face when collecting my plate of waffles and ice cream. He luckily didn't seem to notice. Well at least I thought he didn't notice. We ate up and packed our bags, ready to start our first day and first day back. I was nervous because, hello, I have been bullied forever so it could start up again, you just never know, there's a 90% chance it will.
We got in the car, Ashton insisted he drove us there. I was sitting in the front, but I wasn't listening to anything happening around me, I was too focused on what'll happen today. "Hey, are you okay?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by the voice of Ashton. I hadn't realised Harry and Lauren were out of the car and it was stopped in front of the school. I looked at Ashton who had a questioning look on his face. "Yea, um yea, I'm fine, just thinking" I half smiled. "About what?" He questioned. "About what's going to happen today, what if they do bully me, what if it doesn't stop, what is they beat me up again and your not there to help and stop them?" I rushed. He looked at me sadly, "Everything will be okay, your going to be fine, if they bully you, I know I'm not your dad but I will be up there and talking to the principal and remove your from that school! It's ridiculous and needs to be stopped!" He said, looking at me with a smirk on his face. I laughed, "Thank you, I better get going or I'm going to be late. Bye Ashton, I'll call you if anything happens. Okay?" "Okay, go on, I'll always be available." He smiled and gave me a hug. I stepped out, carrying my school bag. Hugging it tightly. I walked through the gates, no one waiting for me, people were just carrying on with their morning as usual. I walked into the hallway and found that crowded with people who were talking and waiting to get into homeroom. Wow this is strange, maybe they aren't here today? I questioned myself. I waked to my homeroom, seeing a new face. He must be new, I haven't seen him around, he is also wearing the year 12 uniform. He is defiantly new. I decided to sit next to him in homeroom. "Hey" I said softly. He turned to look at me. "Hey, umm I'm new, please don't bash me up, pick on me, steal my lunch, please just leave me be" He pleaded. I looked at him with sad eyes. "It's okay, people actually don't like me here, well I'm bullied everyday so we are in the same boat, we can be friends since I don't have any" I said, not sounding desperate or anything, just casually. He nodded and smiled. "I'm Michael, people back from where I transferred from called me rainbow hair, but I hated that so please don't call me that. Call me Mikey for short." He smiled. I nodded. "Well, Mikey, my nickname is shorty because I'm "not that tall" I got that nickname from my best friend Ashton. You can also call me Harper, that's my last name" I smiled. "Okay, Harper, nice to meet you" He smiled. I laughed and got out my books as homeroom had started. It went by very quickly, I had already finished my work so I was talking to Michael, we compared our time tables so I could see if he had any classes the same as me. Turns out we had all the same classes together. "Okay so first we have science then HSIE. I know the way, follow me." I spoke, walking along with him following to our next class. We arrived early so we sat down at the back of the classroom, talking and I telling him about our teacher and how nice she was. She is the best teacher though cause she is young and understands how boring school is so she lets us learn for half a lesson then we can do what we want, sorta. She is strict when it comes to the populars but when it comes to people like me and Michael she is nice and understands us because she used to be like us.

People started to file in and we instantly paid attention to the teacher who was entering after them and pushing them in. I whispered to Michael who the people you have to stay away from are. He nodded and watched on nervously as they turned their attention to me. I was so scared as they looked on between Michael and I. "I see you've made a friend?" The most rudest person I've ever met and the only person that could make your life a living hell just by looking at you said, aiming his words at me. "Hello Lola".

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