The Result

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Hermione then turned around on her calves and went to Draco. Narcissa watched in horror as the young witch was pointing her wand to her son and forced him into leading her out of the house. "It's a simple act," Hermione whispered to his ear when the other two women couldn't hear.

He almost laughed, but stopped fast enough. Had he laughed, they'd've figure out it's nothing to worry, thing that would be both good and bad for their situation. Narcissa and Bellatrix stood there, frozen and worthless. "Do something, Bella."

"Not my boy, Cissy," the Lestrange witch answered, as Hermione and Draco disappeared into the darkness of the halls of the enormous mansion.

Thankfully, no Fenrir Greyback, no Lucius Malfoy appeared before them and they ended out of the mansion. The woods are black and sad, light and life out of them. The wind is blowing powerfully, making a few leaves flutter and dance in the air. It is autumn. It is winter. But it's also spring and summer, only that the times are too dark and dangerous to see. Draco and Hermione had been running for about an hour before stopping.

"Why did you do that, Granger?" Draco blurted out, gasping, his lungs screaming for air, crying to be refilled after the long run. "When they find me, I'll be just as dead as everybody at the end of the war. I already lost everyone's trust when Snape had to kill Dumbledore, because I couldn't do it."

Hermione looked at curious. Her big eyes sparkled, a strange spark in them. "You saved my life. I was supposed to save yours." She slowed down her pace, waiting for him to keep up with her at times. It was obvious he was torn between running back and coming with her. But, besides that, she knew he wouldn't.

Draco bursted into laughter. "We were already even, Granger. It was me repaying you."

She rose one eyebrow, wondering what that meant. She couldn't figure out a good answer so she remained silent. Wind also blew through her hair, making it flutter and raise. She too was light and if any stronger gust was to come, it would raise her into the air too.

"I didn't need your help. I could've stayed and things could have ended out pretty well for me."

She snorted, surprised and annoyed at the same time. "Do you really believe in that? You could've stayed, yes, but would you have stayed?"

He eyed her, mistrust and hatred gone already from his eyes, confusion and sadness having replaced them. Draco felt his throat sore, his vocal cords made out stone, himself unable to move or to speak or to do anything. He was just standing, like a dead man who had nothing left, like the smallest ant in this entire universe. He wished that the Earth could swallow him whole in that instant.

Hermione sighed.

"I don't think I would've. Granger, I'm neither like you, nor like my family. I believe in neither light, nor dark. To me, it must be a combination of those two," he tried to explain. But his words didn't come out the way he wanted. He had never been deep. He had never been profound and had never spoken like that. Draco Malfoy had been, was and was to always be Draco Malfoy, cocky, arrogant, dark. He wanted to say something different, but it ended out like that.

She looked at him, hopeful and relieved. "We anyway better keep going." He nodded and followed her.

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