Chapter 1

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It was a time when the Philistines and the Israelites were at war. I, Delilah, the daughter of Levant, highest ranking leader of the Philistine army, was desired by many men in our nation. My father had given me the free will to choose a groom amongst those who asked for my hand, and yet I had not found one who sparked my interest. And so I had lived under the roof of my father for a long time, aiding my mother in the household chores.

Despite the fact I have reached the age for marriage, I remained quite carefree in my ways, often times being playful and childish. I would run around and pull jokes on my maids or simply just play games with little children on the fields. But what I loved the most was to spend some time by myself in Sorek Valley, by the brook. My father had warned me to keep distance from the place, since it was the border between the two nations at war. Nevertheless I deliberately disobeyed, convincing myself I would stay on the Philistine side of the waters.

It was on that faithful place where I first saw him, the love of my life, Samson. I was splashing around the brook, playing with some colorful stones along the path, when I heard footsteps move its way toward my position. Alarmed, I hid behind some nearby bushes, instantly cursing myself under my breath for not heeding the advice of my father. Lo and behold before me stood a man of beauty that only the gods could compare with. I stared at him with such awe, taking in his beautiful facial features, his long hair and his well-formed chiseled body, completely ignoring the fact that the man before me belonged to the rival army. He stopped by the water and knelt on his knees to drink. I continued to beg Dagon, the great god, for forgiveness as I leaned in closer to watch the handsome man, but it seemed as if Dagon dismissed my prayer and sent forth aa quick punishment as I found myself slipping out of the bush and into the water.

I was terrified, now aware of the fact that the Israelite has spotted me. I splashed around the water unable to get up in fear as I saw the soldier approach me. I closed my eyes and held my arm before me in protection, holding on to the last seconds I have yet to live. And yet I was surprised when he merely held out his hand to help me up on my feet again. He looked at me, confusion masking his face. His dark eyes observed me and for a short moment, I felt embarrassed. I stood up, trying to gather my poise and composure, despite the fact he and I both knew I looked nothing but helpless. I was after all the daughter of Levant, a prestigious man of my country. He took my hand and carefully guided me to land, the other side of the Philistine border. His touch was calming and warm; it did not matter to me that I was standing with an enemy. I did not feel fear.

The soldier introduced himself to be Samson, one of the generals in the Israelite army. I revealed my name to him, wondering if this man knew what heritage I had come from. He smiled and kissed my hand in such gentle manner, that I felt a blush across my small face. I felt my heart race and my  blood rush, as if I was begetting something forbidden. Samson then stood up, excusing himself, as he had to return to the army. Yet before he left he vowed he would come by the brook the next day, not even waiting for my reply.

As I watched Samson vanish from my sight, I stood there bewildered. I knew that meeting him would begin trouble beyond perception. A downfall so to speak. However I felt compelled to come to the brook at this hour of the next day, believing in his promise he would come, hoping to once more just have a glimpse of this man I had for some reason begun to fall in love with.

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