Chapter 3

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Samson and I continued our love affair in secrecy. I came to the brook every day after fulfilling my duties in my household with hopes that I would see my beloved. Samson would meet me as often as he could as I understood he was still bound to his duties as a general. I knew very well that although he did not want to fight this war, it would not be easy for him to leave and proclaim his honest views on current politics. He would be accused of treachery and the punishment in both our motherlands was sure death. I trusted in the plan he revealed to me, that he would slowly delegate his duties to the next ranking officials and feign death during the next battle and runaway with me.

Once I had asked him why he did not strike me when he first laid eyes upon me as I fell into the water. I had gotten to know my lover as we spent time together and I knew that Samson was a man of principle and patriotism. He loved his motherland, his family, his duty and above everything else, his God. He led his army with compassion and a purpose and prioritized his soldiers over his own well-being. And so I insisted him to tell me what had changed his mind. At first he would not answer the question, perhaps feeling guilty himself that he had betrayed his own principles. But time came that he finally convinced himself that our affair was righteous, through the sight of men and his God, and so he answered my question. "When I first held you in my sight, I had known who you are and of your heritage." He paused. "However I was appalled by your beauty and gentleness. I could not bear the thought of inflicting harm on you, one who is fragile, fair and innocent. I felt conflicted on whether I should uphold my duty but then I had begun to doubt the war we had to continue, which origin is unknown and where you and I find ourselves to be faultless. When I offered you my hand you reached out. Did you not feel the same as you did not cower in fear and run? As I felt the sensation of your touch I knew for myself that I will win the lady who had unveiled before me a life of trust and love and not war and pillage. Did you not feel the same?"

"Yes Samson my love. Indeed I felt the same", I answered with sincerity leaning in to kiss him softly on the lips.

~ * ~

"Darling", he begun with a softness in his tone, "would you do me a favor?" I looked at him, intrigued by what he could possibly ask, and then nodded. I knew from the bottom of my heart that there was nothing I would not do for this man.

"Cut the hair that grows on my head."

"Your hair?"

"Yes darling my hair."

"But Samson, love, why would you want me to cut your hair?"

My Samson had beautiful long brown hair which he would keep back with a band most of the time. When he would lay and rest his head on my lap, I would stroke and play with the strands. And so it struck me that my Samson would suddenly want to cut his hair.

"Delilah I started growing my hair when I began my duties in the Israelite army. I have been through battles and bloodbaths, I have seen many soldiers come and go, yet not once have I cut my hair. I may not be able to remove my scars, but if you cut the hair that grows on my head, it shall be a symbol of fleeing the war and leaving behind my responsibilities. I promise you, we will start a new life."

He handed me a razor and faced his back towards me. I began cutting strands of hair from his head, watching them fall on my lap. I apologized because I did not know how to cut evenly as it was something our housemaids would usually do. He laughed and requested me to proceed with the task he had delegated unto me. When I finished I asked for him to turn around and face me. My Samson, he looked different. He still looked handsome but his face showed less ferocity. My heart fluttered as I reached out to hold his face in both my hands. He kissed the palm of my hand, leaving a burning sensation behind. He leaned forward and started kissing my lips, gently at first, his warm mouth softly brushing mine. Then his kisses developed into something that felt like possessiveness. It felt like he was letting me know how much he needed me, wanted me and desired me. I tried to reciprocate the way he kissed me hoping he would feel the amount of emotion I sincerely had for him. I delved in the sensations his kisses left at its wake on my mouth, my ears, the length of my neck and my shoulders. We indulged in each other, getting lost in our senses until the light of the last night star and the awakening of the morning sun.

"Delilah, promise me we will run away and start our lives again anew" , my Samson said while he was stroking my cheek.

I took his hand and kissed the inside of his palm.

"I promise Samson".

We promised to meet three days after; on the very same place we would always see each other. He would escape the battle he was meant to lead, one way or another, and together we would flee.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2019 ⏰

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