Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I lay on my bed and thought about Samson, reminiscing every detail of our meeting in my head. Feeling the warmth of his touch, hearing the sound of his voice, staring into his deep brown eyes, I concentrated fully on making the memories so vivid and nearly tangible. And yet it did not end with just the happenings by the brook. I imagined what life would be with Samson, completely leaving out the fact that we were star-crossed. I looked into, or must I say I hoped for, a peaceful future with him, away from the war, whom no one knows how it started. I sighed once I opened my eyes. Reality sank in; for I knew that peaceful was the last thing that could happen for Samson and me. And from this blood bath of our nations no one could escape.

I was already awake when the sun began to arise from the horizon. I felt that I had slept well despite the fact I had only rested for quite a short time. I called in Zherah, to help me fix myself. Aside from being my faithful guardian, Zherah was the only person who knew more about me than my father, mother or my so-called friends. She politely came in after softly knocking on my door and I summoned her to me. I sat down on my stool which was placed in front of a large mirror, a representation of my vanity. Zherah began brushing my partly damp hair, tugging gently at the knots by the end. I began to reveal my newest secret and she listened to me intently all the while. 

“Why madame! You are aware that your beloved Samson is from the rival army”, she exclaimed. “Oh if your father found out about this, this would mean trouble.”

“I am aware of that Zherah. And yet I my heart wishes to see him once again, therefore I will make an appearance today by the brook.”

“Oh madame, I just hope your father does not find out about this. And you know how much I pray for your happiness child, but this time nations are at stake. I beg you to break contact with him!”

 I was very much disappointed, although I knew she was right. Nevertheless I hoped that she would speak of her support in this disillusioned vision of mine that my star-crossed fate with Samson would surpass it all.  

I was glad my father had a lot to do in the army, training the new soldiers who voluntarily presented themselves to protect our motherland. After I had finished my chores, I quickly asked for my mother’s permission to go outside, whilst she got ready to aid my father by nursing the wounded. And as I had predicted she nodded, not even paying the smallest amount of attention to my plea. 

I made my way towards the promised place we were to see each other again. I was tense and it felt as if my body was trembling. I had to follow Zherah’s advice. And yet I could not make up how to stop seeing Samson when I myself did not want it for some reason. I felt so attached to him, to his touch and his warmth, it did not matter to me that all we knew about each other was our names, and far worse that I was prohibited to even speak of him in my household. 

As I reached the waters, I saw him waiting on the field by other side. My heart fluttered in an instant at the sight of him, his short dark brown hair, his rounded brown almond-shaped eyes, the beautiful bridge of his nose, his hard edged cheekbones all the way down to his plush lips and his stubble chin.

I could feel the blood rush in my veins, excitement subduing my body, heat flushing to my face. I was hopelessly out of control. He stood up upon seeing me and in one swift move he was at our side of the border, standing before me, his chiseled body so close to mine.

“I was hoping you would come. I’m glad you did.”

My quivering lips could only smile. He smiled back at me and asked if I knew a nearby spot where we could both rest for a while. I nodded, hopefully not much eagerly, motioning Samson to follow me. Soon we had reached a huge tree, partly hidden behind a large boulder. He took a sit, grateful for the comfort the shadows gave against the bright and scorching sun. I sat beside him, waiting for him to say a word. 

“Do you come here often Delilah”, he looked at me with sincere curiosity written on his face.

“Yes, I do”, I replied timidly.

“It is a lovely place indeed but what brings you here quite often”, he asked once more.

“Well there is nothing much to do after the household chores, and so I spend most of my time here”

“Excuse my insolence, yet I must know, has no one asked for your hand fair one?”

“Many sure have. But out of the many I have not found one suitable candidate.”

“Then tell me Delilah what must I do for you to consider me worthy of your hand?”

As much as I had wanted to tell Samson how deeming he was to ask for my hand, I had to decline the alluring offer of being together with him. We both had responsibilities to serve our nation and part of that was to end this foolishness.

“Samson, we cannot meet anymore. I am sure you are fully aware of my heritage. And if not, I shall boldly state to you that I, Delilah, am the daughter of Levant, leader of your rival army. Thus it is only right that we do not befriend each other.”

“I am aware of your heritage fair lady, and yet it is does not mean anything to me. Upon sight of your face, I knew I had fallen in love and to stop this feeling is to attempt the impossible.”

“I too have fallen in love by first sight; nevertheless the reality of our situation cannot be avoided. We both have duties to fulfill towards our nations, and loyalty to our motherland is one of them”

“But what does the bloodbath have to do with you and I? In this war we do not even know who started, what role do we play in it? Why must we continue a fight which purpose is to us unknown? Tell me, why must we kill each other?”

And then it struck me, that Samson was right. We may be of different nations, and yet in the end we were all human. And to slaughter our fellowmen for a purpose unknown made all of us seem ridiculous. I looked Samson in the eye before throwing myself in his arms. How were we going to explain everything the both sides at rage?

As if he had read through my thoughts, Samson embraced me tightly and whispered “Do not worry, for our love shall overcome it all.”

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