Character Description

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Addilyn Bell
Hi, I'm Addilyn Bell. My friends called me Addi or Lynni. I have long, dark brown hair and hazel eyes and a few freckles. My hair is so dark it's almost black. I've gotten into trouble a few times because my eyelashes are dark and it looks like I'm wearing eyeliner all the time. I'm one of the young ones and am 11 in Grade 6. I'm a school leader and have not said a single swear word in my life (my friends think I'm crazy). I have some awesome friends though.

Natalia Mackney
Hey, I'm Natalia. My friends call me Natty or Tali though. I have long, dark brown hair and brown eyes. I kind of look like Addi. If you didn't know us, you would think we were twins. My friends also think I can be really crazy at times. I love- no, make that LOVE- llamas and narwhals. I'm a Sport Leader and have a kind heart. With awesome friends at my side, I feel unstoppable!

Peyton Hayes
I'm Peyton Hayes. I am the tallest in the school (I'm in Grade 6 with Addi and Tali). I have long, blonde hair and blue eyes. I love One Direction WAY more than Tali loves llamas and narwhals and Addi loves Divergent and Taylor Swift. I know: Swifties and Directioners DON'T MIX. We get along great though and are best friends. We are an exception, of course. And Tali like 1D and Tay Tay, and I really don't care. People can like and dislike what they want to like and dislike.I can be a little bit shy in front of a big audience but eventually get over it. I love llamas, but not as much as Tali. I don't have a leadership position, but I didn't really want one, anyway. I may seem shy at first, but when you get to know me, I can be a bit outgoing and I am not afraid to express myself.

Nathan Roberts
I'm Nate. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm kinda short. My friends think I'm annoying sometimes- okay, most of the time. I'm also a tech nerd, as Addi calls me. I built a robot for a movie once. I was on/off about the leadership role, but decided last minute I wanted one. I didn't get one though, but that's alright. With awesome friends and technology at my side, I don't need a role!

Benjamin Mayer
'Sup? I'm Benji, and I'm a comedian! Well, my friends laugh at my jokes. I have black hair and brown eyes. I may or may not have started a School War by stabbing 2 different apples on 2 seperate occasions. Long story. Sometimes people just don't appreciate how hard it is to come up with a joke.

Jaylin Chase
I'm Jay. I hang around with Benji from time to time. I have dirty blonde hair and brown eyes.I was there when he started the School War. I went for a leadership role and worked REALLY hard to get my application in (I even ignored other work), and luckily I got it in on time, but some people just didn't  appreciate my work. I didn't get a role, but some of my friends did, which is good. I really don't care. I let it go (oh, God, Nate don't even start. It may be your favourite song, but some people find it really annoying).

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