Chapter 6: The Scene Part 1

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3rd Person's POV

By the time you woke up, you realized someone hovering over you. You blinked your eyes several times to make your vision clear.

It was Sosuke.

You blushed a light shade of pink when you saw him smile.

"Wh-What are y-you doing h-here?" You stuttered while still laying on the bed.

"I'm here to tell you that dinner's ready." He said and sat down properly, not hovering at you anymore.

"O-Oh. I see." You said and sat up. You saw Sosuke smiled at you so you smiled back.

You saw him and Ao as two different people. Your smile faded when you realized that one day, you'll have to kill Ao and on that day, Sosuke will be killed too.

"What's wrong, [Your Name]? You look pale." He said. You looked at him and shook your head.

"N-Nothing's wrong. I just... thought of something." You said and looked down.

Silence filled the whole room. Sosuke still looking at you.

"Ah! Let's go down already. Satomi might have been at his beast mode by this time." You said and winked at him. He let out a small giggle and just agreed to do so.

As you and Sosuke walk down the hall, silence filled the atmosphere.

"He's innocent and calm and-- Wait. Why am I describing him? I know that I like the bead holders but by the way I look at Sosuke, he looks different to me." You thought as you were looking at him the whole time.

"Is there something on my face, [Your Name]?" He asked.

"A-Ah! Nothing. I didn't mean to stare." You said and looked straight your way, blushing.

"It's fine but... why is your face so red?" He asked and tried to look at your face but you kept hiding your reddened face.

"Nothing. Its just hot." You instantly said. He just shrugged off the thought and walked on straight ahead.

Once you arrived the dinning room, Satomi was glaring at you. You rolled your eyes at him.

You sat down beside Shino. They just looked at you.

"You're late. Again." Satomi said.

"Well, I'm sorry for making you wait." You said. Satomi shook his head then, all of you ate dinner peacefully.

After dinner, you went straight to your room and prepared for the transformation.

"I'll be transforming into a demon again. I need to be ready." You thought and closed your eyes.

A little more time and you've transformed into a demon. Your blood red eyes are flaring with hunger.

You went out of your room through your room's window and searched for people to kill.

You landed on the ground and searched for your target.

You saw one and killed it with your own hands. You drinked the blood of the person before killing it.

"[Your Name]? Is that... you?" A familiar voce said. Your eyes widened and turned around. It was Sosuke.

"Wh-What are y-you doing late at n-night?" He stuttered just looking at your current form. The innocent and cute girl before, turned into a demon girl who kills people.

"Can't you see, Sosuke? This is the form I have been turning into during nighttime. Aren't you scared of what I might do to you?" You asked coldly. He didn't run away or even shout for help.

"I'm not because I know that you're still the [Your Name] who is sweet and innocent." He said.

"What are you doing here, anyway? You can get killed at this time of hour." You said and walked towards him.

"The scene earlier when she was killing the person gave me goosebumps but no. I can't leave her in this situation." Sosuke thought as he stared at your blood red eyes.

"Do you think you can survive this place when I'm here?" You said and once you were close to him, you prepared your hands for the kill but...

He kissed your lips. Your eyes widened at the sudden action. His eyes were closed and he really feels the kiss. You pushed him slightly and panted for air.

"What's wrong with you!?" You yelled and covered your mouth. Even if you're a demon, you're feelings for someone will never change.

"I wanted to wake you up from your state so I kissed you." He said shyly. You ignored him and flew away, leaving him staring at the night sky where you flew off.

"Why'd he kiss me? Damn him. If only he realized that I am still the girl he used to know, maybe he wouldn't kiss me but... I have to admit that I liked the kiss." You thought as you search for people strolling around. You spotted some and attacked them.

Meanwhile, Sosuke is walking back to the Mansion was confused yet in a daze because of the kiss.

"She has those innocent features of a child that made her look adorable but... now that I saw a scene that I haven't seen before, I think I can't hide the fact that I wanted to stay by her side and protect her." He thought while walking back.

Once he already arrived, he was greeted by Shino and Kobungo chasing each other on the hallway.

"Sosuke! Kobungo is trying to make me drink alcoholic beverages." Shino whined as he hid behind Sosuke.

"Come on, Shino. I know you're old enough to drink this." He said and held up a bottle of sake.

"Kobungo. Can we please go inside the room now?" Sosuke politely said and the three of them just went back to the room they stayed when hanging out.

Once inside, the others are looking serious and it made Shino and Sosuke nervous.

"What's wrong?" Shino asked.

"[Your Name] is missing." Azakeno stated.

"What!?" Shino and Kobungo said in shock.

"All we did was have fun earlier and now, she's missing!?" Kobungo said and they just sighed.

Inside the room were the bead holders and Hamaji only. The 4 families were out on a meeting on the Headquarter.

"We have to find her. Fast." Sosuke suggested and they all agreed. They went out of the Mansion to look for you.

To be continued...

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