Chapter 10

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"Holy fucking shit !! " Kat said staring at her phone

We were sitting in Kat's living room hanging out

"What happened ?" I asked

"Kori .. Kori Davis is what happened !"

"Kat your not making any sense "

Kat rolled her eyes and looked at me "Kori is the third and finally model for the company"

"Oh that's good, Princeton found another model"

~Picture of Kori above !!~

"Renee this is bad news ! " Kat put her phone down and rubbed her forehead

"How come ?"

"She is the biggest bitch you could meet, she likes to start drama for no reason" Kat said shaking her head

"Well how do you know for sure she's going to start working for the company ?" I asked

"she's bragging all about it on twitter , look when you met Kori try not to talk to her ok ?"

"Kat I don't want to be rude"

"she will find some way to fuck you over , if you don't pay any mind to her she will probably just be cool" Kat explained

" I mean, I will try .."

"Please do I don't want to hear that women run her mouth all damn day when im working " Kat said rolling her eyes

I laughed and shook my head "Everything is going to be fine Kat" all of a sudden my phone rang , I pulled out my phone from my purse and rolled my eyes when I saw who was calling

"What do you want ?" I asked

"To see if you chilled out today or not"

" Roc don't try to make me look like the crazy one here " I said calmly

"Your taking thing way out of hand , nothing is going on between me and my co-worker ok ? I love you to much to hurt you like that "

" right .. "


"How aboutttt .. her ?"

I looked over to the girl Renee was pointing to and rolled my eyes "she's pretty .."

"soooo go make a move" Renee said getting all happy

"No way I don't even know the girl's name .. not to be mean or anything but you have been annoying with this whole getting me a girl thing this week"

Renee let out a laugh while throwing chips in her mouth " Im just looking out for ya "

"Thank you but no thank you" I said smirking at her . Renee threw a chip at me laughing and I started laughing with her but her laugh quickly stopped when she glanced up

"What the hell do you want Dennis ?" Renee blurted out glaring at him

I turned around and saw a boy who looked really mad " I wanna know who the fuck this is" Dennis said pointing at me

"what ?" I asked confused

"Look I just came over her to find out who the new boy your chilling with so much " Dennis said getting closer to Renee

"And why do you care ? go back to your hoe ok ?" Renee said making an uncomfortable face while scooting away from Dennis in her chair

I didn't like where this was going at all " Renee let's just go ok ?"

Renee nodded her while taking my hand and we began to get up from our seats

"You aren't going anywhere" Dennis said pushing my shoulder down and making me sit back in my seat

I quickly got up and pushed Dennis back "Don't touch me !" I yelled

"Who the fuck you touching like that ?!" Dennis yelled and seconds later he punched me right in my jaw which made me fall to the ground

" Princeton !!!! " I heard Renee yell " Dennis what the hell !!!" She added but this time her voice sounded sad

I held my jaw while struggling to get up

"Aye what the fuck is going on ?!" I heard Prodigy ask

"Nah no time for talking" I heard RayRay said. By the time I looked up to look at RayRay he punched Dennis right in his face which sent Dennis right to the ground , RayRay then got on top of him and punched him non stop while Prodigy kicked Dennis in his side

"Break it up !!!! " I heard a bunch of teachers scream running towards the three of them and pulling them away from each other

Renee ran to my side and held my face " come on let's get you some ice for your jaw"

I shook my head " no im staying here with RayRay and Prodigy"

"Please the side of your face is already swelling up" Renee pointed out

I looked up at Prodigy and RayRay who were being escorted out the lunch room by teachers

I got up from the floor " I really should just check up on them" Still holding my jaw I ran out the lunch room and into the principles office

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