My Past

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Over the years I have not been able to forget my past as a child, the memories are always inside my head but without them I would not be who I am today.

About the time I was seven I was living without my mother. My father was not there to begin with he had left before I was born. I had to learn to live with only myself and no one there during most of my childhood.

I had stayed in the home that we owned before she died, refusing to go live with some other family. I ran away from the orphanage and went back to my house. I was doing just fine without anybody.

I found money in the safe in my mother’s room. I also had a neighbor that would help me out. My life was good.

That was until the day that they came to get me.

I did not know who they were or why they had come. I had only known that two men in suits had been trying to take me away. I had struggled to get away from them. kicking and biting their hands and arms I tried to get past them. They held me up and would not let go of me.

Finally, after harshly biting the hand of one of my captors he dropped me and I was able to slip between their legs and run outside of the house.

I stopped to think for a few seconds.  At that time I was only 7. Where was I to go? I had always stayed inside the house. After my mother died I was too afraid to go outside.

No she did not just die. My mother was murdered.

Finally I decided to just run. I did not know where I was going. I just knew that if I ran I would get somewhere where those men weren't.

I ran and ran not looking behind me to see if the men were chasing me. To look back I would have to stop even for only a second. That second might have been enough for them to catch me.

I ran until I was sure that they weren’t chasing me anymore. Then and only then did I stop to catch my breath and rest. I don’t know how long I ran but when I looked around I was on a road in the middle of nowhere with trees all along the side.

I chose a big tree and sat down underneath it. Soon I had fallen asleep. Under that tree I dreamed about that night. The night my mother was murdered.


“Katya are you done yet” My mother calmly said while standing in the doorway of the bathroom.

“Almost” I happily said.

It was a friday night. Every friday my mother and I would stay home together and we would watch a movie.

Friday was the only night of the week that she would let me stay up later than 10 o’clock. It was our special night together after all of the work and me going to Kindergarten we just liked to rest.

                                              ~~~~~~~Magical Time Skip~~~~~~~

“Спокойной ночи возлюбленного" My mother whispered to me “Я люблю тебя.” (Goodnight Sweetheart, I love you) Leaning down she places a kiss on my forehead and gives me a hug.

A loud crash came from downstairs. My mother jerks up and looks at the door with a panicked expression on her face. “Katya” she whispers “I need you to hide somewhere”

I ask, “Where do I go?” I was very worried. I had never Seen my mother like this.

“Anywhere just make sure that no one will be able to find you. Make sure you hide until I come to get you. Now Go!!!” She quietly yelled

I nod and run off to find someplace to hide.

Where do I hide? What’s going on downstairs? Why is mommy so worried? Will mommy be ok? All of these questions were racing through my mind.

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