Meeting the Figure

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            I was sitting there terrified and unable to move. The figure sat there staring down at us. "Who are you?" I ask

The figure didn't say anything but instead turned away and ran.

"Wait!!" I screamed out.

The figure didn't stop but instead just kept running.

After the figure was out of our sight, Tali, Sera and I just sat there. Trying to understand what just happened.

    I slowly stood up, my legs were shaking very badly. I had to be the strong one of the group.

Helping Tali and Sera up I then decided to start going back home to Riley.

On the way back home we decided to stop to get more food. Since ours was all over the ground.


    When we got back to the hotel, Riley was still sitting on her computer. She seemed very focused and I didn't want to disturb her. She was probably hungry though. I walked up to her and looked at the computer. I couldn't really tell what she was doing. It looked very complicated and confusing.

    I hesitantly tapped on her shoulder. Startled, she quickly turned around. "Oh its just you." She stated, sounding relieved.

    "Yeah, we got the food."

    "Awesome!" She exclaimed. "Now I can take a break!"

    We all sat down on the floor and ate. There was some small talk, but it was mostly silent.

    After we ate, Riley went back to her computer. The rest of us just quietly sat there. I started to drift off to sleep. I could see that Tali was already sleeping and Sera was gazing out the window.

    I tried to resist the overwhelming need to sleep. I didn't feel safe in this hotel, I felt as if someone was here.

    After 10 or so minutes I  couldn't take it anymore and I left myself drift off to sleep.


    I awoke with a start. I was sweating heavily and gasping for air. I had the same dream. That one that haunts my dreams still to this day.

    I calmed myself and laid down again. I tried to fall back to sleep but at that moment I heard a noise. It was as if someone was trying to get in.

    Most people wouldn't have heard that but I've trained myself so that I could.

    I laid there as still as I could and tried to even out my breathing so that if someone was coming in, they would think that I was asleep.

    Waiting for a little while longer, I heard no noises and decided that I was just imagining the sounds.

    Then at that moment I heard what sounded like footsteps. My eyes quickly scanned to the left of me and all three girls were sleeping there. I didn't want to turn over, in fear that whoever it was would see that I'm awake.

    I slowly crept my hand up to the little nightstand that was beside the bed and grabbed the pistol that I had sitting on it.

    There it was again, the sound of footsteps. Now I was sure that someone was in here. I heard the person walk across the room. It was obvious that they were trying to be stealthy.

    Then they stopped, looking over, I could clearly see them now. Only the silhouette though. Whoever the person was, they were petite and looked feminine. It had to be a female.

    I stood up as silently as I could. The figure was looking at Riley's computer. Slowly walking towards the figure, I raised my gun. I got up the courage to talk and said "Take your hands off the computer! I will Shoot!!!"

    The girl froze, then I could hear her making sounds. I listened and realized that she was laughing. The laughing grew louder and louder. I looked at her, questioning her with my eyes. She slowly turned around, still laughing.

    Suddenly the laughing stopped and a serious look crossed her face. That look turned into an evil look. My eyes widened and I was frozen. Why is she just standing there? She should be scared of me...

    My finger was tense on the trigger, ready to pull it at any time. We stared at each other, for what seemed like hours. I was contemplating what to say. Before I could say anything, the mystery girl started talking, "You wouldn't shoot me," She chuckles, "After all I am the one who saved you." She stated with an amused look on her face.

    My eyes widened slightly, but I decided to play it cool. "What do you mean you saved me?" I questioned

    HA! She let out a loud laugh. "You mean to say that you forgot already!?!"

    "What's going on?" A voice questioned.

    I glanced behind me and saw that it was Seraphine. "This girl broke in and was trying to go through Riley's computer."

    "This girl?? THIS GIRL??? Wow you really are unappreciative!" The mystery girl yelled.

    By then Riley and Tali had woken up and were staring at the girl, confused about what was happening. "Look," I said "Just tell us what you're talking about and why you're here." I tried to sound firm but my voice came out kind of shaky.

    What's happening to me, I used to be so strong. Why am I acting this way?

    "Remember in the alley, you know when that guy was trying to kill you?" She giggled, "I was the one who saved you!"

    I heard someone gasp and exclaim "Thank you so much! You saved our lives!!!"

    That voice was Tali's. I turned and glared at her. "You're so Welcome!!! Finally someone who appreciates me!" The girl smirked.

    Turning back towards her, I cautiously asked "So why are you here now? I do appreciate you saving us but why did you break into our hotel room..?"

    She hesitated before she answered, "Well, I don't know... You guys seemed kind of interesting. And when I followed you, I saw what you guys were doing and wanted to take a closer look. What are you doing anyways?" She asked quietly.

    Slowly lowering my gun, I stared at her, uncertain.

    Everyone was silent. All staring at each other. "Look I know you probably don't wanna tell me, but you know... maybe I can help." She stated

    I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked back. It was Sera. She took a deep breath and hurriedly said "I think we can trust her, I know you probably don't think so. I mean I just have this feeling that she can help us and she can get us closer. We always follow your feelings so maybe we can follow mine for once."

    I hesitated, thinking about what she said. Then looked over at the mystery girl. I sighed, "Fine... I guess that we can trust you..."

    The small smile on her face grew. She looked really excited.

    We all sat down and I told her our story. It took a while. After we were done she just sat there and stared at us in awe. "Wow your story is so sad and it's amazing what you're doing." She said.

    All of the cockiness that she had before had disappeared. "By the way, the name's Twilight."

    "Nice to meet you Twilight!" Riley exclaimed.

    We all smiled at each other.

    I was glad we had someone else to help us. This would be easier now, well I hope it will be.

    "Well since we're all awake let's make some breakfast. Then I can get back to my work!" Riley said as she happily skipped to the kitchen.

    I stared at her, laughing. I was really happy that I had these people here with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2015 ⏰

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