So... Now What?

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London, England

    A city that everyone wants to go to. A city full of diversity that has many tourists and that seems like a wonderful place. That was not what it was like when we arrived. It was rainy, dreary, cold and dark outside when we first arrived. We quickly tried to find a hotel room to settle in for the night and plan our next move.


The four of us were sitting in our hotel room. Tali, Seraphine, Riley and I.

    Silence filled the room as we all thought about our next move.

    You're probably wondering why we're in London.

    The truth is that I'm not exactly sure. I just decided that we needed to get out of the U.S. It was in the U.S that I thought I would find my mother's murderers.

    As I thought, I realized that we were looking in the wrong places. There was a reason that we couldn't ever find a lead in the U.S.

    So I decided that it would be best to get out of the country to start looking.

    "So.... Now What?" Tali quietly asked

    Silence followed for a moment before I spoke up. "I'm not sure exactly but... I want to find more about my mother. I think that I should find out about her background in order to be able to find her killers."

    After I said that I could see that Riley had perked up and a smile was slowly starting to spread across her face. "I think that I could help you there" She exclaimed

    "Really?" I excitedly questioned.

    Riley stood up and nodded. She went to her bag and grabbed her computer.   

    She went to sit at the desk and get her computer started up. The three of us surrounded her.

    "What are you going to do?" Sera questioned

    Focused on her computer Riley answered like it was the most natural thing in the world, "I'm going to hack into The USA's government database!"

    I just stood there stunned.

    Was this girl really that good with computer's?

    I questioned if she could really hack into a system that's that complicated. I couldn't even imagine what she would have to go through. Even if she was able to... What if she gets caught?

    Snapping out of my thoughts I noticed that Tali and Sera were standing there transfixed by the computer. I looked at it and didn't recognize at all what Riley was doing.

    "I'm hungry!" Tali complained and looked at me.

    When she said that I realized that I was hungry as well and I could see that Sera was nodding in agreement.

    "You guys should go out and get some food. I'm going to be here for a while... possibly all night before I get the information." Riley said.

    I nod and agree to getting the food.

    I walked over and put my coat on and grabbed an umbrella. Sera and Tali followed.

    This was the first time that we've ever been to London and didn't know where we should go to eat.

    So we just decided to walk around until we found a place that looked interesting. We talked to people and asked them what they would recommend and soon found a restaurant that we all agreed would be the best.

    We went in and ordered it to go since we had to get some food back to Riley.

    When we came out of the restaurant we started walking back towards the hotel.

    Sera had an idea to go through alleyways in order to get to the hotel faster. Instead of going around.

    "Don't you think that could be kind of dangerous" I nervously asked

    "What could possibly happen. Except maybe running into a homeless guy. I think we can take him though." She said with a laugh and started running off.   

    I sighed and Tali and I followed her.

    As we started going down the Alleyway I felt really nervous. I kept thinking of the bad things that could happen.

    It seemed fine at first but then I started hearing something that sounded like a person running.

    I quickly looked and saw a man running towards us.

    We all tried to move to get out of his way but he came up to us. "Can we help you?" I asked.

    A grin started to slowly appear and the man reached his hand towards his pocket and pulled something out. I wasn't sure what it was at first but when he pointed it at us I realized it was a gun.

    Tali and Sera started freaking out but I tried to remain as calm as possible. I didn't want to show my fear.

    I knew that I couldn't do anything to him. I didn't have my weapons with me and although I was trained in martial arts I was afraid he would accidently shoot me or the other two girls.

    I quickly spoke up, "Please sir you can have whatever you want. Just let us go."

    No words were spoken from him but I could see his grin grow bigger.

    Fear started to take over me.

    I can't die. Not now. Not before I find her murderers.

    Just as I was about to break down I heard gunshots. I quickly fell onto the ground hoping not to get shot.

    Hearing the man scream out in pain I looked up and there I saw a figure looming over his body...

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