Chapter 3

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The characters belong to Suzanne Collins The Amazing!

only slight cringe pt 3

Chapter 3

Right after he leaves my mother walks in, her brows creased and her and finicky. "Is everything okay?" 

"Yes, everything is fine. He was just wishing me good luck for the victory tour." I say trying not to worry her. 

"Well, that's good. I was worried something was wrong." Mother says.

"The only thing wrong will be when the prep team sees how my eyebrows have grown back." Mother and I both laugh. Oh, everything is just a perfect picture, mother.

"Do you want me to run you a bath?"

"Yes," I say.

I walk upstairs to the bathroom and step into the tub. My mother must have put something in here because it is slippery. The water is hot. In our old house, we didn't have hot water unless we boiled it. We didn't even have much water to use. Now we have a limitless supply of water from the tap. I go through phases where I think it is excessive to use it, then others where I know I've paid for it in blood. Today I think I've earned it.

I lean my head into the tub and pretend I'm swimming. I used to go to a pond with my father all the time. I've gone there a couple of times, but it never felt the same without him. I never even took Gale there the place always felt like I belonged to my father and me. No one else.

From the water, I can hear doors slamming, and greetings exchanged downstairs. The signal that my entourage has arrived. I barely have time to towel off before they walk in.

"Katniss! Your eyebrows!" Octavia exclaims. We all laugh but then they get to work. By the time they are finished, I have soft silky hair and look pretty. I am dressed nicely but have to wear earmuffs. I hate earmuffs, they stifle most of the sound a good hunter should always be able to pick up. Especially if the hunter is also the prey, which is the only thing I feel like right now.

I go downstairs to see Prim. She got out of school early and is now being interviewed. She has her arms out and bam! It feels like someone hit me. Which of course no one did. Prim just looked like Rue. I think about going upstairs but remember that they are filming my "talent." Every victor is supposed to have one. It's mainly to show people that we can move on and be normal people. I can't. But Peeta actually has a talent; painting. I hate what he paints, but he paints it well.

"Everyone! We have to stay on schedule!" My old escort, Effie Trinket says.

"Oh, one second, I almost forgot." Mother runs off to get something, her shoes clicking down the hall. She comes back with my Mockingjay pin.

"For good luck." She says, smiling proudly.

"We really do have to go now!" She pushes me to the door and then out it. No exaggeration.

I spot Peeta and run right to him. He spins me around, but then we fall into the snow with me on top of him. He still hasn't mastered his prosthetic leg yet. We laugh and kiss. I'm pretty sure I hear some of the cameramen cooing, but I'm trying to ignore them. This is too awkward with people watching. I am a private person, and this is the furthest thing from private possible, but it is what Snow wants.

I grab Peeta's hand, pull him up, put my arm through his, and skip to the car. We laugh most of the way there. We have to take a car to the train station and then the tour begins. Once we get on the train I go to my room and change into something more comfortable. Soon we are called to go eat. The food is amazing, as any food in the Capitol is. 

Peeta and I lay around watching shows on television after dinner. There is not much to do on the train besides sleep and at the moment it does not sound too appealing. Especially with President Snow's message replaying in my head. Despite the ridiculousness of it, I am worried he may have put a snake or something to kill me in my bed.

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