Chapter 6

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Y'all why was me 10 years ago so extra now I'm rewriting this.

Chapter 6

I quickly walk out of Mayor Undersee's office. If he caught me in there, I would be busted. I think to myself as I walk out. I came out just in time too, because the mayor turns the corner just as I'm walking down the hall. 

"Hello, Mayor. I was only looking for Madge" I say smiling. 

"Hello Katniss, you know where she is." He says another round of beeping occurs. He says and walks into his office. "Excuse me."

I knock on Madge's door. 

"Come in!" I walk in, taking in the room.

"Look at you! Fresh from the Capitol!" She exclaims putting her hairbrush down and stepping away from the vanity.

"Yeah," I say, blushing.

"Your ring! Can I see it?" She asks, eyeing it shyly. I smile and hand it to her. She is wearing the white dress she wore to the reaping last year.

"It is such a pretty ring; you are so lucky." I am not lucky, Madge. Other than him and the Games you couldn't be more wrong about luck. I want to say it all, but I keep my mouth shut.

Everything goes by in a blurred form. Before I know it, I'm waking up with my head rested on Peeta's arm. I wake him up and give him a kiss, which always gets him up quickly. Before I know it he's kissing me back. 

"Good morning," I say smiling.

"A good morning it is."

"You're wearing your ring," Peeta says smiling.

"It's going to take forever for the wedding," I say.

"I know I wish we could do something without the Capitol butting into it. Do you know how ridiculous that wedding will be at the hands of not only Effie but all her friends?" 

"Tell me about it; I will just be lucky if I can even eat since it will be a white dress. Now we won't even have a traditional District 12 wedding." I say.

"Well let's do the toasting here and everything. We can go to the justice building and get married. Then have the ceremony in the Capitol later." Peeta says.

"Sure let's do it. We really can't tell anyone, not even Haymitch he'd be drunk, and something would slip. My mother would never let me hear the end of it. She's supposed to be giving me a lecture after I get up."

"I was kidding Katniss," Peeta says laughing.

"But I wasn't. Like Haymitch told us when we got back to 12 after the Games, we are on this train for life, so we might as well enjoy it. So if we are going to get married anyway, why not do it traditionally?" I hear myself say, but I am not sure I process the meaning.

"Alright," Peeta says smiling.

Peeta leaves soon after we agree on it. I can't believe in a couple of hours I'm going to be Mrs. Mellark. First, I have to face my mother who isn't happy with my engagement. She sure wouldn't be pleased if I told her what Peeta and I are plotting. I walk down the stairs.

"Hey Prim. I missed you." I say hugging her.

"Katniss when are you and Peeta going to come to my class?" She asks gently. Shit! I'll have to ask Peeta today.

"We'll try to tomorrow," I say if he says yes, I think to myself.

"Why not today?" She frowns, trying to guilt me the way she always has.

"We are both tired from traveling all day yesterday," I say, and it isn't a lie. Just not the whole truth.

"Oh sorry, I forgot the whole tour thing. Get some rest, bye Katniss." She walks out the door to school. Now I have to face my mother. Oh, joy.

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