Chapter 15

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"Baby, please look at me." I begged the sobbing boy.

Harry slowly slid back from me and looked down at me. My knees were hurting from kneeling on the concrete, but I didn’t dare move from my spot.

"What happened? What made you want to leave?" I shook him softly.

"N-niall, he s-said I needed to l-leave and that y-you didn't care about m-me." He whimpered.

My blood boiled. Some best friend he is! Not only was he mean to Harry, but then he had the nerve to look me in the eye and lie about it. He is going to pay for that.

"Niall is irrelevant. I won't let him ruin our relationship because..." I trailed off.

"Because what?"

I wiped a stray tear from Harry's cheek and leant in closer so that the tips of our noses were touching.

"Because I love you." I finished breathlessly.

"Really?" He sniffed.

"So much."

I closed the space between us and joined our lips together in a passionate kiss. There were no tongues involved, it was just my lips against his and I couldn't have asked for anything better than that. It was like we were pouring out all of our love into that one simple kiss.

I heard thunder rumbling in the distance, so I regretfully pulled away from Harry's mouth. I looked up at him through my eyelashes in a silent plead.

"Come home." I murmured.

He nodded his head quickly and stood up, offering me his hand. I took it and he pulled me to my feet. I wrapped one arm around his waist and tucked him into my side protectively. He placed a small kiss on my cheek before we started on our way to my car.

When we finally got home I laid on the couch with Harry until he fell asleep, then I carefully untangled myself from him and tiptoed to the door. Of course I wasn’t quiet enough, so right as I was about to close the door, a soft voice interrupted me.

"Where are you going?" Harry mumbled sleepily.

"Don't worry about it. I'll be right back."

He must have accepted my answer because I didn't get a reply. I closed the door quietly behind me and got into my car once again.

I had a white knuckled grip on the steering wheel as I pulled into Niall's driveway. I couldn't let him get away with hurting my Harry now could I? I walked briskly to the front door and banged my fist against the wood. A few minutes passed and the door opened.

"What the hell did you say to him?" I growled.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

I lifted my hand and slapped him across the face as hard as I could. I was tired of his bullshit. He obviously knew what I was talking about. He was smirking for Pete’s sake!

"What the hell man?" Niall rubbed his cheek.

"You had no right to tell him to leave!" I yelled.

"All I did was tell him the truth." Niall glared at me.

"You bastard." I said through gritted teeth.

I lunged at Niall and wrapped my hands around his throat. I squeezed it tightly, but he brought his knee to my crotch and I had to let go of him.

I doubled over in pain and Niall took the chance to punch me in the eye. I stood up to my full height and tackled Niall to the ground. He kicked and yelled, but it was no use. All of my pent up anger was coming out and I couldn't hold it back any longer. I aimed blind punches at Niall’s face.

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