Chapter 21

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"Harry? We're going home." I called through Zayn's office.

Harry appeared in my vision a few seconds later and I smirked when I noticed he was waddling slightly. I patted his bum gently as he passed me. I stayed close to him until we got out to my car. I kept my eyes open for David, but luckily he was nowhere to be seen. I wanted to get Harry to safety as quickly as possible.

I thought it'd be easier if I didn't tell Harry he was here. No need to stress him out. Things were going so well with us, I wasn't going to let anything or anyone stop that. I'd take care of it.

"We're going to visit my mum for a week, so pack some clothes."

"Is everything okay? Did something happen with Lottie?"

I flinched at the mention of Lottie. I'd almost forgotten about my poor sister with all the Harry drama going on. I made a mental note to ask my mum about her later. I was surprised she hadn't woken up yet. It's been four months.

"No, she's still in a coma, I just need to go talk to my mum."

I threw one change of clothes into my bag and stuffed a blanket in their to make it look bigger. I wouldn't be staying long, I just had to make Harry think I was. While Harry was in the shower, I called Liam and told him to take over until I got back.

I quickly showered after Harry, then loaded our stuff into the car. I shut the trunk and flattened my palms against it, resting my weight on my hands. A pair of strong arms wound around my waist and I leaned back into Harry's chest.

"Are you sure you're okay? You seem worried." Harry furrowed his eyebrows adorably.

"I'm fine." I kissed his forehead.

He didn't look convinced, but he got in the car anyways and we drove back to Doncaster. I turned on the radio to avoid the thick silence that filled the car. With every mile I felt guiltier and gultier for what I was about to do.

We greeted my mum at the door and she gave us both a hug. We sat in the living room after that and caught up. Lottie had shown signs of waking up, but she had yet to actually open her eyes.

I told my mum that Harry and I were doing good and she just smiled and shook her head.

Around midnight Harry yawned and nuzzled his nose against my shoulder where I had my arm draped over him.

"Why don't you go on up to bed love? I'll be up in a little while."

"Mmm kay." He mumbled.

I kissed his temple and he slowly got up and left the room. I heard him shut the door a few minutes later. My face instantly dropped and I stopped trying to hide my guilt, worry, confusion, anger, and sadness.

Once I was sure he couldn't hear me I groaned and dropped my head into my hands.

"What is it Louis? I know you're not just here for a visit."

"Remember when I told you about how Harry's dad was abusive? Well he came to the studio earlier today and told me he wanted Harry and that he would get him."

"Oh dear." My mum's eyes widened.

"I need you to keep him here. For the rest of the week at least. Maybe longer if I can't do something about David." I sighed.

"You're not staying are you?"


"Does he know?"

"No." I repeated.

"If you think this is what's best than I'm fine with it, but please don't get yourself killed. This David guy sounds dangerous."

"I'm gonna call the cops as soon as I get home. He deserves to rot in jail for the rest of his life." I clenched my fists.

"Do you really think Harry's going to let you leave him here? He obviously loves you a lot and I just don't think he'll want you to leave him." My mum frowned.

"That's why I'm not going to tell him. I couldn't bear to see his face when I tell him I'm leaving. I just don't know what else to do. I'm so scared." I whined.

"Louis Tomlinson you can't just leave without an explanation! It will break the poor boys heart!" My mum scolded.

"I'm going to leave him a note. I'll just tell him there are some things I need to sort out. Promise me you won't give in and bring him back to my house."

"I hope you know what you're doing." She sighed.

"Me too."


I accidentally woke Harry up when I laid down next to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head against my chest. I draped an arm over him and thought how to ask the question I was dying to know.



"What did your dad do to you?"

Harry stiffened and pressed his cheek against my chest, whimpering slightly. I rubbed his back soothingly kissed the top of his head.

"It wasn't bad at first. He would just yell at me, but then one day he slapped me. After that it got worse. He would push me down and start kicking me. Sometimes he would punch me, but most of the time he just threw me on the ground and kicked my head until I was unconscious while screaming at me. He said awful things." Harry shuddered. "When he found out I was gay he threw a knife at my head, but I ducked and it hit the wall behind me. He told me to leave and never come back, so I did." He sniffed.

I lifted his head and used the pad of my thumb to wipe away the few tears that were dripping down his face. I turned onto my side and pulled his chest against mine. He gripped my shirt tightly with his fist and buried his face in the hollow of my neck. I rested my chin on his head and sighed.

It's killing me to see him like this.

He drifted off to sleep eventually. I carefully untangled our limbs and put a pillow under his arm. With any luck he would cuddle with it and think it was me. I quickly scribbled out a note and laid it on the table. I hadn't realized I was crying until something wet dropped onto the paper below me.

"I love you." I whispered, kissing his forehead.

I jumped back when his eyes fluttered open. Shit.

"Lou? What are you doing?" He sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"I'm just going to the restroom. Go back to sleep baby."

He sighed and laid back down, falling back asleep. I waited a little while longer, not wanting to wake him up again. When I was sure he was fully asleep I crept from the room with my suitcase in hand.

I snuck out of the house and threw my stuff into my car once again.

The drive back to my house was lonely and quiet. I hadn't been away from Harry for two hours and I already missed him like crazy. How on earth was I supposed to make it for a whole week without him?

My bed seemed bigger, colder, and lonelier that night than ever before. I had no Harry to cuddle me or kiss me or tell me he loved me.

This is for him. I reminded myself.

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