Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Dilan's Lover - Yasmeen <3

Chapter 4

I closed my eyes and opened them again. He was still there. Drew fought back a smile and smirked instead. Immediately, I spun back around and glanced down. I knew I looked pretty (really modest, I know), but I didn’t want anyone but Lewis and Lidia to see me like this!

He wouldn’t stop teasing me about this. I’d have to suffer more than usual for as long as I lived. Groaning and sighing, I felt my cheeks heat up and I whipped back around, marching to the counter.

“Can I pay for this dress, please?” I pointed to the dress I was currently wearing, and paid for it, right as Drew entered the shop.

Now I could wear the dress freely because it was mine. Anxiously, I turned round and realised Drew was right behind me, with his hands shoved in his pockets, his eyebrows raised.

“You look stunning, Dahlia,” he kept his face blank and I spotted Lidia (out of the corner of my eye) emerge from her dressing room and gasp as she saw Drew. “I never knew you wore dresses like this. With gloves and your hair done as well.”

“It was just for the Valentine’s Day dance, Drew, give the girl a break.” Lidia told him, placing her hands on her hips menacingly.

He smiled stiffly at her. “Really? Well, I just came in here to give her compliments, but if she doesn’t want it then…” he trailed off and shrugged.

“Thanks,” I grinned sarcastically. “Because I really care what you think.”

Lidia and Drew roared with laughter, but he sloped out of the shop resignedly. I glanced at the female worker behind me and apologised.

As I changed back into the clothes Lidia had forced me into for our shopping trip, I realised that Drew hadn’t fought or given me hell for once.


“I’m home!” I sang cheerfully as I dumped my shopping bags by the front door, slipping my shoes on.

I could hear Mum singing in the kitchen, but the door was closed. I was assuming Dad was in the lounge, because I could faintly hear his low voice droning to Drew or to someone on the phone. Tiredly, I trudged upstairs with my shopping bags and threw them onto my bed, sighing heavily.

Smiling shyly to myself, I shut the door and rifled through the contents of one particular bag, locating the dress that Lidia had forcefully bought me. Hesitantly, I slipped it on and looked in the mirror, bringing my hair down. It was curly, but it looked nice.

The deep blue dress reached my knees, and the sleeves ended at my elbows. It was a scoop neck, and tight fitting til the waist, where it puffed out. I giggled and twirled around, pretending to dance.

What? Every girl has to feel like a princess sometime.


“Dee! Come on, we’re going out for dinner!” yelled Dad croakily, and I froze mid-twirl. “Be quick, we’re in the car!”

Crud, I didn’t even have time to change. Biting my lip, I grabbed my purse, ran a brush through my now curly hair and ran downstairs, where Drew was putting his shoes on, leaning on the open door’s handle. He raised his eyebrows at my dress.

“New look, dresses?” he questioned. “I like it, you look sexy.” He smirked as I blushed, hurriedly shoving on my black strappy sandals, and black, thin cardigan.

Ignoring him, I rushed out to the car, where Mum and Dad were waiting. As Drew slid in the backseat, I sat down next to him, and Dad began to drive.

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