We Are...Whoops. Look at the Time.

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These teenagers were confusing. They kicked our superhero butts, and at the same time, made sure the citizens were safe, away from the powerful people who could possibly destroy a regular person in about a snap of their fingers. The leader was obviously the fugitive the Avengers were after. Percy Jackson.

"What are you?" I asked as I stared at the fallen spies and the now-covered doctor.

Jackson's eyes seemed to be piercing into my brain. His blonde girlfriend was staring at me with a look of interest, the same look Tony has when he is captivated by a new piece of technology.

"Why should we tell you?" He asked, his voice sending shivers up my spine.

"Well, you did just beat our butts, so the whole telling us who and what you are seems like something you owe us." Tony suggested. The rest of the teenagers, one being the girl I captured and then escaped from S.H.I.E.L.D., gave him amused looks.

"Sure, if you can get those earpieces off. And hack into them so that your government agency doesn't hear our conversation." The Latino said, his voice laced with sarcasm. The Cherokee girl, the McLean girl, I think, slapped him on the arm.

"Ummm..... I can try to hack into them?" Tony replied. Apparently this kid was scaring him. If I was Tony, and my tower and suit were somehow hacked by this little curly-haired elf, I'd be scared to death too.

The kid laughed. "It's alright. We have to be somewhere in about, like, two seconds. So see you heroes around, or whatever you guys call yourselves." He spun around and the other teenagers followed him out of the park, leaving the smoke filled area and the Avengers either unconscious or shocked.



We stopped at a cafe near Central Park, all of us catching our breath from laughing at the expression on the man out of time's expression. I glanced at Percy, gears turning in my head as to why those so-called Avengers were targeting him.

"You made national news when we were searching for the lightning bolt, right?" I asked him.

Percy huffed, trying not to laugh any more. "Yeah....Aren't those people that we just beat the Hades out of government agents?"

I nodded. The others were trying to follow what I was trying to say. Percy seemed to get it before they did. "So they still have footage and information from that manhunt? I thought I cleared that up when the quest was over."

Piper shook her head. "S.H.I.E.L.D. has files on every person that ever was born on Earth, and on everything that stepped foot on it too. They are bound to have files on every one of us."

Leo smiled. "Then they must have a giant file for me, with all the foster homes I had run from. No offense, Frank, but yours is probably just one sheet of paper."

Frank hit Leo in the arm none too softly. "That's a good thing. They can't stalk me as much."

Hazel rolled her eyes, used to the two boys' antics to annoy each other. "Do they even have a file on me? I should be dead, according to my mysterious death in Alaska."

Jason shrugged. "Mine's probably the second smallest, sorry Frank. I was at Camp Jupiter since I was about two."

I scanned the cafe, searching for security cameras near us. There was one, trained right on us, in the opposite corner of the booth where we were sitting. "Jason, can you shoot a bolt at that? Leo, check our surroundings for any other hidden cameras or recording devices. Percy...." I trailed off when my boyfriend spat a spitball at the nearest waitress.

"Hey! Where did that come from?" She screeched, looking over in our direction, and marching toward us, the drinks for the table she was serving forgotten on the table. "Okay, which one of you hooligans shot that immature thing of spit?"

Percy raised his hand tentatively, faking fear of the skinny, blonde waitress. I felt a bit overprotective, until I realized what he was doing.

"Well, aren't you a cute, bad boy?" The waitress asked flirtatiously, curling a blonde strand of hair around her finger.

I scowled at her. "He's mine."

She sneered back at me, and suddenly was surprised with a butter knife aimed at her chest. "I said he's mine." I growled.

The waitress smacked the knife out of my hand, and I let it fly over by Leo. He jumped, and scrambled out of the booth he was at, dragging Jason with him. Percy grabbed my arms and with held me from attacking the waitress. Piper was glaring at her.

"Aw, is your boyfriend holding you back? I bet you can't beat me, since I happen to have a black belt in mixed arts." The waitress bragged.

I growled again, and Percy's grip loosened on my slightly. I lunged at her, analyzing her stance and going for her weak spot, her left shoulder. Let's just say it was a rather quick fight.

I was breathing heavily, trying to control my anger, as we exited the cafe. Hazel and Frank were waiting outside for the rest of us. Percy had his arm around me and Piper was muttering to me under her breath, her charmspeak flowing through and somewhat helping to calm me.



My head was pounding when I woke up, in the infirmary. Ugh. Stupid teens.

Clint groaned on the bed next to me. "Those *beeping* kids."

Steve chuckled from his post against the door frame. "They sure know how to pack a punch. We found footage of them in a cafe about a block away, then the cameras flickered out, almost as if they were struck by lightning."

Thor stomped in, carrying a box full of....were those books? "Read!" He boomed, then walked out.

I stood up and walked over to check out the books Thor brought in. "The Lightning Thief? Is it about how someone stole Thor's hammer?"

Steve grabbed another out of the box. "The Mark of Athena? Isn't Athena a Greek goddess?"

Thunder boomed outside. Clint jumped out of his cot in surprise, then came over a plucked out another book. "They are written by a Rick Riordan. Though why would someone want to write about the House of Hades, I have no idea. Wouldn't that be scarring for the readers?"

Bruce came in, with Tony on his lab coat tail. "What do you guys got here?" Tony asked, reaching for a book. "Ugh, children's chapter books. The author's nice though. He and I were just having lunch the other day."

I rounded on him. "You know the author Riordan?"

Tony nodded. "I met him the same day I met Tristan McLean and his daughter and her friends."

Bruce examined another one of the books. The title read The Last Olympian. "They all seem to have some sort of Greek connection."

I examined The Lightning Thief carefully. On the top of the front cover it said..."Percy Jackson and The Olympians?" I flipped it open to where the story started and read aloud the first sentence. "Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood."

The other Avengers (excluding Thor) all looked towards me. Bruce shrugged. "We might as well read them." They all looked to me expectantly.

"Okay, fine, I'll read." I sighed, and focused my eyes on the first chapter. "1. I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-algebra Teacher. Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood...."

New York's Heroes (A Percy Jackson/Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now