Chapter Seven - Better safe than sorry.

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Before you read on I wanna thank all of the people reading this just for reading. I got 20+ comments on the last chappie! Im SOO happy! This chapter is dedicated to all of you who read, voted and left a comment. 

Here's the chappie! (Sorry if its short in advance)


(Harry's POV)

I couldn't help my self but lean in, surprised she was doing the same. I got even closer phone rang.

The moment was ruined. -_-

We separated super quick and I reached in my pocket, grabbing my phone. I looked at the screen. It's Liam.


Harry? Where the bloddy hell are you?

Im a-

Right there the line ended. What the hell is wrong with this place??!!

"Bad connection." I told Natalie. 

As if nothing had happened, well....almsot happened, everything returned to normal.

Natalie sat down on her mother's chair and I sat in front of her.

She looked at her book and flipped page after page, her face filled with worry.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Then she snapped.

"I just- Im going to miss my chance! And I hate it! I have worked very hard on this story and for what?! Nothing! Theres nothing I can do to get this to the school on time." she placed her hands on her forehead and shook her head. "Im screwed."

I looked at her and it was visible that she was both anxious and frustrated. Right then I had an idea.

"Does the computer work?" I asked and her head shot up in my direction.

She nodded. "What about this?" I asked her reffering to the scanning machine on the other end of the table. 

"I guess..."

"Can't we scan your book and email it??" 

Her eyes widened and she opened her mouth and shrieked happily.

"Your a friggin genius Styles!!!" she got up and gave me a tight hug. I would have kissed her at the spot but no. We have a lot of work to do. I'll let the kissing for later.

(Natalie's POV)

He is ugh!!!! Why didn't I think of that?! We quickly turned the computer and the scanner and began!

We scanned the paged first and then placed them in order.

Im not going to explain the entire process because its a bit confussing but never the less, We finished in about three hours.

"Save it in this just in case." Harry told me handing me a USB he found on one of the drawers.

"I dont think it'll be necessary."

"Better safe than sorry." 

"Okay." I grabbed the USB and saved it.

After I saved it I opened my email address and then the worst thing possible happened.

"NO!" I yelled. The stupid power went out! How the heck am I supposed to send this now?! "Great! My second chance ruined. Just perfect." I grabbed the book and threw it at the floor angrily. 

I just cant stand it anymore! It hurts my dreams wont come true when i've worked so damn hard on trying to make then come true!

Tears began to fall. I didnt even make it to the bathroom to cry. I kneeled down on the wooden floor and cried my butt off. I sudenly felt a hand at my back going on a circular motion. Harry.

"We'll think of something else okay?" Harry told me. Then he kneeled down as well and I cried on his shoulder while he comforted me. 

But one things for sure. I am really confused. How is it possible that I feel horrible and perfect at the same time?

Horrible because of my dreams being shattered but perfect because this fine young man is comforting me. He's the only thing keeping me saneat the moment.

"Ill find another way." I whispered.

"We." he told me with a soft voice and let go of me slightly. Keeping not much distance between us. "We will find another way." Then he hugged me once again.



So theres absolutely nothin going on with me life (shocking i know - sarcasm) EXCEPT I DIP DIED MY HAIR AND IM LOVIN IT! (McDonalds moments :P)


ANYHOE (heheh) I hope y'all liked it!

DO THIS: WHENEVER SOMEONE ASKS YOU SOMETHING SAY:  'Not since the accident'  Just 4 fun n.n 


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