Chapter Nine - "You may proceed."

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(Harry's POV)

This is it. I closed my eyes,puckered up and then Natalie whispered "Your phone is uh- ringing."

I opened my eyes and noticed her a bit dissapointed. She isn't the only one though.

I got up and got my phone. It was Zayn.

Z:  Harry? Where are you man?

H:  I'm at the office.

Z:  But why mate? It was supposed to be quick. Your date is waiting for you.

H:  Wh- where are you all then?

Z:  Where at Niall's place. We're waiting for Niall's date and Liam and Danielle.

H:  When are you going to the party?

Z:  As soon as we are all here. When are you coming?

H:  I don't know. I'm sort of trapped here.

Z:  Trapped? Wh-

H:  Yes, trapped. There's no one in the building to get us out.

Z:  Can't you b-

H:  Hello? Zayn?

Z:  Can

H:  Zayn?!

No signal. Just perfect.

"You okay?" Natalie asked me still sitting near the window.

"My friends are about to go to the party." I told her. "I really wanted to go and my date's already waiting for me."

(Natalie's POV)

"I really wanted to go and my date's already waiting for me." he told me and I felt my heart stop and then go twice as fast. Its like having ice cold water thrown on my face. Jealousy sucks man...

"Oh." is all I said. He really wants to go to the party, but for that to happen we need to get out of here. "I have an idea."

I walked to the desk and opened the drawers. Nothing I need there.

I scanned the room.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked me.

"Remember what you wanted to do earlier? Break the door with the chair?"

"Yes." he said extending the e's skeptically.

"Well, what if we do it together. I mean its a glass door, how hard can it be to break it?"

"Wait." he said. "There might be something to help us better. I didnt have much luck with the chair."

He went to the bathroom and brightened the room up with the light that was coming from his iphone.

"No it wasn't there..." he mumbled to himself.

"What are you looking for?" I asked him.

"The uh- Oh here it is!" he said grabbing a hold of the object.

"A fire-extinguisher?" I

" Yeah." he smiled. He walked towards the glass door and began to hit it. Every time he hit it stronger. Finally the door cracked.

It took a lot of effort for Harry to break a big enough space for us to get out but he did.

(Harry's POV)

I hit and hit the glass door repeatedly with the fire extinguisher with all my strenght. Little by little it cracked and then it became easier.

Finally making a gap big enough, I stopped.

"Come on." I told Natalie crossing sides.

"Let me just get my bag." She told me going back to her mum's desk. She got all of her belongings and shoved them inside her bag, taking the strap and placing it on her right shoulder. She crossed sides and then yelled in pain.

"Nat?! You okay?" I asked her desperate to know whats wrong.

"Glass." she pointed at the door. A bit of glass had blood on it. I looked back at Natalie and she was covering the left side of her waist. "It stings." she complained.

I went back inside and got the little first-aid kit. I got out and got her hand out of the way. She got a bad cut there. 

"Come on." I told her, placing my hand on her shoulder, guiding her to the desk that was on the corner. "Sit here." 

She sat on the desk as I opened the kit for something useful.

I found some rubbing alcohol and poured some of it on a cotton ball.

"This might sting a bit but i'll make it better okay?" I warned her as she lifted her blouse a bit, only showing off her cut.

"Wait let me just- " she said taking her shirt off??! "You may proceed."

(Natalie's POV)

"Wait let me just- " I took my shirt off so it could be easier to cure my cut. "You may proceed."

"Oh uh I umm." is all he managed to say.

"Oh come on. It's not like you haven't seen a girl without a shirt on before." I snapped.

He mumbled something but I didn't get what he said. He placed the cotton with the alcohol on my cut quickly and then he placed a band-aid on it, well, two of them actually. So it could cover up my cut completely.

"Done." he told me putting everything back in the kit.

I reached for my blouse and clumsily spilled a bottle of ink all over my shirt.

"Shit!" I cussed.

"What?" Harry asked closing the kit.

"I spilled ink on my shirt." I whined.

"Here you can have mine." Harry told me.

He took off his jacket and placed it on the desk. Then he took off his plain white tee showing of his abs an-

 "Oh come on. Its not like its the first time yousee a guy without a shirt right?" he told me just like I had told him. He smiled and handed me his shirt. "Put it on."

I hesitantly grabbed it and put it over my head. It was a bit too big for me but it did the trick.

"Thanks Harry." I told him grateful. 

He zipped up his jacket and asked. "So what now?"

"The keys!" I said and ran to the front of my mom's office. I got the keys that were in the plant and got back to Harry's location. 

"Let's get the hell out of here!" I exclaimed happily.

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