Chapter Eleven - Complete and utter dissapointment

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(Sorry for the late update it's been hard to be online but anyhoe, Enjoy!)

(Natalie's POV)

After a long drive im finally home. I felt a bit lightheaded so I walked to the kitchen to get something sweet that would sustain me for now. I got off a Hershey's milk chocolate bar and ate it, then drank a glass of water.

As soon as I finished my sweet snack I rushed upstairs and into my bathroom. I took my shirt off and hung it in the back of the bathroom door. Then I took my torn short jeans and folded them neatly and so on. I stepped in the shower and got my green soap bar. reminds me of Harry's eyes. He has amazing eyes.

I finished my shower and got my towel on. After drying up I walked to my room and got some jeans, a tee and some sandals. 

My plan is to get the book in then get dressed for the party. I dont want to lose any more time so I got my book, my phone and hoped on my car. 

I drove to the publishers office and finally arrived.

I got out of the car and went straight to the office. Before entering I knocked twice and waited for a response.

"Who is it?"

"It''s me uh Natalie."

"Ah right come in." she answered. 

I entered her office and she signaled me to sit down.

"What is it you want dear?" she asked me.

"Well I came to publish my book, you told me that writters have to make sacrifices and thats why you told me to come today."

"Oh my Im, i'm afraid to tell you this but I cant publish your book. Its not , I mean I-

"What?!" I asked in a soft tone, unable to believe her words.

"I know you've worked hard on it but it's just too late fo-"

"I woke up this morning and I had to go to my mothers office to get the book and I was locked in! For hours! And now you tell me all my hard work was for nothing!?"

"Im sorry bu-

"You know what? Forget it. I've gone throught a lot today and one thing I learned is that I can do it. Im gonna make this book a best-seller myself. Gooodbye and thank you for your time" I was furious yet sad at the same time. I just cant believe my hard work isn't going to be paid off. I walked out, closed the door behind me and walked to the car. 

Once I turned the ignition on I couldn't help but cry. I cried out of anger, sadness and complete and utter dissapointment.

I wiped away my tears and took out my phone, then dialed my mom's cel number.


Oh hey honey, where are you? Did you enter the book yet?

Uh about that, I...yeah I entered it already.

Thats great honey! Im so proud of you!

Hey listen Im not going to the party I have a terrible headache just not in the mood to party.

Are you sure Nat?

Yeah, yeah im sure.

Well if you change your mind then call me okay?

Okay mom, love you.

Love you too baby.

After my conversation with mom I headed back home. Im going to sleep, there's no way im going to the party. Im too depressed to go now, i'll just go and take a long nap. It's not like its the last New Years i'll ever celebrate right?


Sorry for the short chappie but the next one will be longer I promise. Imbox me whenever! Love u all!

Oh and the random comment that won the dedication is @molliedirection !! Congrats!

AND I LOVE YOU RANDOM CITIZEN! - Megamind (love that movie)

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