Chapter Eight - "Your legs are hairy."

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(Harry's POV)

"We will find another way." I assured her. I felt her more relaxed now. 

We stood up and at on our regular chairs. This place was getting darker and hotter by the second. I stood for the second and sat next to the huge window behind Natalie. It's like the people outside were mocking me. 

It was cold outside but since the building was all closed and stuff it was getting warmer. I took off my jacket which left me with my plain white t-shirt.

"Ugh. I cant stand this heat. Its annoying me." Natalie said standing up and going to the bathroom. This time she left the door open since it was pretty dark in there. She washed her face and came back. "I cant take this!" she said annoyed once again.

She went to the desk and opened the first drawer then the second. Finally finding what she was looking for   she took out a pair of scissors.

"What are you gonna do with those?" I asked her.

"Well its too hot in here."

"Yeah I know. Again, what are you gonna do with those?"

"Im gonna cut my jeans. Well, actually you are."


"Yeah you. Im not taking these off in front of you so you cut them."

"Oh okay." I told her. 

She gave me the scissors and I took them from her hand. I sat in front of her while she stood in front of me. I pulled the fabric away from her leg so I won't harm her.

"Please be careful." she said a bit nervous.

"How short should I cut them?"

"Up till here." She said demonstrating her thigh. I gulped. "Are you okay?"

"Of course I am. But, are you sure you want to damage these jeans?"

"Yeah, its not like its the only pair I have." she told me.

I began to cut the fabric little by little and before I knew it I reached my destination. 

"Wait a sec." she told me. She got her leg up to the chair so it could be easier for me to cut all the way round. I finished one leg. Then I quickly did the other one and she was now wearing the shorts and her shirt.

"Now you do me." I told her.

"You want me to cut your jeans just like mine?" she asked trying to be funny.

"No, cut up till like here." I showed her my knees.

"Yes sir!" she said saluting me. She grabbed the scisors, sat in front of me, cut the jean off on my left leg and started chuckling.

'What so funny?" I asked her. 

"Nothing." she chuckled once again.

She cut the jean off on my right leg and chuckled again. She got a giggly in a matter of seconds.

"What is so funny?!" I asked her taking my seat.

"Your legs are hairy." she said laughing, sitting next to me.

"So are yours!" I told her.

"No they're not! I shaved them yesterday! See? Feel them." she told me holding her leg up to my face.

"Im not going to touch your leg Nat."

"Its not like your raping me stupid. Your just touching me smooth and soft leg." she said extending the  "o's" trying to convince me, moving her eyes brows up and down. 

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