2. He Talked To Me

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"I'll meet you in our spot, I'm gonna go get my lunch." I say as Michael and Ashton head over to our usual lunch spot under the bleachers. I head over to the long lunch line and look around the lunch room. It really is a disgusting place. That's why Mike, Ash and I eat under the bleachers, away from it all. There's still tension from what happened yesterday but I think we're both just trying to forget about it. I know I am.

As I was looking around, a certain blue eyed blonde caught my eye. Luke Hemmings. He even looked hot when he was eating lunch. He turned his head and looked at me. Oh shit, he saw me staring at him. He smiled and winked! I look behind me to see if he was winking to someone else but he wasn't. Holy crab cakes! Luke Hemmings just winked at me. I grabbed my lunch as quickly as I could to go meet Mike and Ash under the bleachers.

"OHMYGOSH!" I scream a little too loudly at the two boys, alarming them.

"Cody, What's wrong?" Ashton asked, now worried.

"The Luke Hemmings winked at me!" I flushed with excitement.

"Who cares?" Michael says with a tone of annoyance.

"I care!" I squeal. "This is the Luke Hemmings we are talking about here." I said, stretching out the thee. "He's the hottest boy in our school and he noticed me!"

"Good for you Cody, maybe he will start noticing you more." Ashton smiled. I hope he was right. I'd do nearly anything to date a guy like Luke.

"You're acting like he's some kind of celebrity. I still don't see what's so special about Luke. I bet he's actually a buttface." Michael groaned out.

"Whatever." Michael was always trying to ruin the moment when I talked about Luke. I turned to Ashton so I could chat more about my future husband.

"You should have seen that gorgeous smile of his! Oh and the way his blue eyes sparkled before he winked at me! He could make any girl fall right into his arms." I talked fondly of him.

"Cool I guess." Ashton shrugged. "I'm happy for you but this is 'girl talk'"

"Yeah I know" I laughed. "But you guys are my girlfriends to 'girl talk' with."

"So I'm your girlfriend now?" Michael mumbled. We ignore his comment.

"Can I have some of your milk, Cody?" Ashton asked as I took a sip from the soggy cardboard milk carton.

"No, but I bet Luke can." Michael scoffs. Then he laughs at his own joke.

"I don't see what you have against Luke." I say, slightly annoyed.

"He's just a player and girls only like him because he's hot. Every girl wants to be with him, meanwhile there are guys who are less hot who don't even have a chance." Michael let out, flustered. I sigh, I didn't know what to say to that. I was so thankful when I heard to lunch bell ring. Is that really what people thought of Luke?

I say my goodbyes to the boys and start heading to my next class, making my way through the crowded hallway. Walking by giggling girls and frustrated teachers. I suddenly run head into someone and drop all of my books. I sigh in frustration and start quickly picking up my books from the dirty floor.

"Here let me help you." I look up to see a beautiful pair of blue eyes staring down at me.

"Uh.." I stutter in awe, looking at none other than Luke Hemmings himself.

"Are you okay?" He asks then bends down to help pick up my books. I can't get the words out of my mouth. All I could do was stare at him breathlessly.

"I'm Luke by the way." He winked. Of course I knew Luke's name, everybody did. "What's your name?"

"I'm Cody." I smile nervously.

"Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you before."

"Um. No I've been here for a couple years." I shake my head, still staring at his beautiful angel like face.

"Well I'm glad I ran into you, I'll see you around babe." He walks off, leaving me standing there breathless. Babe? He called me babe. I couldn't wait to tell my friends about this.

~     ~     ~

"And then he called me babe!" I whisper to Ashton from the backseat of Michael's car.

"I know you're still talking about him." Michael didn't want to talk about my encounter with Luke due to his strong hatred and the fact that we were in his car.

"Okay fine. We won't talk about it anymore. I'm just really happy." I giggle.

"Yeah we know." Ashton rolled his eyes. Even he was starting to get annoyed. They should know that if they had a boy or a girl they liked this much, I would let them go on and on about it. Well for awhile I would. They just don't get it.

"So did anything exciting happen to you today?" I asked changing the conversation because I knew they were annoyed.

"Well I got an A on my English paper today." Ashton beamed.

"That's great Ash." I pat him on the knee. Michael pulls up to my house. He had been pretty quiet the whole ride home.

"Can't hang out tonight, sorry guys. I've got errands to run. I grab my bag and hop of the car.

"Bye Cody!" Ashton shouts from the car as I start walking up my driveway.

"Thanks for the ride, Mike." I wave as they pull away. I walk up to my messy bedroom and throw my bag onto my bed.

I look into to the mirror at my tall figure. I'm 5'11 and if you ask me, I love being tall. I have fairly tanned skin and black hair that's in a pixie cut. I usually wear a little makeup to make my look a bit more feminine. I'm not breathtakingly gorgeous but I guess I'm pretty cute.

I have to go to the grocery store. My parents aren't around much but I'm okay with that. I have Michael and Ashton to keep my company. I don't really want to go. I'll just go on twitter for while then I'll go. I scroll through my feed and Michael shows up, I then somehow scrolling through all of his tweets. I came across a picture that he posted a few weeks ago. It was a picture of him wearing my galaxy leggings. They were way to small for him and he was posing on the couch. He looked like such a dork. I don't know why he would post it. Because he's Michael. That's why. He doesn't care what people think of him. That's one of the things I love about him. He's just so Michael.

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