Chapter Two

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I pulled on my uniform but put on my favorite cream sweater over the dress shirt and purple and black tie. I kept the jacket on my bed and I ran down to eat breakfast quickly before packing up and biking to school. I went up to the host club room and saw everyone talking. "Hey, hey. Morning y'all." I said and sat down beside Haruhi. "Must you talk like that?" Kyoya asked, "must your nose be in that book?" I retorted back at him. "It seems your very popular with the ladies." Hikaru said and Kaoru agreed. "Ah, okay, weird, but cool." "How is it weird Fai-Chan?" Honey asked, I shrugged, "back west I wasn't that popular with anyone." I said and leaned back. "How come?" Tamaki asked, "I haven't the foggiest." I said and the bell rung. I sighed as I got up and began to leave, "oh, by the way, physical exams are today!" Tamaki said as he caught up to me. "Oh, well, too bad I have to miss it." I'm all for doing this, playing a boy, but I'm not flashing my chest out for anyone. "How come?" Tamaki asked, "well, I have more important things to do." I said as we entered the class. I sat down in my spot and I saw that guy, his name's Ryou Ashitaka, he was watching me closely with destaine. Well, seems like I got my first hater here in Japan.
Soon physical exams came and I snuck away to hide in the rose garden but the twins grabbed me. I watched as Tamaki made a fool of himself, "you said they wouldn't realize!" He cried, I was laughing myself. "That's what you get for calling us the homosexual support!" The twins said and I couldn't stop laughing. "Holy cow, Tamaki, do you do this every year?" I said, trying hard to breathe. He blushed as I tried to stop laughing. I walked away till I heard a girl saying something about a creepy guy heading towards the special boy's room... where Haruhi was! I ran all the way there and the host club followed. They did a very nice presentation while I was checking Haruhi for injuries or anything. She was fine. "I want to help this man find his daughter." Tamaki said, it caught me off guard, where's the energetic blonde? Or the flirt-till-the-sun-goes-down blonde? Could this be... compassionate blonde? The man soon left and I ruffled Haruhi's hair, "well, that was exciting. Are you sure your alright?" I asked, she nodded, "now, get out." She said and I smiled and threw my hands up, "alright, alright, I know when I'm not wanted." I said and walked out and began to walk down the hallway, only to be stopped by Ryou. He grabbed my caller and pushed me up against the wall. He was glaring at me and I was glaring at him. I pushed him off silently and he walked off. "What was that about?" Honey asked, I turned and saw the host club standing there, watching. I smiled, "hey, dudes. What's up?" I asked, Tamaki watched me, his eyes were soft. "You'd tell us if you were in trouble, right?" No. "What? Yeah, of course I would." I said and began to walk away. "Are you going to do your physical exams?" Kyoya asked, "what? Yeah," no, I'm really not. I walked away and stayed outside for the rest of the time till it was the end of the day and time to go home.

A few days later we dressed up in traditional Japanese kimonos, mine was forest green with a black shash. That's when I saw a girl on the outskirts of the club room. The twins and Tamaki asked her to partake in the merriment but she pushed Tamaki away, calling him a fake Prince and running into Kyoya's arms! I kept laughing, I couldn't stop, tears welled in my eyes and I got the hiccups. We got dressed back into our normal uniforms after the girls, all except Renge, left. She explained that Kyoya and her were engaged but he did looked like the main character of a dating game... that I totally didn't play... at all! "Wait, so she's like an otaku?" I said and the twins were shocked, everyone but Mori, Haruhi, and me were. "You know, she does have a point, that dating game school does have characters that resemble this club..." I said and Hikaru heard, "you played it?" I blushed, "no. Why would I want to play a dating game?" I said and crossed my legs and leaned back. This was sort of getting boring... her and her attitude.
Next day I was hopeful we've seen the last of her... I was hoping in vain... she came in with burnt cookies. I took one, "hey, Fai, you got crumbs on your face." Hikaru said, the twins just pulled this on Haruhi. "Where?" I asked moving my sleeve down over my hand so I could wipe in. "Right here." Kaoru whispered and licked my cheek. I blushed profusely, "are you gay?" Tamaki blurted out, I raised my eyebrows. "Why would I be gay?" I asked and he shrugged, "you blush and awful lot." He said, "well, how would you like someone licking crumbs off your face after whispering in your ear?" I said, he shrugged. I plotted away. Tamaki sat down, Renge was thinking. "Tamaki." I whispered, "you have a smudge on your cheek." I said and licked at his cheek. His face went red and I began to laugh. "Yes!" Renge shouted, scaring me half to death. I jumped a couple feet in the air and clutched my heart. She began to go off on how Tamaki is the lonely Prince, I'm his butler and there's some servant master romance here. If you ask me, it reminded me of Black Butler.
"Your lucky, you both have one another." Tamaki said as we stood in the fake Hollywood like rain. "But young lord, you have me." I said and took his hand and knelt down in my butler costume. Tamaki yanked away, "don't you see?! Your paid to like me!" He yelled, fake tears came from his eyes. I took his hand and pulled him close, "don't you see? No amount of money can force me to love whom I already love." I said loud enough so everyone could hear, "Fai." He cried in my arms. They jump cut to Haruhi, Mori, and Honey. I dried myself off and handed Tamaki his towel. "You both were pretty good." Hikaru said as I dried Tamaki's hair. "You did marvelous, young lord." I said and we laughed a bit. "Wanna know what's funny? They show Tamaki as the Seme." I said, "Seme?" Haruhi asked, "oh, let me..." Tamaki covered my mouth, "Haruhi doesn't need to know what that means!" He said, blush engulfed his face. Haruhi went off and so did Tamaki. I sneezed a small bit. "Is there a kitten somewhere?" Honey asked looking around. "Sorry, that was me," Hikaru and Kaoru rubbed their cheeks on mine, "aww! That was so cute!" They said and I laughed, "you guys suck." I said and lightly punched their shoulders. I heard a loud bang and I went running but was stopped by Ryou. "How fitting, you don't belong at this school, you belong below us." He said and grabbed my caller, is that all he knows? Grabbing my caller? "How about you take your weasel face and get out of my way." I said and pushed him off of me. "What's wrong? Your master calling you back to the kitchens?" He taunted, I formed a fist but let it go. "Just stay out of my way." I growled, "or what?" He said, "well, that's my secret. For you see, I'm just one hell of a butler." I said and Ryou punched me. I took a swipe at him before I heard the crack of glass that made me turn, that gave Ryou the opening he couldn't resist.

I woke up with Tamaki shaking my shoulders. "Fai, who did this?" He asked, I sat up, "no one. It's fine. I just tripped and hit my head." I said and stood up with his help. I looked around, "where's Renge? She go back to France or something?" I said and felt a bump on my head.
A few days after the movie shooting the girls were all talking about the servant and the master relationship. Tamaki and I looked at one another and looked away quick. "And that ending scene! I loved the Black Butler reference!" Wait... there was a camera pointed at me? When? I thought it was with Haruhi and the others! "You weren't really hurt by Ryou were you Fai?" Asked one girl, "oh, no. It was all just stunts. Don't you beautiful girls worry over it." I said with a smile. Tamaki watched me out of the corner of his eye. He's placing two and two together, I hope, rather pray, he comes up with less than it adds up to be.

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