Chapter Five

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I got to school, there were girl's bathing suits... everywhere, as far as the eye could see, rather, as far as the magical room could allow, I sware, this room just grows when we need it to. "There you are!" The twins said and pulled me in. "I think Fai-Chan would look cute in this." Honey said and held up a one piece, it was cream colour. The twins made a buzzer sound. "Fai is already pale, if she wore that she'd look even more pale." I chuckled and lightly hit their shoulders, "yeah, yeah." I said with a smile. I went around and saw a black, simple, one piece. Hikaru and Kaoru began to be pervy so Tamaki took a swing with a bat, "does this mean we're not going to the beach?" They asked, "what? No, we're still going." Tamaki said.
We arrived in Okinawa, it was a beautiful day, they boy's were complaining about not going somewhere better. "Guys, come on, what could be better? This is amazing!" I said with a smile, I've been to Okinawa before, when in was little, I loved it, I still do. Tamaki looked away, his face covered in blush. I chuckled, I was wearing a baggy shirt and a pair of shorts to hide the fact I'm a girl, from the girls. I sat down under an umbrella and Sara and Hina walked up. "Are you not swimming Fai?" Hina asked, "no, but don't let that stop you from enjoying yourself." I said with a smile, they had hearts in their eyes again, "then do you mind if we sit with you?" Sara asked, "why? When you two have such cute swimsuits? Well, they can't hold a candle to your beauty." I said and they blushed, "then we'll go swim!" They said as they ran into the water. I walked over to Haruhi, there was a bug in her hand, the girls ran away screaming. I smiled and took it carefully from her. "I shall call him Spinny and he will be my friend." I said and placed him on a far up rock, he crawled away. The twins went over to Haruhi but was swamped by girls. Out of the corner of my ear I heard the twins suggest a game. I went over and saw a photo of me, back in middle school, I still had my long hair, I sometimes miss it... "Whoa! Fai-Chan, you look so cute!" Honey said as they looked at my photo. "Your the first to think so." I said and saw Haruhi doing sports, "as, she's adorable." I said and walked away.
The twins later called me over to join them in a cave, along with Haruhi and some of the girls. "They say the spirits still haunt this cave!" And Hikaru tried to scar us with a puppet. "Your not scared of ghosts?" I shook my head, "no, actually, I find it sad, trapped souls, just wanting companionship, and we make them out to be spooky, scary things." I said and left. Next Honey tried to scare us with a dark ban but ended up scaring himself. I snuck away and sat atop a ledge, overlooking the sea. "Unloved." A voice taunted, "unwanted." I curled up, this was inside my head, relaying what others have said, what my parents have said. "Your just a mistake. Never ment to exist." The voices hissed. I felt tears run down my cheeks, the pain
It hurts. It hurts so much. I don't know what happened, but all of a sudden I was falling, I heard people call my name but they drowned out.
"You should never have been born."
"Do us a favor and dispose of yourself."
"People like you never learn."
"Didn't you know, you don't belong? Your not wanted, not by your family, your just a waste of air."

I opened my eyes and saw Tamaki holding my face. "Thank God! What happened?" Haruhi asked. I sat up and smiled, "sorry, I must have... dozed off." I said and stood up. "When will you trust us?! Where a club, and a club is like a family!" Tamaki said, "I... do trust you." I said, "then tell us the real reason." Hikaru said, "no." I looked down, hoping to hide the tears that would inevitably fall. "No?" Tamaki said, now in a rage, "why not?! If you trust us then tell us!" He said, "I don't want the past to happen again. Everyone I've told, it repeated in a predictable loop." I said, saying every word with force. "So, what other insults are there? None, I've heard them all." I said, venom on the tip of my tongue. "That I'm fat? That I don't belong? They have all been said to me! I'm not welcomed in any school, I'm not welcomed by my parents. So, you know what? I really don't care anymore! I tried to kill myself!" I said and pulled my shorts up to show them the scars, "That's the reason! There you go!" I said and ran away, back into the house, I'm grabbing my things and I'm leaving. I'm done with life. I can think of creative ways of killing myself. I would throw myself out a window if I didn't want anyone to see such a thing. It just hurts to much... I fell to my knees and began to cry, in the middle of my room.

I must have cried myself to sleep, I woke up and saw Tamaki standing at the foot of my bed. "If you trust us then you should know us better than that. We all went through something in our lives, not as extreme as you, but we know some of what your going through." He said, turning to me, a sad smile on his face. "And we don't see you less for your past, if anything, you are made higher in my eyes because you have gone through so much." I said and cupped my face. I searched his eyes, there wasn't a hint of doubts a hint of hatred, only compassion... and love. We leaned in and kissed, it's like it happened in slow motion. It wasn't sloppy, it wasn't messy, it was passionate, and searing. "Fai. From now on, whenever you have a problem, come and get me. We'll take on whatever it is together." He said and held onto my hands tightly, "yeah..." I said as I leaned my head down onto his shoulder taking in his sent, still smelling like the club roses.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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