Chapter Three

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I biked to school, all dressed and ready, well, I forgot to brush my hair so it's a bit of a bed head. It began to rain halfway there, could today get any worse?
I got to class, the girls were all squirmy because my hair was wet, I guess it made me look sexy or something. "You'll get a cold if you keep your hair wet." Tamaki said, "my whole uniform is wet. I'm going for lost puppy look today." I grumbled, he chuckled at my comment. "Fai, you said you'd tell us if you were in trouble." Tamaki whispered, "a little fist to cuffs isn't "in trouble" it just isn't ideal."
Soon class was finally over, I walked to the club and sat down, my customers were gushing over how sexy I looked in a butler outfit. I chuckled, they were all so happy over that stupid movie, it was stupid but I guess it wouldn't hurt to keep my options to myself. Club was over and it began to rain again. I sighed and went down to my bike and saw it gone. I growled and punched the post, scraping my knuckles on the stone. I sighed and began to walk when Tamaki stopped me. "Where's your bike? Did someone take it?" Tamaki asked, I smiled and bit and ran my hand through my hair, "dear God, your hand is bleeding!" He said and I looked at it, I got a bit too angry... "sorry, I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" I said and began to walk away when he stopped me, "here, I'll drive you home." He said and pushed me into his car. He drove me home and I offered him inside. "Sure. I'll help with your hand." He said and we walked in. It was the second house. My parents don't really care so much for me. So they just place me here after I came back to Japan. I asked for the first aid kit and Tamaki grabbed it from my maid. He sat me down in the living room and wiped away the blood, it stung! I hissed through my teeth. "Sorry." Tamaki said as he placed bandaids on it and wrapped it up. "It's fine... you didn't have to do this." I said and he shook his head, "I wanted to." I smiled a bit, "so, tell me. Are you being bullied?" He asked, I patted his head, "don't you worry over it." I said and he took my hand off of his head, "Fai, I'm being serious here. Is Ryou Ashitaka bullying you?" He asked, "well, yeah, but seriously dude, don't worry about it. You have enough on your plate as it is." He soon left and I changed for bed.

I got to school and the twins had different colour hair. "Yo dudes, what's with the flamingo on the scalp along with the blue bird nest?" I asked, "I can't stand always looking like him!" They yelled and pointed at one another. At lunch I followed the twins, knowing they went to the lunchroom. I sat down with my bento along side Haruhi. "Sup?" I said and opened it. It was the normal lunch. Since I spent my time abroad I now make my lunches like the west people do. This time I had a chief salad with a thermos of tea. Salad fell on me and I saw Ryou there. Everyone fell silent to watch what I'd do next, "oops, sorry about that." He said venomously. I smiled, knowing if I acted good everyone would love me. "It's alright. No harm done. Accidents happen." I said and he poured soup over my uniform and people gasped. My lip twitched, "do you have a problem with me?" He smirked, thinking he had the upper hand. "Yeah, I do." I shrugged, "okay, good to know." I said and began to walk away, Tamaki following me. "Here, there's a spare uniform in the club room." I nodded and followed. "I'll get you some towels." He said and went off. I carefully took off my uniform jacket, luckily I didn't wear a sweater. I took off the shirt, tie and pants and started changing when Tamaki walked in. I blushed and covered my chest. "Out!" He blushed and closed the curtain. I changed quickly and walked out. He was there with the rest of the club, talking. "Wasn't it obvious?" I asked and they shook their heads. "Oh... well, I didn't think I'd have to spell it out for you." I said and undid the tie a bit. Tamaki blushed and quickly, nearly choking me, placed it properly back on. "Dude, I've done this the whole time you've known me. Why does me being a girl change anything?" I asked and loosened my tie. "Why did you cut your hair?" Tamaki asked, "it was more manageable this way?" "Is this why you didn't want to do the physical?" Honey asked, "well, half of it, yeah." I said and heard the twins fighting. Haruhi stopped them and it turns out that they tricked Haruhi so we could go over to her house.
School ended and I began to walk home, I heard murmurs in the halls about the fiasco at lunch. I got out and it was raining... again. God. I don't feel well already! I began to walk in the rain and made it past the gates.

The next day I didn't feel well. I hated it. My head was banging and my body ached. I sighed and told the maid to tell the school I wouldn't be coming for the day. I spent the day trying to sleep, but near the end of the day Tamaki texted me,
(Fai, where are you?)
I ignored him. Maybe if I do, it'll go away. Man, was I wrong.
(Fai, answer me.)
(Fai, are you alright? Are you dying in a ditch?!)
(Fai, I'm coming over.)
(Fai, I'm on my way, please be alright.)
I reached for my phone but the medicine took effect, I felt drowsy.

~Tamaki Pov~

Is she alright? Dear God, please be alright! I thought as my driver took me to her house. I was welcomed in and I ran upstairs to see an open bottle of pills and her phone on the ground! I slapped her cheeks, trying to get her to wake up. "Please, please be alright!" I pleaded, "keep slapping my cheeks, I dare you and you'll loose your hands." She grumbled. I gave a sigh of relief, she didn't try anything. I took the pills and placed them high up so she couldn't try anything. I got her a cold compress and cleaned her forehead. She was groggy as she woke up, and grouchy, not much of a morning person. "Tamaki? What are you doing in my room?" She asked as she sat up, "your sick, lay back down. This is what you get for walking in the rain." I said with a smile on my face. "I don't get sick! I'm just one hell of a butler!" She's definitely loopy. "And young master says to rest." I said, she giggled a bit. "You know, in this state I'm in, that sounds really sexy..." she said and patted my head. I sighed and pulled her arms down, "your really loopy, I bet I could ask you anything." I said, she sighed, "I doubt it. My mind is like a steel trap." She said, "well, let's see about that." I said and sat closer. "Do you have anyone you like?" She nodded, "well, yeah, I like you. Your pretty funny." She said and played with her fingers. "Do you want me to stand up for you to Ryou?" She nodded, "well, yeah. But I'm too scared to ask for help. But don't tell anyone. It'll be our secret." She whispered and took my hand and began to play with them. She reminds me of a kitten. "Would you hate me terribly if I stood up for you?" I asked, really hoping she wouldn't remember this. "Well... depends." "On what?" She smiled and kissed my hand, "if you see me less so for it." She said and closed her eyes. I leaned down, "don't worry. I can't love you any more than right now." I whispered and kissed her forehead quickly before running off to deal with Ryou.

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