Back For You (A Louis Tomlinson FanFic)

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I walked outside and smelled the crisp, spring Carolina air. I was excited to be able to finally enjoy some of this weather, because I had been so busy with all my classes with being a college freshman and all. Between trying to finish all my finals before spring break and sports and I had hardly no time to appreciate the amazing weather that I had been begging for all winter. I took the scenic route back to my dorm to fancy the newly blooming flowers.  As I sat and began to gaze at the vibrant daises and gleaming rays of sunlight peeking over the trees, my phone began to ring. I looked down at the screen to find it was my little sister River. I swiped the little bubble over to the left to answer it. "Hey." I said. "Oh my word Em guess what?!" she said with extreme excitement. Em was her nickname for me, because she said Emma was to 'proper'.  "What, what?"  "Well one question before I tell you this amazing news."  "Okay?"  "When are your coming home?"  "Today, Why?"  "Well..." she trailed off.  "Oh would you just spit it out already!"  "I got tickets to see One Direction in concert!"  "Wow, that's your amazing news?" I said with sarcasm.  "Yes, It is awesome! Isn't it?"  "Yeah, guess so, why did you call to tell me?"  "Because I wanted you too go with me."  "Oh, well I don't know about that. Where is it?"  "Please, please, please, Em, it's only in Raleigh!"  "Raleigh? Riff that's two hours away?"  "Yeah I know me and moma were thinking about going a day early and staying at a hotel."  "Oh so moma and put you up to this so she wouldn't have to?"  "Well, no it was my idea, because she has to work."  "Oh I understand, but still I don't know if I want to be around a bunch of screaming girls just to listen to a couple of stuck-up famous guys."  "Emma, Please! It won't be that bad."  "Oh alright, alright, but just because I love you."  "Thank you, thank you, a thousand times thank you! I love you so much!"  "Yeah, yeah see you later." I said as I hung up the phone.  (The day before the concert in Raleigh)  We finally pulled the last bit of luggage into our room. "So what do you want to do, since we do have some spare time?" my little sister gleamed. "Maybe I was just thinking about sitting around here to take a break." I replied. "Well can we go to the mall, cause I we have nothing to do and I need something to wear." She pleaded "I don't know I really don't want to; you know I hate the mall." I said with a slight whine. "Please Em, it would be good for you, a chance for you to get out some." She said sarcastically. "Oh alright." I replied in a lazy tone.  We pulled into the parking lot of the large Raleigh mall just a few miles down from our hotel. While my sister went to American Eagle to look around for a 'cute dress' was how she put it, I went to one of my favorite stores Barnes and Noble. As I walked in I didn't know where to start, there were books everywhere! This was possibly the largest book store I had ever seen before in my life! I loved it! I began to walk towards the history and religious section thinking that it was a good place to start, I stopped to look at a poster that hung on the entrance to the media section of the store, there it was another poster of those stuck-up boys from One Direction. I had no clue what my little sister saw in them, just then my phone began to ring, it was Riff.  "Hello." I answered.  "Em you have got to get over her right now!"  "What is it River?"  "Just get over here, like now!"  "Where are you?"  "In front of the Polo Ralph Lauren outlet two store down from American Eagle."  "Okay, I'll be over there as soon as I can."  "Em, Hurry!" she said as she hung up.  I began to walk towards the store at a rapid pace, for fear my little sister was in trouble because of her tone. There were not too many people here today so I managed to make it to the Polo store fairly quickly. I looked around for my sister and saw her standing just outside the store starring very intently in the inside. I called her name and she didn't answer or taker her eyes off of the window to the store, just motioned for me to come there. "What was so urgent that you couldn't tell me over the phone?" I asked. She didn't say a word just pointed at the glass, I followed her gaze into the store. There they stood all five of the boys she had been ranting about for so long, all the boys from One Direction. I couldn't remember all of their names I knew one was Harry and one was Louis that was about it. "Oh my goodness River! This is what you called me over here for I thought something was wrong!" I huffed at her. She didn't say a word just kept her eyes on the boys. "Are you going to go talk to them?" I asked. "Me talk to them really?! I cannot believe this is happening!" She squealed. "Go for it." I said with a smile. "Come with me", She said dragging me by the hand. "I don't even know what to say." She yelped. "Just ask for an autograph or something." I replied. "Will you do it for me, please I don't think I can." She asked. "I guess, Come on." I huffed. "Wait, one thing, I said, what are their names again?" "Liam, Harry, Louis, Niall, and that one is Zayn." She said as she pointed them out one by one.  We walked up to the boys and I decided of the five to talk to Louis, because he was the closest to me. "Hey, Your Louis, right?" I asked as I taped him on the shoulder."Yes, can I help you, love?" he replied as he turned with a smile. "Can my little sister get an autograph and maybe a picture with y'all?" I asked as I pointed to River who was standing shyly at a nearby rack making sideway glances in our direction. "She's a huge fan." Who am I kidding they're so used to this cause there like the biggest boy band right now, so he just seemed a little to used to being asked to sign stuff, I thought to myself. "Sure we can, right boys." He chimed in their direction. "Yeah, sure!" they all replied in unison. "Excuse me, she's a bit shy." I said as I turned to pull River towards me. "Oh, no problem, hun." The one who River proposed as Liam said a little to happily. As River began to walk towards Louis she pulled a CD out of her bag for them to sign.  *Louis' POV:  I was used to fans seeing us most everywhere, so this day wasn't any different, but this girl didn't even know who I was. It was a her little sister that was the fan though, but I was still a bit surprise when she asked me who I was that wasn't something I got everyday, mostly we got the usual a bunch of hormone crazed females. Despite that we still love our fans, because if it were not for them, we would not be where we are.  This girl was different, there was something about her the way her beautiful eyes lit up when she laughed at the shyness of her little sister, I just had to at least find out her name.  Her sister timidly handed me the album with the rest of the lads and I on the front cover. "Who do I make this out to , love?" I asked. "River." she replied with a plutonic grin. "And you are?" Harry asked the older one, with his charming smile plastered on his face. Harry was always the flirt of the group and we didn't mind him and his sharrades, most of the time anyway. Not this time, I did. "Emma, Emma Remington." She replied with a slight smile as she met my gaze. As i finished my signing of the CD off with a smiley face, I handed it to Liam and made my way towards Emma.  I had no idea what to say to start a conversation with her, to get to know more about her. Normally, I was the loud, abnoxious one of the group, but when ever I caught the look of her gorgeous, deep green eyes, I just could not think clearly, it's like my judgement became so clouded. I just asked the first thing that came to mind, "Are you coming to the show tomorrow night?" As i looked up at her I tried not to stare, Emma's checks had a soft, warm glow, along with her long, brown curly hair that looked similliar to Harry's in a way. "Sure are! thanks to my amazing sister!" River interrupted just as Emma went to open her mouth to speak. "That's very nice of you." I said with a half smile. She replied with a slight smile with her pink, rosey lips pursed together.   *Emma's POV:  I was so ready to get out of there. These boys were so full of themselves. Sure, they were used to girls throwing themsleves at them, but I was not about to succumb to Harry or Louis' charm. Yeah, they were kind of cute, but that was only their deminer. Why on earth would some famous guy even be interested in some small town hick like me? An older gentlemen in a black suit and tie walked up and interrupted my thoughts saying, "Boys, Sorry to cut this short, but we have to get on the road if we want to make it to the rehersal in time." "Okay, sure thing Paul, just a sec." Louis replied to the man in the suit. "I hope you lovely ladies enjoy the show." Harry said with a wink. "Yeah, you should tweet one of us before the show and we'll give you a shoutout." Niall said. "Really, you'd do that!?" River asked with a grin painted a mile wide. "Sure!" Zayn agreed with a smile. "It was nice meeting you both." Liam chimed. "Truly!" Louis agreed. "Bye." They all said in off-tone unison as they exited the store towards the back entrance of the mall.  "Thank you so much!" my little sister squealed as we walked towards the door. "No problem." I said with a grin. I stopped just as we were about to walk out of the door, I looked down and saw a white i-Phone ,that looked exactly like mine, on the ground. i picked it up and looked at the lock screen. It had a picture of the cartoon version of Louis eatting a carrot; so I figured it was one of the boys, or louis's. I ran towards the back of the mall hoping to catch them. I opened the door just as Niall was lastly trying to get on the bus. There was a small crowd of young girls gathered trying to take pictures in between screams. "Wait!" I yelled, trying not to sound like a crazed fangirl. "Niall, wait!" I yelled as i waved the phone in the air trying to make my way over to the bus. Niall's head popped back out just as I nearing the bus door, still trying to fight off the crowd. I put the phone in my back pocket, for fear i might drop it. "Yes, love?" Niall asked. I think this is Louis's i said fetching the phone from my back pocket to hand it to him. "Oh, thanks, hun he'd be lost without it. Bye again." he said with a smile as he closed the door. I stepped back to let the large, red bus drive away. I waited till the crows odied down a little before heading back into the mall to find my sister.  We arrived back to our room after stopping for dinner; finally I could relax! "Hey Em, Can I use Your phone to call Nikki, so I can tell her all about this?!" My sister cooed. Nikki was one of my best friends but sadly like my sister she had the 'One Direction infection'.   "What's wrong with yours?" I asked sarcastically.  "It died." she whined.  "Oh alright." I huffed and handed her my phone from my back pocket.  River's POV:  I grabbed my sisters phone, I just could not wait to tell Nikki, one of the biggest Directioners I know, aside from myself, that I just met One Direction! I hit the home button, as the phone lit to life I looked up at my sister; "Um, Em, since when do you have Louis Tomlinson as your lock screen?" I bit my lip trying to hold back a giggle.  "What?" she exclaimed with a quizzical look.I handed the phone to her. "Oh dear!" she said with wide eyes.  "what? what?" I yelled.  "Well this ain't good at all."   "Oh my gosh, Emma, what is it already!?"  She looks at me with wide eyes "This isn't my phone."   "What? Well who's is it?" I ask.  "Louis's I think.." she trails off.  "No way!" I screech.  "Yeah then if I have his that must mean he has mine." she says as she covers her a gaped mouth with a hand.  "What are we going to do?" I ask.  "I guess you can tweet them or something when your phone is charged." she replies.  I looked at the ground nervously, "about that..." I trail off. I was never that responsible and my sister new that, but I seriously needed to work on it.  "What?" she asks with a hint of worry in her voice.  "I kinda forgot the charger." I reply sheepishly.  "Really, River, are you serious, of all times!" she yells.  "I know, I'm sorry. Why don't you just call one of the, off of his phone?"  "Yeah, Sherlock, that sounds like a great idea, but he has a pass code lock." she replies with sarcasm.  "I can try and take a crack at it." I plea.   "I don't think that's a very good idea." she stills my thunder.  "Why not?" I ask rudely.  "Because you could lock it up by putting the wrong thing in too many times."  "Fine." I huff.  "We can just sleep on it and get this whole thing resolved tomorrow at the concert." Em says as she lays down.  "Okay." I reply as I lay on the bed beside hers.   I couldn't possibly sleep! It had been such an eventful day and my sister had Louis Tomlinson's phone! I laid in the bed and stared out the window as I tried to wrap my head around the whole situation and the events that tomorrow had in store for us. I would get to see the boys again! I think Louis himself would like that, he seemed like he had a thing for my sister or maybe that's just the way he acted with people. I really couldn't remember when when my sisters eyes lit up like that around a guy. No matter how much she denied it, I believed she might have a crush on the sass masta from Doncaster.  I couldn't lay there any longer. I got out of the warm bed and went to get Louis's phone so I could try and unlock it. I picked it up and pressed the home button and swiped the arrow across the screen.  I stayed up most of the night trying to unlock till it finally got locked for eight hours. I woke up the next morning hoping my sister wouldn't notice my terrorizing of the phone. Thankfully she wasn't awake yet, so I just let her sleep. I checked the time hoping to be able to get some breakfast before they put everything up, but it was already 11:30. I decided to wake my sister up after all; she usually never slept in this late, she had to be exhausted, and I knew if I didn't wake her shed get mad at me for letting her sleep that late. We pull into the crowded parking lot of the PNC arena right at 6:45 because the traffic sucked.   "Hurry Em! We are going we are going to miss the best part!" My sister hollered.  "Okay, okay I'm trying!"   We ran in and hurried to our seats. This place was huge and jam packed with thousands of screaming girls. I looked around and gazed in amazement at the spectacular sight. The lights dimmed and the crowd went wild including River who was screaming like mad. A video showed on the many screens displayed around the arena of the boys saying how much they loved the fans and thanking them for bringing them so far. A count down began and in between screams the crowd counted aloud along with the ticking numbers. Just as it ticked down to one Niall began singing 'Nobody Compares'. One by one the boys came out with Louis coming out last and a smile plastered on his face and his beautiful blue eyes gleamed as the lights hit them. I had to admit, yeah so maybe he was kind of cute, but I was not about to fall for a famous guy.  Louis's POV:  I searched through the sea of faces, while trying to focus on remembering every line, for that beautiful smile that had took me by surprise the day before. I had just met that girl named Emma Remington, hell I didn't even know her, but I just could not stop thinking about her. The way her face lit up with a smile or just the way her eyes sparkled when she looked at me. I couldn't wait to see her again hopefully after the show so we could exchange our phones, that I assumed was hers since Niall said she gave it to him thinking it was mine.  We began to finish up the show with our hit single 'Live While We're Young' and it was time to go through some tweets and give shout outs. The lads went through some of the tweets and Harry nudged me signaling it was time to give the last shout out to Emma and her sister which they left up to me to do.  *Flashback~  (I strode back to the bus, thinking how my world had just lit up by that girl, Emma Remington, by her smile.At the thought of her I felt a warmth in my cheeks and began to blush. No one had really ever made me feel like this before. "You okay Louis, your not being your normal obnoxious self?" Liam asked. "I think Lou bear may I have a crush." Harry said as he prodded at cheek. "Shut up Hazza." I said smugly. "No need to get snappy." Harry whined. "Really, on who?" Zayn questioned. "Emma?!" Niall inferred.   "Yeah, I know I just met her and all and it absurd but..." I began. "Oh shit does my Lou bear think he's in love?" Harry asked sarcastically. I furrowed my brow at him. "Just ask her on a date to get to know her, mate." Liam said.)  ~  "Emma Remington..." I began "We'd like to see you backstage." and with that the lads and I gave our goodbyes and finished with a bow.  *Emma's POV:  Butterflies grew in my stomach and I could feel my cheeks as they began to glow red as me and my sister were ushered backstage. I couldn't believe Louis Tomlinson just told me to come see him! I was never one to be dramatic River always done that enough for the both of us, but I was truly freaking out on the inside.  I began walking at a more rapid pace, the butterflies began to grow stronger as a lump developed in my throat. We were escorted to a small, narrow hallway; "The boys will be out in about five minutes." The burly man who we had been following said. I replied with a smile.  "Oh my gosh, Emmmm!" my sister squealed.  "Calm down, I'm not trained in CPR." I gleamed at her with a smile.  "Me calm down?" she says with a sarcastic laugh, "Says the girl who's cheeks are starting to be as red as cherries."  "Oh shut up." I said as I gave her I light shove.  "Emma's got a crush, ooo" she sang.  "Do not!" I huffed.  "Emma," she said as she glanced up at me out of the corner of her eye, "You can lie to yourself, but not to your sister; no matter how much you deny it you know you have a crush on the Tommo."  "So what if I do, there's no chance at all." I mantically replied.  "Maybe..." she trailed just as the boys came filing down the hallway with Louis in the lead. The warmth in my cheeks that had begun to go away started burning like a crimson fire when his radiant blue eyes scorched mine as we locked eye contact. He just starred with a smile and I couldn't help but do the same back.  "Hello loves, how are you?" Harry said in his raspy voice. I opened my mouth slightly to give an answer without taking my eyes off of Louis. Just as I was about to reply my sister cut me off, "Fantastic!"  "How'd you like the show?" Niall pipped.  "Awesome,you guys sounded amazing." I cooed with enthusiasm as I finally peeled my eyes from Louis's and looked at Niall.  "Thanks." Zayn said with a grin.  Louis strides in my direction. I was trying so hard to keep my self from starring, but his gleaming face and smiling lips made it near impossible. My sister nudged me in the ribs, "Calm yourself, I can feel the heat radiating from you." she said in a whisper town as she continued smiling in the boys direction. I stood up a little straighter as he approached me, "I believe this is yours," he hands me the phone, "and I wasn't trying to pry, but you didn't have a pass code so I put my number in."   "Oh okay, that's totally cool." I said dramatically, "and this is yours." I beamed as I handed him the phone.  "Thanks," he cooed with a smile, "you should come to dinner with us tonight or something: we're going to be in town for a few more days."  "Oh sure! I'd love too!" I replied happily.  "Great! We'll head back to our rooms to freshen up. So I guess we could meet you guys in say an hour on Dean avenue and figure out where we...well where Niall wants to go? He asked.  "Sounds Great!" I chimed.  "Okay, cool you can just text me when you get there." He said just as they were about to walk off.  "Will do." I replied with a smile.  ~  As we made our way back to the room I tried to wrap my head around what had just happened and why on earth someone like Louis Tomlinson would even look at someone like me. I never really freaked out over much but as we entered the room I began frantically rummaging through my cloths, "Riff, I have absolutely nothing to wear!" I gawked.  "Calm down, I have the perfect thing for you." she said as she grabbed my shoulders. She padded over to her suitcase and pulled out a short, black lacy dress that was sleeveless.   "I am not wearing that." I said rudely.  "Yes you are, it says classy but I also like to have fun." she said in a wired voice.  "Whatever." I huffed as I snatched the dress and headed to the bathroom.  ~  "What's wrong with my hair?" I yelped.  "Emma Faith Remington would you just shut your cake hole, you are going on a date with Louis Tomlinson for crying out loud!" my best friend Nikki yelled. She had arrived about ten minutes after we did. My sister had called and told her everything and told her to come as quick as possible without me knowing that is until she got here and insisted on helping me get ready. As she was in process of forcefully fixing my hair, I nervously texted Louis and ask if they would mind if I brought Nikki along for dinner. He had just replied back saying that it would be great because they were trying to introduce Harry into more subtle women after his hectic relationship with Taylor Swift.  "Guess what?" I said enthusiastically.  "what's that babe?" she says in a playful tone.  "You get to come tonight..." I began as she cut me off with a squeal followed by her jumping very farcically.  "And Louis told me that Harry is single and they're trying to find him a lady friend." I finished fervidly.  "Oh my Gosh, Emma, I love you so much. Your like the greatest friend ever!" she screamed.  "Yeah, yeah. Let's get going before we are late."  *Liam's POV:   "Louis come on lad we running late!" I yelled as we stood in the hall still waiting on Louis like we had been for the past ten minuets.   "Coming daddy Direction!" he flashed with a smile as he finally strode out of the door.  "Finally, I'm starved." Niall whined.  "Yeah, since when is that anything new." Zayn said in a playful manor as Niall replied by furrowing his brow.  As we entered the elevator Harry made a weird face as he turned to face Louis, "Are you wearing my cologne?" he asked.  "Yeah, sorry, I meant to ask you I ran out." Louis replied sheepishly. I let out a slight laugh and Harry just shrugged. We exited the elevator and made sure the lobby was clear for us to have a seat without being seen by the fans.   "Any word from Emma?" I asked Lou.  He pulled out his phone and unlocked it, "One sec." he said as he held up a finger and dialed a number. As he walked over towards the corner to place his call me and the lads chatted amongst ourselves.  "So Harry, Lou said that Emma's bringing a friend?" sI asked.  "Yeah, I guess I can give it a chance...why not." he shrugged.  I replied with a smile. "Boo bear sure is lucky though cause Emma she's a pretty one." Harry smirked.  "Most definitely." Zayn chimed.   Louis strolled back over to where we were sitting, "They're here. You lads ready?"  "Hell yeah, thought you'd never ask!" Niall flabbergasted as he practically ran out the door.  *Louis's POV:   We one by one exited the building following Niall, I closed the door as I lastly came out. I looked around for Emma and found her and her sister and another tall, dark skinned girl, who I presume was Nikki, with them. As soon as I saw her a lump of air caught in my throat and I was speechless as butterflies began to grow in my stomach. She looked absolutely stunning, I couldn't believe it was even the same girl; I thought she was beautiful before but in that dress and just the way she was, I just couldn't help but stare. All of a sudden Harry nudged me in the ribs sending a pain through my lungs, "Boo bear, cloths your mouth before you catch something." he said with a laugh.  I strode over towards her and flashed a big smile. As I approached her, her eyes lit up and she gave a beautiful smile back.   "Hi." I said circumspectly.  "Hey, how you?" She replied. I had been all over the world and almost every state in America and heard many different ascents, but never one like hers it was amazing. 'Southern draw' I believed they called it.  "Great, now that I'm with you." I said trying not to sound to cheesy because I was being totally serious. She giggled a bit as her cheeks turned a light shade pink. I held an arm out for her and she accepted the offer and intertwined hers with mine. The touch of her apt skin sent chills down mine spine as her arm intertwined with mine. As we walked towards the others Liam flashed a smile followed by a hidden thumbs up at me.   "So where we off to Nialler?" Zayn asked.  "Well there's a Nando's about a block away." Niall replied with a smile.  "Nando's? Really Niall, again? Can we please go somewhere else this time?" Zayn pleaded.  "Fine, whatever. how's Chinese sound?" Niall imposed.  "Sounds good to me." Harry conveyed with his arm now around a smiling Nikki.   We all piled in the bus and drove about three blocks over to a nice 'date appropriate' sushi place.   We all walked in and went to take our seats, I decided to get a separate table for me and Emma so we could talk more and have more privacy, there was so much I wanted to know about her. I pulled a chair out for at the small two-person table across the room from the other lads, she replied with a smile and took a seat.  A waiter with a white shirt and burgundy vest, who's name tag read Mark, took our orders.   "So what is it like being famous and all?" she asked.  "Well its truly amazing but I think thing some people don't realize is that we're just all normal people." I reply. "But other than that it can be pretty tiring."   "I bet!" she said as her eyes widened with sarcasm.  "So enough about me, I want to hear more about you, if that's alright?"   "Sure. Well I'm a senior at DeVry University where I'm a business management major and I love the outdoors and I'm very mischievous, that's about it." she flashes a smile and giggles a bit, "Not to interesting."   "I find you extremely interesting." I said with a slight laugh.  "Thanks," she smiled, "No one's every really said that to me before or should I say has been interested in me." she looked at me and I felt my stomach churn as my eyes met her beautiful green ones. I put my hand on hers and caressed the top of it with my thumb, "Glad I could be the first." She gleamed a brilliant smile.  Emma's POV:  I was beginning to get more nervous by the minute and was trying to prevent myself from blushing too much. I had never really felt like this before, Louis made me feel so special, I was starting to like him even more! I felt the butterflies in my stomach and tingles flow down my arm as he touched my hand.  I was insanely nervous and I didn't want to make a fool of myself, I just needed a second or two, some fresh air to collect myself. "I'll be right back I have to go to the restroom." I said as I smiled at him. "Okay, love." he replied.  I made my way towards the back of the restaurant and found the back door. I went out and found a bench and sat down and felt the cool breeze caress my soft skin as I took in its sweet smell. I just sat there wanting to go back in with Louis, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I just wanted to be alone with him.  *Nikki's POV:  I was so lost in Harry's eye and that million dollar smile of his, I was having the best day ever all thanks to my best friend. I glanced in the direction her and Louis were sitting to find she wasn't there any more. I furrowed my brow wondering were she was. I decided to go ask Louis were she had gone.  "Excuse me, one second. Sorry." as said to Harry as I got up and walked towards a sappy looking Louis.  "Louis where's Emma?"  "She said she was going to the lou," he looked down at his watch, "But that was about fifteen minutes ago."   "Oh, I'll go fetch her for you."  I walked in the restroom and checked each stall, but no sign of Em. What the hell, I thought to myself as I walked out. I saw a hostess standing in the corner, "Excuse me miss."  "Yes, can I help you?"   "I'm looking for my friend and I was wondering if had happened to see where she had gone? Bout yay high, black dress, sappy puppy dog look."  "Ph yes she went out the back door, that way." she said as she pointed.  "Okay, thanks." I said as I hustled towards the door.  I found Em on a bench a littles ways from the door, "Emma Faith Remington, what the hell you think your doin!?" I yelled.  She gazed up in my direction startled.   "Sorry, I got nervous and needed some fresh air." she said nonchalantly.  "Well how long where you planin on bein out here?" I questioned.   "I don't know, just till I collected myself, besides I've only been out here like not even five minutes."   "Five minutes!? Try fifteen Emma."   "Really, I've been out here that long?"  "Yes! Now get back in there! Louis lookin a bit well blue." I ordered.  "Okay just give me a minute I'll be right there mother." she said sarcastically.  "You better."  "Yes ma'am. I will, but really I just wanna be alone with him." she said as I started to walk off.  "Oh, I see well come it and you will be soon enough." I said as I put my hand on her shoulder and flashed a smile.  "Okay, just give me another minute."  "Okay, love you babe." I said as I walked back towards the door.  "You too." she said as I heard the smile in her voice.  I walked back in the restaurant and over to Louis, "Hey Lou, Imma let you in on a little secret, but you didn't hear it from me."  "Okay?" he said.  "Em went outside to get some fresh air cause she got nervous and I know she really likes you, truth is I've never really seen anyone make her as happy as you do, not even me." I said with a smile.  "Really, you think so, because I feel the same way about her and I got really nervous to no one's ever really made me feel this way before." he beamed.  "She said she just want to be alone with you."   "Me too." he huffed  "Well then Louis Tomlinson go get your woman." I said as I prodded him out of his chair and gave him a light push.  *Louis POV:  I headed towards the back door of the restaurant, a lump caught in my throat as I tried to find the words I would say to her. As I opened the door and breather in the sweet smelling, spring breeze I decided to just swallow my pride and just be myself. Sparks flew inside of me as I looked at her sitting on a bench just outside the place. I just wanted to be alone with her; I just wanted to hold her.  "Emma?" I said as I lightly put my hand on her shoulder.  "Oh, Louis." I loved the sound of my name from her voice,"Sorry I just needed some fresh air, I didn't mean to leave you like that."   "It's okay. I understand." I said with a grin as I took a seat beside her.  "Uh, you do?"  I took both her hands in mine, "Yeah, truth is I felt the same way."  "Really?" she said as she furrowed her brow.  "Yeah, Emma no one's ever made me feel this way before. I know we just met and all and it sounds mad, but I just don't know something about you....I really like you." I said as I looked her dead in the eye.  She leaned in and her lips met mine. A warm sensation engulfed my body as the mere shock sent through my body. I put my hand on her cheek and the other stayed on her leg as her smooth hand made it's way to my hair and the other rested softly on the back of my neck. I'm not really sure how long The moment lasted, but I wish it could've been forever, "I like you too, Lou." she said with a smile.  *Emma's POV:  I woke the next morning with a grand smile on my face, I hadn't had a day that great ever since my dad was a live back when I was five. It was a bit difficult dealing with my fathers death, even though so much time had passed I still felt an empty whole in my heart where he used to hold its place, but when I'm with Lou that whole begins to go away.  I checked my phone to find a message from Nikki who had spent the night in Harry's room doing God knows what. Even though River was a little angry mom had to come get her because she had to get ready to go back to school, thankfully I have already finished up my semester and I wasn't due back to college until graduation day to receive my diploma  I unlocked my phone and read the text, "Em, as soon as you see this call me!" I had only received it ten minutes ago' but it seemed urgent to I dialed Nikki's number.  "Emma!" she squealed as she answered the phone.  "Mornin to you too." I said with a laugh.  "How'd you sleep?"  "Like a baby! How bout you?"  "Fantastic!"  "Yeah sure cause all you were doing was 'sleepin'." I huffed sarcastically.  "Emma get your mind out the gutter we didn't do nothin!"  "Sure, okay I believe you."  "Whatever." I could hear the playful agitation in her voice.  "So, what's the huge thing you wanted me to call about?"  "Oh yeah, I wanted you to meet me down for breakfast and then we gotta get you ready."  "Read for what, Nikki?"  "Well not all that sure, the boys left for a meeting with management this mornin and Louis said they'd be done at about 3:30 and to have you ready by 5:00."  "Okay, is that all he said?"  "Yes ma'am, he wouldn't tell any of us anything he said it was a surprise."  "Okay..well I'll meet you in the lobby and we can go get breakfast, say ten minutes?"  "Sounds great babe!" she finished as she hung up the phone.  ~  I sat and slowly ate my eggs as I starred awkwardly at Nikki while she went on and on about Harry and how great of a friend I was for allowing her the best night ever.  "So I'm glad you had a great time, but what am I getting ready for?" I asked.  "I am swarm to secrecy, Louis said it was a surprise. Also he didn't give to many clues, he just gave me stricken orders to get you up and ready and have you at a certain place at a certain time."  "I wonder?"  "Besides I thought you liked surprises?"  "Yeah somewhat, I guess."  "Well then." she looked down at her phone. "Let's head back we've only got an hour to get you ready."  "Okay, but I'm doing my own hair." I said as I swished my finger at her.  "So, you think." she smiled and I replied with a sigh.  ~  We entered my hotel room with forty-five minutes to spare before I had to meet Lou wherever. Nikki threw some cloths tame me and hustled me into the bathroom. I put on the white a off-white cami and black leather pants that I was sure were Nikki's because I didn't own any of the sort, and a black leather blazer that only came to my mid arm and waste and topped the whole outfit off with some black pumps.  "Are you sure about this?" I asked as I exited the bathroom, "I feel like a pissed off biker."  "No, Hun, you look great! I figured we stick to darker colors since the weather is still a bit cold."  "Whatever." I huffed as she sat me down in the chair.  She prodded at my hair and I flinched as she brushed through my curly, chocolate locks. She turned on the straightener and began to go to work on my bangs.  "So has he asked you yet?" she asked with a smile as she sat down the straightener.  "Not yet."  "Ohh." she said as she began to waterfall braid my hair on the opposite side of my bangs.  "Yeah, I'm really not sure what to say though if he does."  "What'd you mean? You better say yes."   "Well its just that he's famous and all and I just broke up with Justin not to long ago and I'm still trying to get over him."  "I know you and Justin were together for like two years and had the whole high school sweet hearts thing goin on but hun you knew it was gonna come eventually."  "Yeah and Louis's just so different."  "I know, but you like him right?"  "Yes I like him a lot and when I'm with him it's just I can't really explain it, it's just I never had anything like that with Justin."  "I understand. Well if he makes you happy then go for it babe."  "Yeah, you right."  "I know." she said with a smile, "Alrighty then let's get going!"  "So where am I supposed to meet him."  "You'll see."  "Okay..." I whined.  We pulled up on the corner of 42nd street and she stopped the car.  "So this is where I'm supposed to drop you off. Oh and." she pulled an envelope out of her purse. "Give you this." she said as she handed it to me.  I got out of the car and she rolled down the window, "Bye babe! Love ya, have fun, and remember what I said!"  "Will do!" I flashed a smile.  As Nikki drove off I opened the envelope, 'I'm not very good at rhyming, so I thought I'd just tell you. Take a walk around the block until you come to a big 'ole clock and look for a blue paper similar to this one. Love, Louis xx.'  I walked until I found a large clock tower with Zayn standing in front of it.  "Zayn?"  "Oh hi Emma."  "What'd are you doin here?"  "Me and the boys are just helping out a friend."  "Oh gotch ya."   "Yeah so this for you." he handed me a blue envelope of paper and a large key.  "What's this for?" I asked signaling towards the key.  "You'll have to wait and see." he answered as I opened the envelope. 'fantastic, you're another step closer now keep walking until you see a roller coaster and a red piece of paper. Love, Louis xx.'  "Thanks." I nodded at Zayn as I walked in the direction of the sky-scraping roller coaster I could see from here. I stopped short when I saw Harry standing outside of the Family Kingdom amusement park.   "Hi Harry."  "Hey, Em."  "So you have something for me?"   "Sure do." he said as he handy me a dozen roses tied together in a beautiful, blue ribbon and a red envelope.  "Thanks, Haz, your awesome."  "Don't thank me, thank Boo Bear, I'm just a wing man."   I replied with a smile as I opened the red envelope.  'Awesome, just a little more, long journey? You might be thirsty keep walking till you find a Starbucks and a green piece of paper. Love, Louis xx.'  After Harry pointed me in the right direction it wasn't long beforE i found Niall outside of Starbucks with a small bottle of water and a green envelope.  "Emma!"  "Hello Nialler." I said as he handed me the water and I took a sip.  "You look stunning."  "Oh thanks." I said as I began to open the envelope.'You're doing great, now keep walking till you find a gate and a purple pice of paper. Love, Louis xx.'  "Quite welcome, have fun now." he said as he pointed me in the next direction. I walked on a little farther and found Liam standing outside a large gate that had a beautiful park lying behind it. It had huge, opulent oak trees and a bricked walk way with a ray of many newly blooming, resplendent flowers.  "Hi there Liam."  "Hello, love. You have the key?"  "Sure do." I replied and he handed me the purple envelope and a small remote with one single button. He unlocked the gate and pushed opened the doors.   "Your on your own from here."  "Thanks."  "Don't mention it." he gleamed a smile. I opened the purple envelope, 'Your so close, now walk until you find a grand fountain and have a seat, you deserve it, and press the button. Love Louis xx.'  I walked along the path stopping every now and then to gaze at the stunning rays of flowers and shrubs. At last I reached the end of the path, where lied a large, majestic fountain with a small waterfall flowing in the back. I let out a slight gasp. After taking in the sight I took a seat on a small, white swinging bench. I pressed the button and turned as I was startled by the sound of music begin playing. Taylor Swift's voice filled my ears while her song Enchanted played. My mouth fell slightly agape as I admired the scene before me. Beautiful lights were strung around an elegant, white gazebo. Louis was standing in the middle of it with a grand smile spread over his illuminated face. His gorgeous sea blue eyes sparkled under the illumination of the lights. He looked amazing in his pair of red pants, black button up and white suspenders. "I've never really been a fan of Taylor Swift, but I felt this song fit us perfectly." he said as he pulled me towards him. "I agree." I said with a smirk. He pulled me in closer to him and we began to sway along to the music. He laid his head in the crook of my neck and I hugged him close. I listened along to the words and this song really was almost perfect for us. 'This night is sparking. don't don't you let it go. I'll spend forever wondering if you new, I was enchanted to meet you.' The music began to fade and we sat down, just starring at each other not saying a word. It wasn't like one of the awkward silences. We admired each other, my mind flashed back to the day before when I kissed him and how soft his lips were. He pulled my chin closer to his till our noses were almost touching . He moved his mouth towards my ear and whispered, "I have a question for you, love." "Yes?" "Would you do the me the honor of going out with...with me?" "I would be delighted." my stomach churned and I couldn't help but smile wide. He pulled my face to his and kissed me. My hand made its way toward his soft, brown hair. Our tongues danced together. I felt his lips curl into a smile under mine. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Me and Nikki walked through the mall looking for the perfect outfit to suit me. She insisted I get something since Louis would be taking me to dinner. I finally obliged after realizing I had hardly any nice cloths with me. As we walked I told h all about my eventful night with Louis and listened to her go on about Harry. I had to admit they were cute together, her and Harry, they seemed to make each other very happy. I began to think about what was going to happen when Louis and the boys had to go back home. I must've been showing my emotions through my facial expressions, because Nikki gave me a concerned look. "What's wrong?" she asked. I decided to share my thoughts with her and get her opinion. "Don't tell Lou or the boys, but I was thinking; what are we going to do when the boys have to go back home?" "Well, I was planing, since We're finished up with school, I'd just go stay with Harry until they have to go back on tour. You can come if you'd like." "Yeah, that sounds like a good plan, but I've already applied for a management job and they accepted me. they said they have a job lined up for me and they'll call me with more information about when I start." "Oh, we'll, when were they supposed to call you?" I pondered the question for a minute and remembered. "Today actually." "Oh, okay." "I think I'll go ahead and call them instead just because I'm curious." "Sounds good to me babe." I took my phone from my back pocket, tapped the screen a few time and held it to my ear. "Columbia records main office, this is Zack,mow may I help you?" a deep voiced man answered on the other end. "Yes my name's Emma Remington; I'm callin to ask about the information on when I would begin workin for your company." "one moment please." The phone buzzed for a few second as Zack transferred the line over. "Samantha Campbell." a peppy voiced, young woman answered. "Yes, Miss Campbell, it's Emma Remington, we spoke a while back and I came in for a meeting." "Oh, yes Miss Remington, I was just about to give you a call." "I was just calling to confirm on when I'd be startin." "Great, about that, there is a huge position we have to fill because we just had someone retire and I thought you'd be the perfect one to fill it, because your young." "Oh, okay, awesome." "You have been assigned to help out managing the band One Direction." My heart skipped a beat and my faced beamed. "Really?" I questioned enthusiastically. "yes, is there a problem?" "no ma'am, not at all." "Fantastic, so you will be traveling with them and helping out with their schedule, stage attire, rehearsals and other things." "Amazing." I gleamed. "You don't start till mid May, not too far away. When that time comes, you will fly to London where their TMH world tour will begin. Our company will cover all your flight and lodging cost you will need." "Okay, thank you so much Miss Campbell! Have a nice day." "You too Hun, buh-bye." I beamed and thoughts ran through my head of how this was going to be the best summer ever! I could not wait to tell Louis. "So?" Nikki asked with a questioning look. "Your not going to believe this!" I squealed. "After the past few days, anythings possible." she laughed "So spit it out." "I've been assigned to One Direction as one of their tour managers!" "Oh my word! No way! How ironic?" "Totally, I know right." "That's amazing Emma!" "Yeah, I can't wait to tell Lou and see his reaction." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

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