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Chapter 2


"Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken, but you can still see the crack in that mother fucker's reflection."

~Lady Gaga


As I drift down the blood meadow, I feel absolutely peaceful, I never wanted it to end.

The water is at a steady pace and the wind is blowing gracefully. I thought happiness was out of my reach, but in this moment, I reached it. As I just lay there and take in the complete peacefulness, the blood water starts to pick up pace.

Oh you thought you would get out that easy! 

I thought I would finally be happy, but she is always here ruining my happiness. To my absolute horror, the blood started carrying me at an inhuman like speed. It splashed all around me and covered my body head to toe while gusts of wind came out of no where. Out of panic, I try to swim the opposite direction but it's no use. The water is no watch for my 140 pound body and it consumes me. I look ahead of me and see the end. Shit, its a bloody waterfall! I try to grab onto something, anything but its too late. I reach the end of the waterfall and hear his taunting voice. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. It chanted over and over again. "NO!," I screamed. "This can't be happening!" I gasp as I thrash around and continued to fight my way through this. All I could see was his arms ready to catch me at the end of this bloodfall."I told you I would be back for you my love." I couldn't even cry before the water consumed me for good this time and led me all the way back to him, my rapist.

I scream as I fight off the hands that hold mine protectively. I won't let him get me again, he can't win. I opened my eyes prepared to fight him once and for all, but luckily I see a worried Nick trying to sooth me. I finally pull away and look around. I'm in hospital. What the-,  Before finishing that thought, I look down and remember why I'm here. Disappointed, I laid back down heavily and let my mind wonder.  I thought it would fucking work this time. I sighed and closed my eyes. Why didn't it work this time?

Suddenly a shock went through my whole body and my eyes shot open. I looked down to see Nick holding my hand in his. "No one thought you would make it," He said sadly. I sat there for a moment and observed him in complete silence.

He had a hint of sadness in his eyes but there was something much more than that. Love? Worry? All I knew was I didn't like seeing him that way. "Hey, I'm okay really." I bared my teeth as I smiled. He laughed and it made me feel uneasy for some reason.

"Where is my dad?" I want him here. Something tells me that him and I shouldn't be alone, you can't trust anyone anymore.

"They all went home for the night, you have been out for about 2 weeks." He frowned. Wow, I've been out that long? I thought but quickly brushed it off. "But they have been here for you the whole time, except today. Which is quite unfortunate. " He looked away and continued. "They had to go back to work," Wow, just my luck. "And I didn't want to leave you alone, like I did that night."

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