*Fairy tale or Fantasy?*

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Chapter 4


"Love is something to fight for, not to beg for." -Unknown


Have you ever met someone and felt an instant connection? Like each and every time they touch you a spark ignites that leaves you breathless? You could know them for a few weeks, days even but that doesn't change how you feel. It's as if you two have known each other your whole lives. It's an amazing feeling and for the past three months Nick has made me feel this way.

Three months ago we confessed our feelings for eachother. Everyday after that day has been absolute bliss. He hardly leaves my side and the only time he does is to go to work. Fortunately, that's usually when I am fast asleep in my "ohhhh so comfy" hospital bed. I am especially grateful because even though this institution doesn't allow visitors at all hours, they make an exception for him. He really knows how to get around things, I'm quite impressed. I don't know why I'd do without him around in this place.

When I got out of the hospital three months ago, I was immediately placed in this mental hospital. I can't say I am upset because it has helped me a lot, with the classes and such, but I would rather be home like any other teen age girl.  The positive outcome of being here is that I've bettered myself and my relationship with Nick. My parents don't come as often due to their busy work schedule, though that sorta upsets me I respect that. It helps that Nick has been here to take my mind off of things.

Anyway, every second, of every day, we are together. I'm very surprised he has yet to get tried of me. I'm dorky, a complete smart ass, and not to mention very self conscious. He says, however, that he's attracted to all of it and I'm not complaining whatsoever. I like, no, I love him being around. He's the most amazing, well not boyfriend thingy, I've ever had. We haven't made anything official yet, unfortunately, and it saddens him I see. Even though it upsets him he's willing to wait for my ass apparently. What did I do to deserve a man like that? I sigh out heavenly. I finally pull myself out of my Nick daze, that I find myself in all that time, in order to get ready. Gosh, I'm so engrossed with him it's kind of getting scary. I need to stop. I wonder if he thinks about me the same way? He would probably think it's weird...

Focus Serenity, focus! Today's the big day. I thought, and I couldn't be any more happier. I will finally be free from these walls and be able start my life over again.

Though, I still have the nightmares, they are getting better. Nick has been here every step of the way. Even more then my own mother really. Honestly, It upsets me, but I'm used to it now. I know I said I respected it but that was mostly on my fathers behalf. My mother hasn't even come since I've gotten out of the hospital. It's not a surprise though. My mother has always been distant from me, ever since the accidents that occurred years ago. I'm most definitely a daddies girl anyway, always have been. My father has been the biggest cheerleader in my life and truly is an inspiring man. He has gone through so much in his life and yet still manages to be an amazing, happy, person. I envy him for it. The events in his life have shaped him to be the man he it today. He never really met his real parents. He was abused by his father and taken away at very young. It has been said that his real father even murdered his biological mother, while she was fighting to protect my father from being hurt by her husband. It's extremely tragic and he was messed up for so long, until my mother came into his life. When he met my mother he described it as, "love at first sight."

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