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@ derpmikey : you know what I just realized?

@ michaelgclifford : what?

@ derpmikey : you don't know what I look like, you won't know who to look for at the airport.

@ michaelgclifford : then send me a picture so I know what you look like!!

@ michaelgclifford : duh!

@ derpmikey : lol nah, not today Satan! I'm ugly af not gonna happen byee

@ michaelgclifford : wait!!

@ michaelgclifford : I doubt you are ugly!

@ michaelgclifford : did you seriously leave?!?!

@ derpmikey : yeppers

@ derpmikey : and if you keep dming me I'll unfollow you....

@ michaelgclifford : fine seesh someone's touche.. but I'll talk to you tomorrow!! Bye babesss

Michael's pov

New tweet from derpmikey : omfg Michael GorDaN CLiFFord called me babes I'm scremingd!!-!-@&@&

Hahahah rt and favorite (a/n btw this part is Michael's thoughts I'll make it where they are like this from now on :))


A/n lawl who's excited for this?? Haha no one. Well I'll try and update tomorrow, I've got school but it's an early release so I'll have more time :) I gtg to bed now unfortunately because I have to get "sleep" says my mom

Byee :))

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