Ch.4:The Demon Inside

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Author's note:italics mean she is talking to the demon inside of her.

*Akumu's POV*

I felt a pair of lips on mine. I quickly pulled away and ran back to my room unsure of who it was. After 20 minutes of running around I bumped into someone else.

Akumu? the voice questioned

Wait I know that voice I thought

Maranda I spoke softly

Yes what happened?

I don't know I was walking......and.....someone kiss me and...... 

I was so confused I didn't know what was going on intil it happened.

I heard Maranda growl lowly,he picked me up bridal style and took me to his room. He set me down gently and watched as I crawled under the covers. The lights were on and made my eyes hurt. He turned off the lights and laid next to me.

It'll be better in the morning he ressured

Thank you Maranda

He looked down at me a smirk coming across his lips. I cuddled up to him putting my head in the crook of his neck.

They'll betray you and kill you  

You don't know what your talking about I mentally scoffed

Oh don't I,last I remember you family betrayed you and tried to kill you

That was different,these people treat me like family-

They've only known you for a day Akumu and as far as I can,see only Pain,Tobi,and your two other friends treat you like family the rest you try to kill you

How do you know I snap

Listen i'm just trying to look after you,my lovely host,my gateway to revenge

Why do you hate the nine tails so much?

He's my younger brother

Your dodging my question

Why should I answer it?

Because your my partner and so if I die then you die

He growled at me and flung his body aganist the cage. His two tails whipping around. I stared at the cage.

Why do I have to be in this cage,thats a question you always dodge

I don't know my parents never told me why

It doesn't make sense though,us demons are your partners and yet you seal us in cages

It is preety confusing

I started scratching the back of my head

You humans are a confusing race

Hey Shinigami

*Shinigami is the two tailed beast name*

Yes Akumu Shini said sounding a little bored

Can I go to sleep now

Huh....oh yea go ahead

I gave him a quick nod and fell asleep

I woke up to find Tobi/Maranda wasn't there. I yawned and strech and headed towards the living room.

I walked in to find everyone already there expect......Mastu and Ai

Hey Bitch Hidan said

I gave him a quick nod and walked towards the kitchen.

Your shaking

I looked down to see I was indeed shaking.

I heard whispers coming from the living room. I crouched down and listened in on the convosation.

Send her away? Leader-Sama are you sure,un?

Yes as long as she is her she'll become lless and less of a people person,she needs to be with people her own age.

Scratch that they don't want to kill you they just want to dump you on someone else

I growled mentaly at the demon

Its true don't deny it you just heard them say it!

I got up and walked out of the kitchen,everyone was staring at me.

Oh good Akumu I need to talk to you and your friends

Shut up you worthless peace of shit,how dare you call yourself a leader I scoffed

Hey there is no need for that kind of  fucki-

I charged at Hidan large shadow like claws(there a orangeish-blackish color with a black outline) that went towards my heels. I pinned him agaist the wall.

Just shut up already you jashin loving freak I growled

Yes kill him my lovely partner,let me take control

I did exactly that. I felt burning black and purple charka pump through my veins. Giving me power,and a overpowering taste for blood.

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