Ch.6:Balls To The Walls

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*Akumu's POV*

Oh yea I thought,school -.-

We all got ready and headed towards the school. By the time we got inside the classroom we saw....we saw...naruto and sasuke kissing.


I tried to hold in my laughter while Mastsu and Ai were about to burst out laughing.



Whoa Sasuke don't be afraid to share your gayness,don't fight it embrace it Mastsu said as she held her arms out to the world

At that point everyone was bursting out laughing as sasuke growled at us

I growled in return

At that point the sensi walked in telling everyone to take their seats.

*Major Time Skip,Cuz I'm Lazy ;)*

(Time skip all the way to the chuin exams)

*Mastsu POV*

Me and Ai were taking a walk when we stumbled on a couple sand nin we picking on a little kid. I tried to hold in my laughter while Ai shot me a look.

Your gonna admit thats not funny? I questioned

She started laughing a little,It is funny she replied

We walked over to them and saw naruto and them.


Holy shit Naruto,shut the fuck up your too loud Ai growled

I smirked at the comment.

Well Hi there Sexy Ladies

We turned our head to see a guy in purple face make-up wearing a black hood with kitty ears. I grew wide eyed. I leaned over to Ai and whispered,

What if Akumu comes?

She sent me a questioning look before seeing the kitty ears.

I don't know she mumbled


We all looked over to see that one sensi with the bowl haircut land in our sights.

He held his arms out and yelled,GIVE ME YOUR BEST SHOT,YOUR FILLED WITH YOUTH!

Then we saw Akumu,her charka laced claws at her sides


We saw Guy smirk and just stand there

I'LL KILL YOU! She growled

She charged at him,oh she was pissed

Guy jumped up followed by Akumu. She got behind him and ripped him to shreds,to her surprise it was a clone.

Damn she growled


As Akumu turned around Guy's foot met her face,smashing her into the ground leaving a crater behind. After a couple minutes her hand twitched,slowly forming into a fist. She rose to her feet,orange and red charka forming around her. By this time Guy was already walking away.

Ninja Art: Demon Sphere She yelled doing a sequence of complicated hand signs

She charged at him,the orange and red charka forming into a small sphere

The sphere it self was orange charka and the red charka formed into hard bits of earth surrounding the sphere.

By the time Guy looked behind him she nailed him in the back. He was sent back 10 feet and was launched into a wall and broke it. He coughed up blood and smiled.

Such youthfulness he cried holding a thumbs up

She dead panned.

We looked over at everyone to see them staring in awe. Akumu got back up and stared at the guy with kitty ears(we all know who this is but intil i learn how to spell his name he will be known as kitty ;D) At this point this guy named Garra came in and asked sasuke his name and mine name and Ai's name and then he asked Akumu for her name. Of course she was too busy staring at ''Kitty". I knew she wanted to touch the ears and plus she wants to kill him and hang him on her wall...... She was just weird like that....

Garra coughed

I looked back over to him,Oh her name is Akumu Oni

He nodded his head and looked back over to Akumu.

Does she like me "Kitty" asked winking at her

No she wants to kill you and hang you on her wall Ai stated bluntly

I nodded at him.

*Akumu POV*

Kitty ears.......

Kitty ears.......

Gotta pet the kitty......

He'll sure look nice on my wall......

*Back Story*

This is an inside joke between me and my friends yes I'm Akumu in this story. I don't hate kitties or want to kill them its just an inside joke ;)

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