Chapter Ten: Your Emrys aren't you?

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Arthur's POV (Third POV)

Arthur stood among the court and sighed frustrated at all that had happened but most and foremost feeling slightly empty, feeling like he is missing apart of himself without Merlin beside him right now.

Merlin is gone. Arthur searched the castle and the lower town all night but no sign of Merlin. He found a girl out cold and took her to Gaius but has not heard anything from Gaius since the earlier hours of the morning on her condition.

"Sire," whispers Lancelot.

He had been silent for too long..."Sorry, this Kingdom has been targeted. But we must not let it fall. We must fight for what we believe in. My father is still ill so it falls upon me to protect this Kingdom and I will do all I can to do just that. My servant Merlin has been taken from within the city walls and I will do all I can to get him back. Merlin is apart of this kingdom and without him I would not be standing here today. Some people will not agree with me but I know Merlin better then most. I'll bring him home. Carl, Ann and Alan have told me of the traitors and I will make sure they are punished once we find them," Arthur says strongly to the court.

"We will stand with you sire," smiles Gwaine and all the knights cheer to agree.

Arthur left room after that and head towards his chambers. "Arthur," calls Gwen from behind him. Arthur is really happy she is safe. Merlin went to check on her...maybe its his fault he got took.

"I can't believe it about Merlin. I heard nothing or saw nothing. I really don't understand how no one saw including me or heard," she whispers.

"Its no ones fault. All we can hope is we can save him," Arthur reassures her.

"I just hope you can," she says softly.

Arthur brings her into a warm embrace, "He has magic lets hope that helps him somehow," Arthur whispers softly.

"You think we let him down?" she asks me.

"Maybe...I should have protected him better. I know its his job to protect me but...someone needs to protect him too. He has magic, his life can be in danger because of that everyday and people know about him. That is clear...can't believe we didn't see it earlier. The enemy within the city walls...I did say to my dad I had this strange feeling around the visitors," Arthur tells her.

"Maybe you need to rely on your gut instinct more often," she says to me.

Arthur nods to agree, maybe he should.

Merlin's POV (First Person)

I hear whispers of men voices getting louder as I began to wake up. I feel pain in my head and left side. I open my eyes to find myself chained by the wrists and ankles and I have been left on rough looking ground, looks like part of an abandoned castle but yet I can not be sure of that.

I look around and find there is no door stopping me walking out of this funny shaped half broken area I have been left in. I try get to my feet but fail miserably. Right now they knew as well as I they did not need a door to stop me.

"Hello Merlin," says a soft voice now standing in the hole that I could of got out from if I had the energy.

I look at him, its Jordon. He is smirking evilly at me. "Your going to help me get some revenge and if you want food and water you will do exactly as I ask you," he spits.

I look at him and shrug the best I can, "I rather die then help you," I manage at a whisper.

He glares at me in rage, "You want to do this the hard way so be it. But you will help me Merlin or do you prefer Emrys? Question actually. You are Arthur's manservant but your more powerful then anyone that has a higher rank then you how come you just don't over rule!" he says nastily.

"I do not wish to out rank anyone or be prince or King. I use my magic for good not evil," I tell him firmly.

"What a shame, you could make a fine young King I can see it in your eyes, you would be way better then Arthur. You will help me," he says coming over to me and kneeing down in front of me and leans into me and whispers in my ear, "You will help me kill Morgana once and for good."

At first I thought I had heard wrongly. "What did you say?" I ask shocked.

"You heard me. She killed my mother, she will pay with her life. You will kill her."

"I can't kill her. She is a high priestess," I say feeling suddenly very sick again.

"Not many secrets are left that people don't know of you Merlin. Everyone knows you can speak to dragons, own one in fact," he snaps.

"I don't own a Dragon. No Dragon will ever be own. They are free creatures," I tell him annoyed now.

"But yes you can control them. Only explanation is your a Dragon Lord. You will get your dragon to forge me a weapon that will kill her or you will suffer but I won't kill you not yet. I let you suffer for as long as I can make you. My father may want you alive but if you die in the process I wouldn't care at all," he smirks before he grabs my hair tightly, "Get that in your thick skull and decide your fate."

He let go off my hair and left me on the ground struggling to keep my eyes open. I feel so tired, so sick and I can barely think straight. I have no idea where I am...What am I going to do? And I am certain his threat is real, very real.

Will I help him kill Morgana? Or will I keep my humanity a little longer before my own life is taken?

"Merlin," I hear someone whisper my name.

Who is that?

"Merlin I'm so sorry I could not save you. I will. I'll come find you once I'm better. I believe in the world you will build with Arthur and I'm sorry I had not before. Your Emrys aren't you?" she asks in a soft whisper inside my head.

"Yes," I manage to say to her before I drifted off into a deep sleep leaving all worries behind as a dream took over replacing all the worry with my home Ealdor with my mother.


Not Edited

Merlin: Enemy from within (Sequel to the return of Morgana)Where stories live. Discover now