Chapter Eleven: Excalibur's Double

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Arthur's POV (First POV)

I chuck the goblet at the wall the liquid splatting the wall with a streak of red. I sigh in complete frustration. I can not believe this! This just can't be happening.

Merlin is missing. Lancelot has left Camelot in search of him at the moment when I could do with all my loyal and trusted knights here. Morgana has an army heading towards Camelot and soon they will be upon us.

I know Morgana has something to do with Merlin's disappearance. I now know that more then ever. She wouldn't attack so stupidly unless she knew Merlin wasn't here. I ram my hand against the table. I'm ready to fight, I'm ready to kill. I have had enough of all of Morgana's useless attacks upon Camelot.

I see no other way but to kill her but how and what with? How can I kill a high priestess? No mortal blade can kill her...

"Sire the army is nearly upon us we must ready," says Leon from my chamber door. He looks at the stain on the wall but says nothing.

"I know that Leon," I say trailing off in thought.

"I have set up all supplies I can sire for the injured," says Gaius coming into my chamber beside Leon.

"Thank you Gaius how of the girl?" I question.

"She left sire this morning," he says softly.

"Damn. I needed to ask her questions about Merlin...she left the same time as Lancelot?"

"Yes I'm afraid so. What seems to be concerning you sire?" Gaius asks.

"Morgana is in charge of the army...she continues to go up against us and will until she is dead. I need something that can kill her but no mortal blade can," I say pulling out my blade from my belt and putting it on the table loudly.

Gaius looked like he wanted to say something but gave Leon a strange look. "Gaius and I need to speak alone. Leon go ready all the knights I'll be there shortly," I tell him.

"Of course sire," he says before he leaves.

"Gaius what is it?"

Gaius comes over and sits down next to me. "There is one blade that can kill Morgana," he says softly.

"What is it? Where can I find it?" I question quickly. Time is not on our side.

"A sword forged in a Dragon's breathe," he whispers.

"If only Merlin was here. I can't summon the Great Dragon can I?"

"No sire you can not and with no idea where Merlin is you would think we would be in trouble however a sword once before has been forged in a Dragon's breathe Arthur and its within the forest near to Camelot. If you find the blade you can kill Morgana with it," he tells me.

"Why is it in the forest?"

"Merlin needed it back when you took on the immortal army, he got the Great Dragon to forge it with his fire. If you wish to end this war you must quickly go to the forest and find it," he tells me firmly.

"If I do. I can finally take her down once and for good. Gaius when will I know I have the right sword?"

"It will be engraved into a rock."

"Thanks Gaius..hold up engraved? How am suppose to get it out?"

"If you believe Arthur. Believe in yourself you can and you will pull it out."

"I will do all I can Gaius to get this sword. I must leave at once."

Jordon's POV (First POV)

Merlin: Enemy from within (Sequel to the return of Morgana)Where stories live. Discover now