Chapter Fourteen: The Death of a good Man.

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Merlin's POV (First POV)

We edged closer towards the throne room, my heart beating hardly in my chest. I feel on edge. We have two weapons that can kill Morgana however I feel weary, these weapons are really dangerous and I am not in possession of either one of them.

I am certain Arthur could keep hold of the sword but could I really trust Jordon too? I am not so certain about that at all.

We are near, we can hear the chaos from still out side moving around the castle made the sound louder or weaker at times but we could still very much hear it.

We had finally made it to the door. Jordon and Arthur both raised up the swords in there hand. I wonder who will kill her first? I know Jordon will do everything in his power to kill her even if Arthur had second thoughts.

I did not need a sword to stop Morgana killing us, however I would also rely on Arthur or Jordon to make the finally blow otherwise one of us may not make it out of this alive.

I looked at the three of them, "Do you best and lets hope we make it out in one piece," I say before I go over to the door and I push on the door to open it.

We walk through the doors to find Morgana at the bottom of the throne room with Morgause and Uther on the ground at there feet and my heart nearly skipped a beat when I saw the blood stain the ground around where his body is, but he can't be dead. He is kneeling right?

Arthur and Jordon go storming towards them and they let them until they got quite close and stopped them with a simple spell to knock them off there feet. Rue and I rush forward but I stopped her when she tried the same with us.

"You will have to try a lot better, Morgana!" I snap at her helping Arthur and Jordon to there feet.

"You can't stop me Merlin! No spell can kill me, so I have a clear advantage!" she snaps back.

"You took my magic before Morgana, you have tried to kill me, Arthur and Gwen but you failed and this day will be no different," I say stepping forward. "Today will be the day you will die once and for good."

Morgana looked angry and shouted a spell at me but I dodged it and allowed Jordon and Arthur forward getting quite close to her. As she tried to stop them I put up a barrier to protect them.

Morgause charged at me shouting a spell right at me, Rue stopped the spell. "You like to play dirty do you? Well why don't we play," she smirks evilly at Morgause.

Spell after spell, slash after slash we tried to take each other down. Four against one seemed a little dramatic but we had to try anything to stop them.

This can not go on!

I run forward to see if Uther is alright but that's when Morgana chucked a spell at me and it hit me right on in the stomach. I collapse to my knees in shock.

Uther is alive but he looks at me, "Magic..." he whispers.

"I'm sorry sire but sometimes magic has to be fought with magic," I tell him as I try to get to my feet but Morgause grabs onto my hair tightly from behind me and says a spell and chucks me down against Uther before she attacks Uther too.

I watch Uther hit the floor and his eyes going back into his head. "You will die with your King Merlin," she grits her teeth.

I scream and push her away with my magic and I go over to Uther and look at him. I had never liked the man much, Arthur will be a much better king but I could not help but feel sorry for him.

Merlin: Enemy from within (Sequel to the return of Morgana)Where stories live. Discover now