Chapter Five: Invisible

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Hey guys.

I'm sorry that my writing style keeps changing. I'm going to keep it as it was before. I hope you like it :)

Let me know your thoughts thanks :)


 Arthur's POV (Third POV)

Each step he watched Merlin take made his heart sink further and further into his chest. Arthur hated his friend being down or not a hundred percent. Merlin hasn't been right in many days, even if at one stage he seemed to get better. Now it seems like he will never fully will be back to his healthy self and that does worry Arthur a lot. He is my manservant but also a true friend. He has the constant worry of his life being in danger because of his magic the last thing he needed was this. It always seems to happen to the best people in this world and never the ones that deserve it. I've seen it one too many times and I've had enough of it.

Arthur continued too think in this way for the next few minutes. He only came to realize Merlin was waiting for him when Merlin chucked a shield at him.  He caught it with his hand eyebrows raised. "Good reflexes," Merlin whispers.

"Sorry lost in thought. Are you sure you are up for this? We can go back to the castle forget the whole thing," Arthur begins.

"No, I want to go. I've not seen him in sometime and its the quickest way to get the herbs Gaius needs. I'm worried about someone spotting you helping me, collecting herbs. It's not what  a prince should be doing," Merlin says softly.

"No, but I do many things I'm not meant too. But I don't care I know what is right, my father is in the wrong," Arthur tries to explain the best way he can to his friend.

Merlin fell silent. Arthur decided to keep quiet too as he followed Merlin through the forest. Maybe Merlin just needs some time to think, that's what he sometimes just needs, time to think and be left alone, Arthur had got use to this. He knows what he can be like. Merlin knows him just as well, knowing when its time to step up and be the friend that is needed at that moment in time. They may banter, they may not always get on but they would be there for each other till the very end.

They arrived at the field Merlin uses whenever he wishes to summon the great dragon. Its the only place the great dragon can land around here. Merlin started to summon the dragon while Arthur stood back and watched. The great dragon came into view a few seconds later and landed right in front of him, he smiled at them both.

"What brings me this pleasure."

"We need to collect some herbs. Which are not in walking distance. If we can ride with you we will be there and back in no time. If we went out for a ride Uther will notice as we will be gone more then a day at the least," Merlin smiles at him. 

"Plus Merlin really wanted too see you. As its been sometime," Arthur adds on. 

"Well, I can't deny you young warlock but I wouldn't even if I could. It's a perfect excuse to see each other plus I would like the company to be fair. Let's get going then," smiles the great dragon. 

They smile up at him as he lowers himself for them to both get on. Once Arthur was on he tightened his arms around Merlin while Merlin held onto the great dragon. The great dragon soured into the sky up higher and higher into the clouds above.

Arthur enjoyed the moment, the breeze on his face. The freedom, the lift of his shoulders almost just for a few minutes, no worry at all about anything but the clouds around him and the breeze on his face.

Reality came crashing back down on him when the great dragon landed. He jumped off first Merlin right behind him. "I'll stay here, you won't be long you said?"

"About fifteen minutes no more," says Merlin.

"Alright then I'll wait."

 "See you soon," Arthur says as he follows Merlin through the forest. It didn't take him long to find what he was looking for. Arthur helped in anyway he could, by collecting herbs Merlin pointed out or carry them for him.

Merlin was right, in about ten minutes they had everything. "That's it. Lets go back to," Merlin began but a sudden loud scream echoed near by. Merlin stared right at Arthur who shrugged his shoulders. "We should check it out?"

Arthur looked at Merlin and nodded, "Yeah I think we should." Arthur led the way this time holding onto the herbs but ready to pull his sword out if need be. Merlin would be his back up but the last option. Magic would only be used if need be, right now its not necessary.

We stopped to find the great dragon where we had left him. "We may have an issue," he says softly.

"Someone saw you?" Merlin asks him.

"Well yes and fainted."

"But there is no one here," Arthur butts in.

"No, well I believe she has magic and...well I think she accidentally turned herself Invisible."

" the heck do we find her then!" shouts Arthur.

"Well, it be fun," smirks Merlin.

"Fun, well now I've heard it all."


There it is guys chapter 5

Its short but lol thats my chapters in a nut shell.

Thanks for reading guys.

Let me know your thoughts and comments :)

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