00: News

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(F/N) - First Name

(L/N) - Last Name

(F/C) - Favorite Color

(E/C) - Eye Color

(H/C) - Hair Color


T h i r d   P e r s o n

                 "You cannot be serious (F/N)! You can't leave me here alone! Wh-what if I accidentally break everything in the house?! Wh-what- -" She babbled, making you let out a quick sigh while reassuringly smiling at her.

Your newly-turned-best-friend, Indigo, couldn't stop worrying about her new found powers. At first she couldn't control them, shooting everything she lay eyes on. But over time with the help of yourself and your egotistical, also conduit, big-brother her powers have calmed down letting you lower your shoulders in relief.

"Look at me," She did as she was told. "You're going to be fine, you hear?- -I'm only going to work, that's it. I'll be back before you know it. Just talk to my brother if you need help okay? He might be a dick, but he's been through the same things as you...plus, see if you can get him to stop squatting on our couch and go get an apartment,"

Indigo let out a sigh as you pulled on your coat and wrapped your (F/C) scarf around your neck, getting ready to brace the winter weather that befell the city you called home. Sooner or later, you knew that the snow would fall and you would be stuck at home losing money instead of heading to work, as waitress at one of the most popular restaurants in Chicago, to pay off your student loans and last month's rent.

"Yeah, yeah. Have a nice day (Y/N)," Indigo mumbled, cross with you but generally hoping you had a good day at work. "Oh! Don't forget to go to the store on your way back!"

"Seriously? I'm on the grocery run as well? Jeez...I make all the money for the three of us and I do all the work- -" You got pushed out of the door with you bag and short 'goodbye' from Indigo. "The things I do for friends..."


"Here you go," You said kindly, with your work smile plastered on your face as the tiring hours piled onto one another making the day seem longer than it already was. "Do you need anything else?"

The blonde-haired man skimmed the table before gazing back up to you with a sly smirk on his face. You had to admit, this stranger was quite the good-looking guy - chiseled jaw, striking blue eyes and clear skin on his perfect face. Even if he was attractive, you knew he was your typical fuckboy. 

"You're number would be nice," He stated, his gravelly voice would normally make any girl swoon but there was no way you'd cave in- -you got these sort of comments on a daily basis, so what made him so special? That's right, nothing. 

"Sorry buddy," You replied, smirking. "I don't date guys who will, most likely, waste my time," You gave him a heart-warming smile, riddled with sarcasm, before happily walking away - leaving the guy to deal with his lowered ego. 

"I don't know how you do it," A co-worker remarked, smirking while shaking their head before disappearing to bust tables. "Plus, you such really see the news (Y/N)! Some scary stuff been happening not far from your apartment!" They exclaimed while getting on with their work.

This intrigued you. Luckily there was a TV hanging over a section of the bar for the sports lovers, ready and waiting for whenever the big games came on, and you used that to switch on the news. You knew your co-worker must have seen the report on the TV in the employee's room, so you knew he wasn't messing with you. But you needed to see the news report to ensure your best-friend and brother were alright, also to see what the 'scary stuff' was exactly.

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